Publications by authors named "I A Muraina"

In the present study, we used the potential of bioinformatics and computational analysis to predict the existence and biological relevance of zinc finger (ZF) motifs in heamagglutinin (HA) protein of Avian Influenza (AI) virus. Sequence data of Avian Influenza (AI) viruses were retrieved from accessible databases (GenBank, GISAID, IRD) and analyzed for the existence, as well as functional prediction of the putative zinc finger or ''zinc-binding'' motif(s) of HA protein. It is hypothesized that the ZF motif(s) in HA of AI virus can be used as a ''novel'' biomarker for categorization of the virus and/or its virulence.

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Zinc transporters of the ZIP (Slc39, importers) and ZnT (Slc30, exporters) protein families have evolutionary conserved roles in biology. The aim of the present study was to explore the role of zinc, and zinc transporters Zip10 and Znt1a in zebrafish hatching gland development and larval hatching. In the study, knockdown of genes for Zip10 and Znt1a in zebrafish embryos was achieved using morpholino-modified oligonucleotides.

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Background: Zinc is one of the vital micronutrients required through various developmental stages in animals. Zinc transporter-1 (ZnT1; Slc30a1) is essential in vertebrates for nutritional zinc uptake and cellular zinc extrusion. Knockout of ZnT1 is lethal in vertebrates and there are therefore few functional studies of this protein in vivo.

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Graded concentrations (200, 400 and 800 mg/kg) of the aqueous stem bark extract of Khaya senegalensis was evaluated for its therapeutic efficacy against experimentally induced coccidiosis in broiler chicken. The phytochemical analysis shows the presence of tannins, saponins, cardiac glycosides and steroids. There was significant reduction in oocyst count across the groups in a graded dose manner with 800 mg/kg being the most efficacious dose.

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Article Synopsis
  • A case of phosphine poisoning in free-range chickens was documented, highlighting the challenges in diagnosis by veterinary professionals.
  • Fourteen chickens presented for necropsy showed alarming signs such as ruffled feathers and high mortality, with a rapid decline over just two days after possible exposure to poisoned food.
  • Necropsy revealed severe internal damage, including vascular congestion and hemorrhaging, and chemical testing confirmed the presence of phosphine gas, underlining the need for better awareness and understanding of this toxic exposure in domestic poultry.
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