Publications by authors named "Hyun-Woo Bang"

The Deepwater Horizon (DWH) oil spill in the northern Gulf of Mexico, occurred in 2010 at 1525 meters depth, releasing approximately 507 M liters of oil. Research cruises in 2010 and 2011 were conducted to assess the initial and subsequent effects of the oil spill on deep-sea infauna. The spatial-temporal response of the deep-sea meiofaunal harpacticoid community composition to the DWH oil spill was investigated at 34 stations ranging from < 1 km to nearly 200 km from the wellhead in 2010 and 2011.

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The Deepwater Horizon (DWH) blowout and oil spill began on April 20, 2010 in the northern Gulf of Mexico (NGOM) deep sea (1525 m). Previous studies documented an impacted area of deep-sea floor totaling 321 km and were based on taxonomy at the macrofauna family level and the meiofauna major taxonomic level. In the present study, finer taxonomic resolution of the meiofauna community was employed, specifically harpacticoid copepod family biodiversity.

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  • Topologically protected chiral skyrmions are unique spin textures important for both basic research and future spintronic technology.
  • The study explores a new method for creating MnSi films on sapphire substrates using lower vacuum conditions instead of the high-vacuum techniques typically required.
  • The research demonstrates that these polycrystalline MnSi films can stably exhibit skyrmion phases across various temperatures and magnetic fields, offering insights for future studies on skyrmion materials.
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A new species of Boeck, 1873 (Arthropoda, Hexanauplia, Harpacticoida) was recently discovered in Korean waters. The species was previously recognized as Itô, 1974 in Korea but, here, is described as a new species, , based on the following features: 1) second inner seta on exopod of fifth thoracopod apparently longest in female, 2) outer margin of distal endopodal segment of second thoracopod ornamented with long setules in male, 3) caudal seta VII located halfway from base of rami (vs. on anterior extremity in ), and 4) sixth thoracopod with three setae in female (vs.

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  • Spintronic devices benefit from reduced switching current density by lowering the damping constant and saturation magnetization while maintaining strong magnetic characteristics.
  • The study reports successful creation of tetragonal 0 Mn Ga thin films with reduced saturation magnetization through specific substrate conditions, demonstrating improved quality and properties with less lattice mismatch.
  • The findings reveal that fewer Mn II atoms and higher Mn ion populations contribute to lower saturation magnetization, highlighting the potential for enhanced spintronic applications.
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Benthic harpacticoids were collected for the first time at Lake Tahoe, California-Nevada, United States. Two species were identified as members of the genus Attheyella Brady, 1880. The genus Attheyella comprises about 150 species within six subgenera, but only twelve species have previously been reported from North American freshwater habitats.

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A new genus and new species of the family Cletopsyllidae Huys & Willems, 1989 from deep-sea sediment in the Gulf of Mexico, are reported and fully described and illustrated. The new genus Pentacletopsyllus (type species: P. montagni sp.

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Veterinary antibiotics may find their way into the aquatic environment through direct or indirect pathways due to their widespread use. Fenbendazole is a benzimidazole anthelmintic that is widely used in veterinary medicine. To evaluate the potential ecological risk of fenbendazole, we examined the molecular and biochemical responses of biomarker genes such as heat shock proteins (HSPs), cytochrome P450 (CYP450), glutathione S-transferases (GSTs) and hemoglobins (Hbs) in Chironomus riparius for long periods.

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To identify ecotoxicological responses to an endocrine disrupter, benzo(a)pyrene, we examined the life-history of the harpacticoid copepod, Tigriopus japonicus sensu lato. Based on the life-history of copepods, survival rate of nauplii (NSR) and copepodites (CSR), copepodite emergence day (CED) and adult male emergence day (AMED), sex ratio (MER), brooding success rate (BSR), and first brooding day of adult females (FBD) were measured. Significant differences were observed in the survival and development of nauplii (NSR and CED) and sex ratio (MER) of exposed and non-exposed copepods.

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