Publications by authors named "Hyun-Min Park"

Obesity is a common metabolic disease characterized by abnormal fat accumulation. It contributes to health issues, such as type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and dyslipidemia, necessitating continuous management through diet and physical activity. Probiotics, particularly IDCC 4301 ( Fit™), have shown promise in positively regulating the gut microbiota.

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Background: Ceramides are essential lipids in stratum corneum for skin permeability barrier function in that they retain the skin moisture and protect from the invasion of foreign pathogens. Previously, we demonstrated that ferment lysates of Lacticaseibacillus rhamnosus IDCC 3201 enhanced ceramide production in human epidermal keratinocytes. Furthermore, for comprehensive knowledge of this effect, in vitro experiments and multi-omics analysis were conducted to explore the underlying mechanisms.

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Due to its semiconducting nature, controlled growth of large-area chemical vapor deposition (CVD)-grown two-dimensional (2D) molybdenum disulfide (MoS) has a lot of potential applications in photodetectors, sensors, and optoelectronics. Yet the controllable, large-area, and cost-effective growth of highly crystalline MoS remains a challenge. Confined-space CVD is a very promising method for the growth of highly crystalline MoS in a controlled manner.

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Impaired sleep-related activation of the cerebral waste-clearance system might be related with the brain aging process. We hypothesized that cerebral blood-flow pattern changes during sleep might reflect the activation of the cerebral waste-clearance system and investigated its association with the cerebral white-matter hyperintensity (WMH) volume. Fifty healthy volunteers were prospectively recruited.

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Production of high-titer sugar from lignocellulose is important in terms of process economics of bio-based product industry. In this study, to obtain high titers and yields of sugars, we combined pretreatment and saccharification steps, both at high solids loadings. First, pretreatment of oak was optimized at a 30% (w/w) solids loading.

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Unlabelled: ᅟ: We report on the successful preparation of Bi-doped n-type polycrystalline SnSe by hot-press method. We observed anisotropic transport properties due to the (h00) preferred orientation of grains along the pressing direction. The electrical conductivity perpendicular to the pressing direction is higher than that parallel to the pressing direction, 12.

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The use of phytochemicals for preventing chronic diseases associated with oxidative stress such as cataracts is hindered by their low bioavailability. The effects of nano-carriers on the antioxidant activities of extracts of black rice with giant embryo (BRGEx) and soybeans (SBx) have been determined in human lens epithelial B3 cells. Scanning (SEM) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) demonstrated that rGO (reduced graphene oxide) has a flat surface unlike GO (graphene oxide), which has a distinctive wrinkled structure with defects.

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Gold (AuNPs, 12.8 nm) and silver nanoparticles (AgNPs, 10 nm), mixed or separate, were injected into the caudal vein of male Sprague-Dawley rats for 4 weeks. The rats were allowed to recover for further 4 weeks to examine the differences in AuNP/AgNP tissue distribution and clearance.

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Chronic low-grade inflammation plays a pivotal role in the pathogenesis of obesity, due to its associated chronic diseases such as type II diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, pulmonary diseases and cancer. Thus, targeting inflammation is an attractive strategy to counter the burden of obesity-induced health problems. Recently, food-derived bioactive compounds have been spotlighted as a regulator against various chronic diseases due to their low toxicity, as opposed to drugs that induce severe side effects.

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Oil palm fronds are abundant but recalcitrant to chemical pretreatment. Herein, an acid-base mixture was applied as a catalyst to efficiently pretreat oil palm fronds. Optimized conditions for the pretreatment were a 0.

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The steaming process of has been reported to increase its major known bioactive components, ginsenosides, and, therefore, its biological properties as compared to regular Biological functions of red attenuating pro-oxidant environments associated with chronic diseases are of particular interest, since oxidative stress can be a key contributor to the pathogenesis of chronic diseases. Additionally, proper utilization of various biomarkers for evaluating antioxidant activities in natural products, such as ginseng, can also be important to providing validity to their activities. Thus, studies on the effects of red ginseng against various diseases as determined in cell lines, animal models, and humans were reviewed, along with applied biomarkers for verifying such effects.

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To reduce the distillation costs of cellulosic ethanol, it is necessary to produce high sugar titers in the enzymatic saccharification step. To obtain high sugar titers, high biomass loadings of lignocellulose are necessary. In this study, to overcome the low saccharification yields and the low operability of high biomass loadings, a fed-batch saccharification process was developed using an enzyme reactor that was designed and built in-house.

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Small interfering RNA (siRNA) is among the most widely used RNA interference methods for the short-term silencing of protein-coding genes. siRNA is a synthetic RNA duplex created to specifically target a mRNA transcript to induce its degradation and it has been used to identify novel pathways in various cellular processes. Few reports exist regarding the role of phosphorylated heat shock protein 27 (HSP27) in corneal epithelial wound healing.

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Layered molybdenum disulphide was grown at a low-temperature of 350 °C using chemical vapour deposition by elaborately controlling the cluster size. The molybdenum disulphide grown under various sulphur-reaction-gas to molybdenum-precursor partial-pressure ratios were examined. Using spectroscopy and microscopy, the effect of the cluster size on the layered growth was investigated in terms of the morphology, grain size, and impurity incorporation.

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In cellulosic ethanol production using lignocellulose, an increase in biomass solids loading during the pretreatment process significantly affects the final ethanol titer and the production cost. In this study, pretreatment using rice straw at high solids loading (20% (w/v)) was evaluated, using maleic acid as a catalyst. After pretreatment at optimal conditions of 190°C, 20 min, and 0.

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We report a low-cost, facile, and template-free electrochemical method of synthesizing three-dimensional (3D) hollow metallic nanostructures. The 3D nanoporous gold (3D-NPG) nanostructures were synthesized by a galvanic replacement reaction (GRR) using the different reduction potentials of silver and gold; hemispherical silver nanoislands were electrochemically deposited on cathodic substrates by a reverse-pulse potentiodynamic method without templates and then nanoporous gold layer replicated the shape of silver islands during the GRR process in an ultra-dilute electrolyte of gold(III) chloride trihydrate. Finally, the wet etching process of remaining silver resulted in the formation of 3D-NPG.

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We evaluated the feasibility of whole slurry (pretreated lignocellulose) saccharification and fermentation for producing ethanol from maleic acid-pretreated rice straw. The optimized conditions for pretreatment were to treat rice straw at a high temperature (190 °C) with 1 % (w/v) maleic acid for a short duration (3 min ramping to 190 °C and 3 min holding at 190 °C). Enzymatic digestibility (based on theoretical glucose yield) of cellulose in the pretreated rice straw was 91.

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In this study, the Fenton reaction, which is naturally used by fungi for wood decay, was employed to pretreat rice straw and increase the enzymatic digestibility for the saccharification of lignocellulosic biomass. Using an optimized Fenton's reagent (FeCl3 and H2O2) for pretreatment, an enzymatic digestibility that was 93.2% of the theoretical glucose yield was obtained.

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The catalyzed solution-liquid-solid (SLS) growth has been well developed to synthesize semiconductor nanowires with controlled diameters. The SLS growth occurs in the longitudinal direction of nanowires, due to the directional anisotropy driven by the metal catalysts where chemical precursors are introduced. In the present study, we report a selective, template-free, and environmentally-friendly electrochemical flow-based solution-solid (electrochemical flow-SS) growth of the Cu2O nanorod array.

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Thermoelectric figure-of-merits (ZT) are enhanced or degraded by crystal defects such as twins and excess atoms that are correlated with thermal conductivity (k) and carrier concentration (n). For Bi2Te3, it is unclear whether the crystal defects can enhance ZT without a degradation in the thermopower factor. In the present study, n-type Bi2Te3 nanowires (NWs) are electrochemically synthesized to have twin-free (TF) or twin-containing (TC) microstructures with a ZT of 0.

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DA-6886, the gastrointestinal prokinetic benzamide derivative is a novel 5-HT4 receptor agonist being developed for the treatment of constipation-predominant irritable bowel syndrome (IBS-C). The purpose of this study was to characterize in vitro and in vivo pharmacological profile of DA-6886. We used various receptor binding assay, cAMP accumulation assay, organ bath experiment and colonic transit assay in normal and chemically constipated mice.

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Alzheimer's disease (AD) is characterized by multiple, intertwined pathological features, including amyloid-β (Aβ) aggregation, metal ion dyshomeostasis, and oxidative stress. We report a novel compound (ML) prototype of a rationally designed molecule obtained by integrating structural elements for Aβ aggregation control, metal chelation, reactive oxygen species (ROS) regulation, and antioxidant activity within a single molecule. Chemical, biochemical, ion mobility mass spectrometric, and NMR studies indicate that the compound ML targets metal-free and metal-bound Aβ (metal-Aβ) species, suppresses Aβ aggregation in vitro, and diminishes toxicity induced by Aβ and metal-treated Aβ in living cells.

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Background: One of the main concerns in orbital blowout fracture repair is a narrow operation field, due mainly to the innate complex three dimensions of the orbit; however, a deep location and extensive area of the fracture and soft tissue edema can also cause concern. Swelling of the orbital contents progresses as the operation continues. Mannitol has been used empirically in glaucoma, cerebral hemorrhage, and orbital compartment syndrome for decompression.

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We reported the expression of phosphorylated HSP27 during epithelial wound healing in murine corneas (Jain et al., 2012) in July of 2012. This in vivo investigation demonstrated that the expression levels of phosphorylated HSP27 were greater in wounded corneal epithelial cells than in unwounded controls and that the localization of phosphorylated HSP27 was in the basal and superficial epithelia three days following corneal epithelial wounding.

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To prepare stabilized TiO2 nanoparticles (TiO2 NPs) in aqueous media as a suspension of the primary particles, we attempted to optimize the conditions for dispersing stable, aggregated TiO2 NPs (A-TiO2 NPs) in aqueous HCl/NaOH solutions or 5 mM pH buffered aqueous solutions. The A-TiO2 NPs with a hydrodynamic diameter (or DLS size) of 150 +/- 20 nm could be dispersed at high concentration (63.5 +/- 0.

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