Publications by authors named "Hyoun Kim"

Importance: Sports gambling has become one of the most accessible forms of gambling in the United States, and recent research suggests that sports gambling coupled with frequent alcohol use may have deleterious health consequences.

Objective: To examine the trajectories of sports gambling frequency and alcohol-related problems over time and the associations between these trajectories.

Design, Setting, And Participants: This survey study was a 2-year longitudinal study conducted in the United States.

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Gas sensing materials based on transition metal perovskite oxides (TMPOs) have garnered extensive attention across various fields such as air quality control, environmental monitoring, healthcare, and national defense security. To overcome challenges encountered in traditional research, a deep learning framework combining natural language processing technology (Word2Vec) and crystal graph convolutional neural network (CGCNN) was adopted in this study, proposing a predictive method that incorporates a comprehensive data set consisting of 1.2 million literature abstracts and 110,000 crystal structure data entries.

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Although previous studies have established the robust concurrent use of alcohol and gambling (i.e., using alcohol and gambling within a similar time period, but not together), there is a scarcity of empirical research focusing on the simultaneous use of alcohol while gambling (i.

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As a scaffolding protein, Raf kinase binding protein (RKIP) is involved in a variety of cellular pathways, including the Raf-MEK-ERK-cascade. It acts as a negative regulator by binding to its partners, making it an attractive target in the development of therapeutic strategies for cancer. Despite its structural stability as a monomer, RKIP may form a dimer, resulting in the switching of binding partners.

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Objective: Cannabis has become more available in Canada since its legalization in 2018. Many individuals who use cannabis also use alcohol (co-use), which can be used either at the same time such that their effects overlap (simultaneous use) or at different times (concurrent use). Though studies have identified predictors of co-use relative to single-substance use, less is known about the predictors of specific types of co-use.

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In this study, we investigated the variability in virulence among different strains of Perkinsus marinus and other Perkinsus species in Eastern oysters (Crassostrea virginica), examining the immune responses and mortality rates of oysters exposed to different Perkinsus isolates. Compared with the other assessed strains, P. marinus strain ATCC 50787 was found to induce significantly (P < 0.

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This study discovered the first Asian population of Sphaeroforma nootkatensis (SphX), a member of Mesomycetozoea, in the southern coastal region of South Korea. Although investigating parasites in Pacific oysters (Crassostrea gigas), a single-cell microorganism was isolated from gill tissues. Comprehensive phylogenetic analysis of its 18S rDNA revealed its placement within the order Ichthyophonida, class Mesomycetozoea.

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Canine otitis externa, characterized by the involvement of diverse bacterial species, notably Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Staphylococcus pseudintermedius, necessitates antibiotic administration as the primary therapeutic approach; however, prolonged treatment often precipitates antibiotic resistance. Therefore, the application of bacteriophages as antimicrobial agents has been of interest recently. However, phage therapy has limitations; its efficacy depends on the lytic capacity of the phage and the emergence of phage resistance, which can be overcome by using phage cocktails.

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Introduction: Food addiction (FA) has been associated with emotional dysregulation, impulsivity and reduced quality of life, but its interrelationships remain underexplored. This cross-sectional descriptive study aimed to examine these connections using network analysis.

Methods: Data were collected from 1777 university students in Brazil and Canada through an online survey.

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Semiconducting metal oxides with nanofiber (NF) morphologies are among the most promising materials for the realization of gas sensors. In this study, we have prepared electrospun ZnO-NiO composite NFs with different amounts of NiO (0, 20, 40, 60 and 80% wt%) for the systematic study of ethanol gas sensing. The fabricated composite NFs were annealed at 600 °C for crystallization.

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Self-regulation strategies, such as limit setting, can be effective in reducing harms associated with gambling. However, limited research has examined their applicability to in-play sports betting. The current study therefore examined the utility of self-regulation strategies in reducing in-play betting intensity and associated harms.

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Oyster aquaculture is one of the fastest-growing food production industries worldwide; however, it faces a significant challenge from the protist Perkinsus marinus, particularly in the USA. Although several quantitative molecular diagnostic methodologies are available for identifying diseases caused by P. marinus, the primer pairs used therein led to non-specific identification of other Perkinsus spp.

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Background: Compulsive buying-shopping is recognised as a significant mental health concern, yet its aetiology is largely understudied. A known risk factor for compulsive buying-shopping is adverse childhood experiences (ACEs). ACEs are also associated with greater problems regulating emotions, as well as depression and anxiety.

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In the present study, a cryptic species (IchX) was isolated from the hemolymph of the Manila clam, Ruditapes philippinarum, collected from the west coast region of South Korea. Following comprehensive molecular analysis, a partial sequence resembling the small subunit of the ribosomal RNA (SSU rRNA) gene was obtained, indicating that this species belonged to the class Mesomycetozoea, also known as Ichthyosporea. Detailed phylogenetic analyses based on SSU rRNA sequences placed IchX in a distinct clade within the order Dermocystida, class Mesomycetozoea, and showed that IchX is closely related to Ichthyosporea sp.

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The Hanwoo traceability system currently utilizes 11 dinucleotide repeat microsatellite (MS) markers. However, dinucleotide repeat markers are known to have a high incidence of polymerase chain reaction (PCR) artifacts, such as stutter bands, which can complicate the accurate reading of alleles. In this study, we examined the polymorphisms of the 11 dinucleotide repeat MS markers currently employed in traceability systems.

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This study aimed to confirm the applicability of the new nitrogen (N) gas stunning method in the broiler slaughtering process by comparing the meat and small intestine quality following different stunning methods (electrical, carbon dioxide (CO), N, and halal). Four treatments were compared: (i) electrical stunning (Elec), (ii) 80% CO gas stunning (CO-gas), (iii) 98% N gas stunning (N-gas), and (iv) the non-stunning method (halal). N gas stunning (98%) and the halal method were conducted at the pilot plant abattoir of the national institute of animal science, Korea, and electrical and 80% CO stunning were performed on the nearest commercial slaughter house.

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Cognitive models of sexual dysfunction situate distraction as a core mechanism underlying difficulties with sexual function. It follows that individuals who have difficulties with inattention and distractibility (e.g.

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Our aim was to study enrollment and completion levels for the internet-based and telephone-assisted Finnish Strongest Families Smart Website (SFSW) parent training intervention, for parents of young children with disruptive behavior before and after the COVID-19 lockdown period. Population-based screening was carried out on 39,251 children during routine check- ups at 4 years of age. The parents of children scoring at least 5 on the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire were assessed against inclusion and exclusion criteria.

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ConspectusGas sensors are used in various applications to sense toxic gases, mainly for enhanced safety. Resistive sensors are particularly popular owing to their ability to detect trace amounts of gases, high stability, fast response times, and affordability. Semiconducting metal oxides are commonly employed in the fabrication of resistive gas sensors.

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Heavy metal contamination of aquatic environments adversely affects the health of aquatic organisms and consumption of fish contaminated with heavy metals poses serious health risks to humans. Among various strategies, probiotics (living microorganisms known to have beneficial effects on the host), which have been extensively applied in the aquaculture industry, could be helpful for heavy metal detoxification and remediation. Several probiotics, including Lactobacillus strains, exhibit heavy metal binding, high heavy metal tolerance, and other beneficial characteristics for the host.

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Detecting and distinguishing between hazardous gases with similar odors by using conventional sensor technology for safeguarding human health and ensuring food safety are significant challenges. Bulky, costly, and power-hungry devices, such as that used for gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS), are widely employed for gas sensing. Using a single chemiresistive semiconductor or electric nose (e-nose) gas sensor to achieve this objective is difficult, mainly because of its selectivity issue.

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Background And Aims: Many individuals with substance use disorders (SUDs) present with co-occurring mental health disorders and other addictions, including behavioral addictions (BAs). Though several studies have investigated the relationship between SUDs and BAs, less research has focused specifically on compulsive sexual behaviour (CSB). Given that poly-addiction can hinder treatment outcomes, it is necessary to better understand the impact of co-occurring CSB and SUD.

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Problematic cannabis use is highly prevalent among postsecondary students. Consequently, there is a need to examine risk factors associated with problematic cannabis use in this population. The present study investigated whether emotion dysregulation mediates the relationship between adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) and problematic cannabis use, and whether affective impulsivity (negative and positive urgency) uniquely moderates this relationship.

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Background And Objectives: As the gaming industry experiences exponential growth, concerns about gaming disorder (GD) also grow. It is crucial to understand the structural features of games that can interact with individual characteristics of gamers to promote GD. This research consolidates the views of an international body of panelists to create an assessment tool for gauging the addictive potential of distinct games.

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Transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDs) with a two-dimensional (2D) structure and semiconducting features are highly favorable for the production of NHgas sensors. Among the TMD family, WS, WSe, MoS, and MoSeexhibit high conductivity and a high surface area, along with high availability, reasons for which they are favored in gas-sensing studies. In this review, we have discussed the structure, synthesis, and NHsensing characteristics of pristine, decorated, doped, and composite-based WS, WSe, MoS, and MoSegas sensors.

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