Publications by authors named "Hympanova L"

Introduction And Hypothesis: Pregnancy and delivery are commonly associated with ano-rectal dysfunction. In addition, vaginal delivery may impact both the structure and functionality of the pelvic floor. Herein, we systematically reviewed the literature for the potential association between levator ani muscle (LAM) avulsion and ano-rectal function after childbirth.

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Childbirth is a challenging event that can lead to long-term consequences such as prolapse or incontinence. While computational models are widely used to mimic vaginal delivery, their integration into clinical practice is hindered by time constraints. The primary goal of this study is to introduce an artificial intelligence pipeline that leverages patient-specific surrogate modeling to predict pelvic floor injuries during vaginal delivery.

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Background And Objective: The prevalence of pelvic floor muscle injuries induced by childbirth is higher than 23 % in the general women population. Such injuries can lead to prolapses and other pathologies in future female life. Leveraging computational biomechanics, the study implements an advanced female pelvic floor model for computing the maximum pelvic muscle strain, which serves as an injury risk indicator.

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Objectives: Postpartum retained products of conception are a relatively rare diagnosis occurring in approximately 1% of cases after spontaneous deliveries and abortions. The most common clinical signs are bleeding and abdominal pain. The diagnosis is based on clinical signs and ultrasound examination.

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Objectives: The good healing of the hysterotomy after cesarean section is important for subsequent pregnancies. However, the factors which improve this healing have not been completely described, yet. In this study, we focused on factors which may affect healing of hysterotomy within one year after delivery, such as menstruation, breastfeeding, and the use of the contraception.

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Introduction And Hypothesis: Injury of the levator ani muscle (LAM) is a significant risk factor for pelvic organ prolapse (POP). The puborectalis (PRM) and pubovisceral (PVM) subdivisions are level III vaginal support structures. The null hypothesis was that there is no significant difference in patterns of LAM subdivisions in healthy nulliparous women.

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Introduction And Hypothesis: This manuscript is the International Urogynecology Consultation (IUC) on pelvic organ prolapse (POP) chapter one, committee three, on the Pathophysiology of Pelvic Organ Prolapse assessing genetics, pregnancy, labor and delivery, age and menopause and animal models.

Materials And Methods: An international group of urogynecologists and basic scientists performed comprehensive literature searches using pre-specified terms in selected biomedical databases to summarize the current knowledge on the pathophysiology of the development of POP, exploring specifically factors including (1) genetics, (2) pregnancy, labor and delivery, (3) age and menopause and (4) non-genetic animal models. This manuscript represents the summary of three systematic reviews with meta-analyses and one narrative review, to which a basic scientific comment on the current understanding of pathophysiologic mechanisms was added.

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Objective: To evaluate the host- and biomechanical response to a fully absorbable poly-4-hydroxybutyrate (P4HB) scaffold in comparison with the response to polypropylene (PP) mesh.

Design: In vivo animal experiment.

Setting: KU Leuven Center for Surgical Technologies.

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Introduction And Hypothesis: We aimed to summarize the knowledge on the pathogenesis of pelvic organ prolapse (POP) generated in animal models.

Methods: We searched MEDLINE, Embase, Cochrane and the Web of Science to establish what animal models are used in the study of suggested risk factors for the development of POP, including pregnancy, labor, delivery, parity, aging and menopause. Lack of methodologic uniformity precluded meta-analysis; hence, results are presented as a narrative review.

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Objective: In sheep of reproductive age, we aimed to document decrease in epithelial thickness, glycogen amount, and other vaginal changes after castration and the effect of Er:YAG laser as used clinically.

Methods: On day 0, 16 sheep underwent ovariectomy. They were randomized to sham or three vaginal Er:YAG laser applications at monthly intervals.

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Introduction And Hypothesis: Er:YAG laser is frequently used in dermatology and gynecology. Clinical studies document high satisfaction rates; however, hard data on the effects at the structural and molecular levels are limited. The aim of this systematic review was to summarize current knowledge about the objective effects of non-ablative Er:YAG laser on the skin and vaginal wall.

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A common shortcoming of current tissue engineered constructs is the lack of a functional vasculature, limiting their size and functionality. Prevascularization is a possible strategy to introduce vascular networks in these constructs. It includes among others co-culturing target cells with endothelial (precursor) cells that are able to form endothelial networks through vasculogenesis.

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Development of biomaterials for hernia and pelvic organ prolapse (POP) repair is encouraged because of high local complication rates with current materials. Therefore, we aimed to develop a functionalized electrospun mesh that promotes tissue ingrowth and provides adequate mechanical strength and compliance during degradation. We describe the in vivo function of a new supramolecular bioactivated polycarbonate (PC) material based on fourfold hydrogen bonding ureidopyrimidinone (UPy) units (UPy-PC).

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Objective: The mechanical properties and microstructure of the perineal body are important for the improvement of numerical models of pelvic organs. We determined the mechanical parameters and volume fractions of the ewe perineal body as an animal model.

Methods: The 39 specimens of 13 pregnant swifter ewes delivering by cesarean section (aged 2 years, weight 61.

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Although mesh use has significantly improved the outcomes of hernia and pelvic organ prolapse repair, long-term recurrence rates remain unacceptably high. We aim to determine the in vivo degradation and functional outcome of reconstructed abdominal wall defects, using slowly degradable electrospun ureidopyrimidinone moieties incorporated into a polycarbonate backbone (UPy-PC) implant compared to an ultra-lightweight polypropylene (PP) textile mesh with high pore stability. Twenty four New-Zealand rabbits were implanted with UPy-PC or PP to either reinforce a primary fascial defect repair or to cover (referred to as gap bridging) a full-thickness abdominal wall defect.

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Background/aims: The ewe is increasingly being used as an animal model for pelvic floor disorders. The aim was to further characterize changes in the vaginal properties during its entire lifespan.

Methods: Vaginal tissues were collected at different stages of reproductive life (neonatal, prepubescence, nulliparous, primiparous, multiparous, and menopausal; ≥6 ewes/group).

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Aims: Stress urinary incontinence and pelvic organ prolapse are very common conditions with a proportion of patients requiring implantation of synthetic materials for a durable repair. However increasing numbers of post-surgical complications have been reported related to the use of polypropylene meshes. One hypothesis for the adverse response is poor mechanical matching of the relatively stiff polypropylene mesh particularly as materials in the pelvic floor will need to cope with decades of distension as occurs with increase of intraabdominal pressure on coughing, laughing, or sneezing.

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Purpose: Electrospun meshes mimic the extracellular matrix, which may improve their integration. We aimed to compare polycaprolactone (PCL) modified with ureidopyrimidinone (UPy) electrospun meshes with ultra-lightweight polypropylene (PP; Restorelle) reference textile meshes for in vivo compliance. We chose UPy-PCL because we have shown it does not compromise biomechanical properties of native tissue, and because it potentially can be bioactivated.

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Gore-Tex® is a widely used durable patch for repair of congenital diaphragmatic defects yet may result in complications. We compared Gore-Tex with a composite of a radial pore-orientated collagen scaffold (RP-Composite) and clinically used porcine small intestinal submucosa (SIS; Surgisis®) in a rabbit model for diaphragmatic hernia. The growing rabbit mimics the rapid rib cage growth and reherniation rates seen in children.

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Background: There is an urgent need to develop better materials to provide anatomical support to the pelvic floor without compromising its function.

Objective: Our aim was to assess outcomes after simulated vaginal prolapse repair in a sheep model using three different materials: (1) ultra-lightweight polypropylene (PP) non-degradable textile (Restorelle) mesh, (2) electrospun biodegradable ureidopyrimidinone-polycarbonate (UPy-PC), and (3) electrospun non-degradable polyurethane (PU) mesh in comparison with simulated native tissue repair (NTR). These implants may reduce implant-related complications and avoid vaginal function loss.

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Currently cell therapy is considered as an experimental strategy to assist the healing process following simulated vaginal birth injury in rats, boosting the functional and morphologic recovery of pelvic floor muscles and nerves. However, the optimal administration route and dose still need to be determined. Mesangioblasts theoretically have the advantage that they can differentiate in skeletal and smooth muscle.

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Introduction And Hypothesis: Animal models are useful for investigating the genesis of pelvic floor dysfunction and for developing novel therapies for its treatment. There is a need for an alternative large-animal model to the nonhuman primate. Therefore we studied the effects of the first vaginal delivery, ovariectomy and systemic hormonal replacement therapy (HRT) on the biomechanical and structural properties of the ovine vagina.

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This protocol describes mesh insertion into the rectovaginal septum in sheep using a single vaginal incision technique, with and without the trocar-guided insertion of anchoring arms. Parous sheep underwent the dissection of the rectovaginal septum, followed by the insertion of an implant with or without four anchoring arms, both designed to fit the ovine anatomy. The anchoring arms were put in place using a trocar and an "outside-in" technique.

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Purpose: Electrospun meshes may be considered as substitutes to textile polypropylene implants. We compared the host response and biomechanical properties of the rat abdominal wall following reinforcement with either polycaprolactone (PCL) modified with ureidopyrimidinone-motifs (UPy) or polypropylene mesh.

Methods: First we measured the response to cyclic uniaxial load within the physiological range both dry (room temperature) and wet (body temperature).

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