Publications by authors named "Hyde K"

A case of a rare uterine clear-cell epithelioid leiomyoma is presented, emphasizing immunohistologic and ultrastructural findings. The presence of actin, vimentin, desmin, muscle-specific antigen, and smooth-muscle-specific actin in tumor cells indicates a smooth-muscle origin, confirmed by electron microscopy. Numerous vacuolated mitochondria produced the cytoplasmic "clearing" on light microscopy.

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In an attempt to elucidate the mechanism whereby the Fasanella-Servat operation corrects ptosis, the authors examined the histopathologic features of 40 consecutive surgical specimens from 37 patients. Because all specimens contained tarsus, this tissue was graded into two groups according to vertical height: (1) minimal (30%) and (2) moderate (70%). Müller's smooth muscle was graded into four groups: (1) absent to negligible (42.

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Epiphora is a common symptom associated with the acute phase of epidemic keratoconjunctivitis (EKC). Reflex lacrimal secretion occurs secondary to conjunctival or corneal inflammation. Acquired obstruction of the lacrimal excretory system may account for persistence of tearing after resolution of the acute inflammatory phase of the viral infection.

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Various involutional eyelid changes, such as fine rhytids, dynamic laugh lines in the lateral canthal area, secondary malar bags, and dermal pigmentation are not effectively treated by a blepharoplasty. Preoperative discussions are important to ensure that adequate expectations are held. Too often, a patient is informed that fine rhytids and dermal pigmentation can be successfully treated with lid surgery alone.

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This combined biochemical and histological study demonstrated that subcutaneously implanted Goretex tubing can be used to monitor and detect variations in wound healing potential in rats subjected to experimental hypoproteinaemic and normal refeeding conditions. Induced hypoproteinaemia was observed to be associated with a marked diminution in cellular infiltration, collagen synthesis and fibrous deposition within the implant. All these effects were completely reversed by subsequent refeeding of normal diet.

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A number of factors were identified which influence the determination of red blood cell glucose 6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD). White blood cells were effectively removed from whole blood by filtration, resulting in a mean reduction of G6PD activity of greater than 1.0 U/g Hb.

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We studied the relationships of selected microbial, clinical, demographic, and behavioral variables to mucopurulent cervicitis in two clinical settings, a sexually transmitted disease clinic and a student health clinic. From each clinic, we studied a group of women referred for suspected mucopurulent cervicitis and a representative sample of other women attending the clinic. After the women were stratified by patient group and summary odds ratios for all groups were obtained, mucopurulent cervicitis was most strongly associated with the isolation of Chlamydia trachomatis; other variables associated with mucopurulent cervicitis included the isolation of Ureaplasma urealyticum, Gardnerella vaginalis, and Trichomonas vaginalis, the presence of serum antibody to C.

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The present study sought a biochemical explanation for retarded brain development in the heterozygous offspring of the phenylketonuric (PKU) mother. Two rat models of simulated maternal PKU, one induced by p-chlorophenylalanine and phenylalanine and the other by phenylacetate, were employed in this investigation. Maternal PKU had no influence on cerebral concentrations of DNA, protein, and cholesterol, which were normal in the 2 d old pup.

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The laboratory use of a commercial kit for the immunofluorescent measurement of terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase (BRL Terminal Deoxynucleotidyl Transferase Immunofluorescent Assay System) has been investigated. The precision of the assay system with stored patient material and its performance with regard to ease of microscopic examination were assessed. The intensity of the fluorescence obtained was found to vary.

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High affinity transport systems and gangliosides were assessed in an animal model of experimental phenylketonuria, namely the rat injected with phenylacetate during the first 21 days of life. The velocity of synaptosomal high affinity uptake of [3H]-choline, [14C]-gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA), and [14C]-glutamic acid served as a measure of the relative density of uptake sites of these specific types of terminals. A reduction of cholinergic (25-37%) and GABAergic (23-45%) functioning terminals was produced by phenylacetate in the hippocampal, occipital, and frontal cortices from 40- to 55- and 80- to 95-day-old rats.

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A modified Phoenix data processing system has been introduced into the laboratories at the Manchester Royal Infirmary. Specifications for the design and installation of microcomputers to link automated instruments to this host computer are described. The operation and data manipulation facilities of the microcomputer are included.

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We reviewed the cytological histories of 100 women diagnosed as having invasive carcinoma of the cervix in Western Australia in 1977-80. Sixty-one women had never had a cervical smear test before the diagnosis of cancer. Among the remaining 39 patients, nine had one or more dyskaryotic cervical smears taken, up to eight years before the diagnosis of invasive cancer was made.

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Samples which are taken for the Quick one-stage prothrombin time estimation for the control of patients receiving oral anticoagulant treatment are by convention taken into liquid sodium citrate anticoagulant. Dried sodium citrate has been rejected on the grounds that excessive haemolysis causes activation of clotting factors and therefore falsely short clotting times. Tests were performed with both liquid and dried sodium citrate as an anticoagulant for prothrombin time and Thrombotest.

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Conclusions as to the mutagenicity and carcinogenicity of metal salts can be ambiguous and misleading, especially for metal ions having a high charge/radius ratio, hence a strong tendency to hydrolyze. Using the rec-assay, we determined whether the mutagenicity of chromium salts was reduced by complexation, as in the case of Cr(VI), or induced in the case of Cr(III). We find that several chelants, in proportion to concentration, reduce or eliminate the mutagenicity of Cr2O32-.

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Five commercial kits for the determination of folate and six kits for the determination of vitamin B12 were investigated. Their performance has been compared with microbiological methods for the two vitamins and with a non-commercial radioisotopic method for B12. The results show the importance of the determination of the reference range for an individual laboratory for each method.

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The main objectives of the evaluation were to: (1) assess accuracy and precision of cell recognition, (2) establish 'reference ranges' and compare with existing ranges, (3) assess machine reliability and suitability for normal working patterns. The accuracy and precision of the instrument were found to be acceptable, within the limits imposed by counting 100 cells in a wedge smear. Reference ranges compared well with established ranges with the exception of monocytes and eosinophils.

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