Publications by authors named "Hussain F"

Article Synopsis
  • - Spontaneous coronary artery dissection (SCAD) is a rare cause of acute coronary syndromes, which can lead to serious conditions like heart attacks and sudden death, and its causes and treatments are not well understood.
  • - A case study of a 42-year-old woman with vitamin B12 deficiency illustrates how SCAD can occur even in patients without typical heart disease risk factors, as she experienced chest pain and had an ECG indicating a heart attack.
  • - The cardiac catheterization revealed a significant dissection in the left anterior descending artery, which underscores the urgency and complexity of diagnosing SCAD.
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Enteropathy-associated T-cell lymphoma (EATL) is a rare disease found in the small bowel and is seen most commonly in patients with refractory celiac disease (RCD). We present a case of an elderly male with celiac disease (CD) diagnosed in childhood with months of abdominal pain and diarrhea despite attempting to avoid gluten in his diet. After persistent symptoms for months, the patient was admitted for an acute abdomen and was found to have small bowel perforation due to a jejunal mass that was diagnosed as an EATL.

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Myasthenia Gravis (MG) is a disorder of the neuromuscular junction (NMJ) that manifests as fluctuating fatiguable weakness of the muscles. There are many factors that can exacerbate myasthenia symptoms including a variety medications and drugs, systemic illness, and pregnancy. A number of medications have been implicated in exacerbating MG symptoms, including aminoglycosides.

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Background: Little is known of how accurately a first-time seizure witness can provide reliable details of a semiology. Our goal was to determine how accurately first-time seizure witnesses could identify key elements of an epileptic event that would aid the clinician in diagnosing a seizure.

Methods: A total of 172 participants over 17 years of age, with a mean (sd) of 33.

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Pleomorphic xanthoastrocytoma (PXA) is a rare primary central nervous system tumor which frequently harbors mutations in BRAF. Anaplastic PXA follow a more aggressive course than their nonanaplastic counterparts. We present the case of an anaplastic PXA initially treated with the BRAF inhibitor vemurafenib.

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Objective: The present study explored the effects of the combined herbal therapy consisting of curcumin (CUR) and Fructus Ligustri Lucidi (FLL) on aspects of bone regeneration.

Methods: Prior to analyzing the ability of this novel combined herbal therapy to promote aspects of bone regeneration, its cytotoxicity was determined using MC3T3-E1 cells (pre-osteoblast model). Cell proliferation was evaluated using phase-contrast microscopy and cell differentiation was estimated using alkaline phosphatase activity.

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Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation (HSCT) activity was evaluated in the African (AFR)/EMRO region and compared to the global activity for the years 2006-2013. Data were obtained from 1570 teams in the 6 WHO continental regions. Of these, 29 (1.

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M. charantia extract partitioned in different solvents was assessed for antioxidant (2, 2-diphenyl l-picrylhydrazyl), total phenolic contents (TPC), total flavonoid contents (TFC), antiglycation, alpha amylase and acetylcholinesterase inhibitory activities along with cytotoxic, thrombolytic and antibiofilm potentials. Most effective antioxidant fraction was n-hexane with TPC and TFC, highest in n-butanol and ethanol fractions, respectively.

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Background: Water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) efficacy trials deliver interventions to the target population under optimal conditions to estimate their effects on outcomes of interest, to inform subsequent selection for inclusion in routine programs. A systematic and intensive approach to intervention delivery is required to achieve the high-level uptake necessary to measure efficacy. We describe the intervention delivery system adopted in the WASH Benefits Bangladesh study, as part of a three-paper series on WASH Benefits Intervention Delivery and Performance.

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Background: Researchers typically report more on the impact of public health interventions and less on the degree to which interventions were followed implementation fidelity. We developed and measured fidelity indicators for the WASH Benefits Bangladesh study, a large-scale efficacy trial, in order to identify gaps between intended and actual implementation.

Methods: Community health workers (CHWs) delivered individual and combined water, sanitation, handwashing (WSH) and child nutrition interventions to 4169 enrolled households in geographically matched clusters.

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Prophages are known to encode important virulence factors in the human pathogen Vibrio cholerae. However, little is known about the occurrence and composition of prophage-encoded traits in environmental vibrios. A database of 5,674 prophage-like elements constructed from 1,874 Vibrio genome sequences, covering sixty-four species, revealed that prophage-like elements encoding possible properties such as virulence and antibiotic resistance are widely distributed among environmental vibrios, including strains classified as non-pathogenic.

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Objective: To report on our initial experience in the management of war-related penile injuries; proper diagnosis and immediate treatment of penile injuries is essential to gain satisfactory results. Besides treating primary wounds and restoring penile function, the cosmetic result is also an important issue for the surgeon.

Patients And Methods: The study was conducted in the Department of Urology at Benghazi Medical Center and comprised all patients who presented with a shotgun, gunshot or explosive penile injury between February 2011 and August 2017.

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Paneth cells (PCs) are epithelial cells found in the small intestine, next to intestinal stem cells (ISCs) at the base of the crypts. PCs secrete antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) that regulate the commensal gut microbiota. In contrast, little is known regarding how the enteric microbiota reciprocally influences PC function.

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Development and formulation of an efficient and safe therapeutic regimen for cancer theranostics are dynamically challenging. The use of mono-therapeutic cancer regimen is generally restricted to optimal clinical applications, on account of drug resistance and cancer heterogeneity. Combinatorial treatments can employ multi-therapeutics for synergistic anticancer efficacy whilst reducing the potency of individual moieties and diminishing the incidence of associated adverse effects.

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Background: Stroke disproportionately affects people in low-income and middle-income countries. Although improvements in stroke care and outcomes have been reported in high-income countries, little is known about practice and outcomes in low and middle-income countries. We aimed to compare patterns of care available and their association with patient outcomes across countries at different economic levels.

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The aim of this prospective questionnaire-based cross-sectional study was to examine whether the new generation of Antiepileptic drugs (AEDs) with higher acquisition cost generate lower adverse effects than the old AEDs among a sample of 102 Arabic-speaking older adults (60 years of age or older) with seizure disorders. The mean scores of the Arabic version of the Liverpool Adverse Events Profile (LAEP), which assessed the adverse effects of the AEDs, did not differ between patients taking the old and new generations of AEDs. Despite their 4-fold higher cost, the new generation of AEDs were not characterized by lower LAEP scores of adverse effects.

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Objective: To examine the consistency of applying the Nashef et al (2012) criteria to classify sudden unexpected death in epilepsy (SUDEP).

Methods: We reviewed cases from the North American SUDEP Registry (n = 250) and Medical Examiner Offices (n = 1301: 698 Maryland, 457 New York City, 146 San Diego). Two epileptologists with expertise in SUDEP and epilepsy-related mortality independently reviewed medical records, scene investigation, autopsy, and toxicology and assigned a SUDEP class.

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  • The study focused on documenting the use of medicinal plants by communities in the Koh-e-Safaid Range along the Pakistan-Afghanistan border, relying heavily on folk knowledge for treating various health issues.
  • Through semi-structured interviews with 108 informants (72 males and 36 females), researchers gathered information on 92 plant species used for 53 different ailments, with a significant emphasis on diabetes and other common health issues.
  • The analysis highlighted the most utilized plants and preparation methods, identifying Withania coagulans, Caralluma tuberculata, and Artemisia absinthium as the most recognized species, along with a recommendation for conservation based on the International Union for Conservation of Nature criteria.
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Objectives: Type-2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) is an endocrine disease having a significant genetic component. Polymorphisms of many genes may affect hereditary vulnerability of the disease that is characterized by insulin resistance and islet disorder. As the genetic basis of T2DM can vary between ethnic groups, it is important to investigate the genetic link of T2DM in Pakistani populace.

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Objective: To find out the pattern of gastric emptying scintigraphy (GES) in patients with post prandial distress syndrome (PDS).

Methods: This study was carried out from January 2015 to July 2016 at Combined Military Hospital (CMH) Kharian and Nuclear Medical Centre (NMC) of Armed Forces Institute of Pathology (AFIP) Rawalpindi. Patient's inclusion criteria were dyspepsia of post prandial distress type for more than six months duration.

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Background: This study investigates the impact of methamphetamine use on trauma patient outcomes.

Methods: This retrospective study analyzed patients between 18 and 55 years old presenting to a single trauma center in San Bernardino County, CA who sustained traumatic injury during the 10-year study period (January 1st, 2005 to December 31st, 2015). Routine serum ethanol levels and urine drug screens (UDS) were completed on all trauma patients.

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In pursuit of developing fast and accurate species-level molecular identification methods, we tested six DNA barcodes, namely ITS2, KLa, ITS2+K, ITS2+La, K+La and ITS2+K+La, for their capacity to identify frequently consumed but geographically isolated medicinal species of Fabaceae and Poaceae indigenous to the desert of Cholistan. Data were analysed by BLASTn sequence similarity, pairwise sequence divergence in TAXONDNA, and phylogenetic (neighbour-joining and maximum-likelihood trees) methods. Comparison of six barcode regions showed that ITS2 has the highest number of variable sites (209/360) for tested Fabaceae and (106/365) Poaceae species, the highest species-level identification (40%) in BLASTn procedure, distinct DNA barcoding gap, 100% correct species identification in BM and BCM functions of TAXONDNA, and clear cladding pattern with high nodal support in phylogenetic trees in both families.

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The mono-substituted complex [Fe2(CO)5(μ-naphthalene-2-thiolate)2(P(PhOMe-p)3)] was prepared taking after the structural principles from both [NiFe] and [FeFe]-hydrogenase enzymes. Crystal structures are reported for this complex and the all carbonyl analogue. The bridging naphthalene thiolates resemble μ-bridging cysteine amino acids.

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