J Res Interprof Pract Educ
January 2019
Background: Interprofessional education (IPE) has fostered increased collaboration and appreciation for different disciplines among health professionals but has yet to be established in a translational research setting. Interprofessional experiences (IPEx) implemented early in student training could increase translational research productivity.
Methods And Findings: Ten students involved in an IPE curriculum wrote autoethnographic accounts that were coded and emergent themes were grouped through constant comparative analysis.
Introduction: Formal training in team leadership is not taught in biomedical research graduate training programs or medical schools.
Methods: We piloted a Leadership Training Workshop for graduate biomedical and medical students enrolled in our Interprofessional Research Design Course.
Results: The Kane-Baltes self-efficacy survey demonstrated improved leadership skills (median scores pretraining and post-training were 71 and 76.