Publications by authors named "Hsiao Chien Tsung"

Human embryonic stem (ES) cells have far-reaching applications in the areas of tissue engineering, regenerative medicine, pharmacology and basic scientific research. Although the culture conditions can maintain the human ES cells in an undifferentiated state for a transient period, spontaneous differentiation has also been observed during the routine culturing of ES cells. However, the maintenance of ES cells in the undifferentiated, pluripotent state for extended periods of time will be required in many areas of scientific research.

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Human embryonic stem (ES) cells have been established either from fresh or frozen embryos. The recovery rates of undifferentiated human ES cells after cryopreservation with conventional slow-rate freezing and rapid-thawing methods are relatively low. The purpose of this study was to improve cryopreservation efficiency by modifying conventional methods with addition of trehalose.

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Cryopreservation of human embryonic stem cells is an important and unsolved problem. A computer-controlled programmable cooler was used in the preservation of ES cells. Several effects have been experimentally studied, which include the cooling rates, the temperature of seeding, the temperatures before the samples being plunged into liquid nitrogen, and the cryoprotective agents.

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Endothelial cells (TEC3 cells) derived from mouse embryonic stem (ES) cells were used as seed cells to construct blood vessels. Tissue engineered blood vessels were made by seeding 8 106 smooth muscle cells (SMCs) obtained from rabbit arteries onto a sheet of nonwoven polyglycolic acid (PGA) fibers, which was used as a biodegradable polymer scaffold. After being cultured in DMEM medium for 7 days in vitro, SMCs grew well on the PGA fibers, and the cell-PGA sheet was then wrapped around a silicon tube, and implanted subcutaneously into nude mice.

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As a part of a basic research project on Xeno-transplantion, we have been engaged in the derivation of embryonic stem cell lines from Chinese mini swine. Here, we reported for the first time the establishment of two porcine EG cell lines (BPEG1 and BPEG2) from primordial germ cells of genital ridges of a 28 and a 27 d embryos respectively. Their pluripotent nature has been identified by colony morphology, marker characterization as well as by in vitro and in vivo differentiation.

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