Background: Previous research suggests that many people receiving mental health treatment do not meet criteria for a mental disorder but are rather 'the worried well'.
Aims: To examine the association of past-year mental health treatment with DSM-IV disorders.
Method: The World Health Organization's World Mental Health (WMH) Surveys interviewed community samples of adults in 23 countries (n = 62 305) about DSM-IV disorders and treatment in the past 12 months for problems with emotions, alcohol or drugs.
Background: Previous community surveys of the drop out from mental health treatment have been carried out only in the USA and Canada.
Aims: To explore mental health treatment drop out in the World Health Organization World Mental Health Surveys.
Method: Representative face-to-face household surveys were conducted among adults in 24 countries.
Background: Associations between specific parent and offspring mental disorders are likely to have been overestimated in studies that have failed to control for parent comorbidity.
Aims: To examine the associations of parent with respondent disorders.
Method: Data come from the World Health Organization (WHO) World Mental Health Surveys (n = 51 507).