Purpose: Atypical vowel production contributes to reduced speech intelligibility in children and adults with Down syndrome (DS). This study compares the acoustic data of the corner vowels /i/, /u/, /æ/, and /ɑ/ from speakers with DS against typically developing/developed (TD) speakers.
Method: Measurements of the fundamental frequency ( ) and first four formant frequencies (F1-F4) were obtained from single word recordings containing the target vowels from 81 participants with DS (ages 3-54 years) and 293 TD speakers (ages 4-92 years), all native speakers of English.
Purpose: Normative data on the growth and development of the upper airway across the sexes is needed for the diagnosis and treatment of congenital and acquired respiratory anomalies and to gain insight on developmental changes in speech acoustics and disorders with craniofacial anomalies.
Methods: The growth of the upper airway in children ages birth to 5 years, as compared to adults, was quantified using an imaging database with computed tomography studies from typically developing individuals. Methodological criteria for scan inclusion and airway measurements included: head position, histogram-based airway segmentation, anatomic landmark placement, and development of a semi-automatic centerline for data extraction.
Purpose The aim of this study was to determine how the speech disorder profiles in Down syndrome (DS) relate to reduced intelligibility, atypical overall quality, and impairments in the subsystems of speech production (phonation, articulation, resonance, and prosody). Method Auditory-perceptual ratings of intelligibility, overall quality, and features associated with the subsystems of speech production were obtained from recordings of 79 children and adults with DS. Ratings were made for sustained vowels (62 of 79 speakers) and short sentences (79 speakers).
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe hyoid bone and the hyomandibular complex subserve the functions of respiration, deglutition, and speech. This study quantified the growth of the hyoid bone and the hyomandibular relationships in males and females from birth to 19 years. Using 97 computed tomography (CT) scans, from a previous study (Kelly et al.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFInt J Pediatr Otorhinolaryngol
March 2021
Objectives: Report data on acoustic measures of voice in sustained vowels produced by typically developing children, aged 4-19 years, to add to the cross-sectional reference values in a pediatric database.
Methods: Recordings of sustained vowel/ɑ/phonation were obtained from 158 children (80 males, 78 females) aged 4-19 years who were judged to be typically developing with respect to speech and voice. Acoustic analyses were performed with the Multidimensional Voice Program (MDVP™) and the Analysis of Dysphonia in Speech and Voice (ADSV™), both from Pentax Medical.
Cervical vertebral bodies undergo substantial morphological development during the first two decades of life that are used clinically to visually determine skeletal maturation with the cervical vertebral maturation index (CVMI). CVMI defines six stages that capture the morphological transformations from 6 years to 18 years. However, CVMI has poor reproducibility given its qualitative nature and does not account for sexual dimorphism.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe purpose of this study was to assess the effect of downsampling the acoustic signal on the accuracy of linear-predictive (LPC) formant estimation. Based on speech produced by men, women, and children, the first four formant frequencies were estimated at sampling rates of 48, 16, and 10 kHz using different anti-alias filtering. With proper selection of number of LPC coefficients, anti-alias filter and between-frame averaging, results suggest that accuracy is not improved by rates substantially below 48 kHz.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe purpose of this study was to determine the developmental trajectory of the four corner vowels' fundamental frequency (f) and the first four formant frequencies (F1-F4), and to assess when speaker-sex differences emerge. Five words per vowel, two of which were produced twice, were analyzed for f and estimates of the first four formants frequencies from 190 (97 female, 93 male) typically developing speakers ages 4-20 years old. Findings revealed developmental trajectories with decreasing values of f and formant frequencies.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFObjectives: To determine the optimal approach to reliably classify head position of head and neck medical imaging studies as or for use in craniofacial and orthodontic research.
Methods And Material: A prospective study scanned six participants in flexed, neutral and extended head positions. Additionally, a retrospective dataset of 46 CT studies were visually classified into six categories: and .
The size and shape of human cervical vertebral bodies serve as a reference for measurement or treatment planning in multiple disciplines. It is therefore necessary to understand thoroughly the developmental changes in the cervical vertebrae in relation to the changing biomechanical demands on the neck during the first two decades of life. To delineate sex-specific changes in human cervical vertebral bodies, 23 landmarks were placed in the midsagittal plane to define the boundaries of C2 to C7 in 123 (73 M; 50 F) computed tomography scans from individuals, ages 6 months to 19 years.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFJ Commun Disord
August 2019
Purpose: Data on vowel formants have been derived primarily from static measures representing an assumed steady state. This review summarizes data on formant frequencies and bandwidths for American English and also addresses (a) sources of variability (focusing on speech sample and time sampling point), and (b) methods of data reduction such as vowel area and dispersion.
Method: Searches were conducted with CINAHL, Google Scholar, MEDLINE/PubMed, SCOPUS, and other online sources including legacy articles and references.
The purpose of this study was to take a first step toward constructing a developmental and sex-specific version of a parametric vocal tract area function model representative of male and female vocal tracts ranging in age from infancy to 12 yrs, as well as adults. Anatomic measurements collected from a large imaging database of male and female children and adults provided the dataset from which length warping and cross-dimension scaling functions were derived, and applied to the adult-based vocal tract model to project it backward along an age continuum. The resulting model was assessed qualitatively by projecting hypothetical vocal tract shapes onto midsagittal images from the cohort of children, and quantitatively by comparison of formant frequencies produced by the model to those reported in the literature.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFMed Image Comput Comput Assist Interv
September 2017
We present a unified online statistical framework for quantifying a collection of binary images. Since medical image segmentation is often done semi-automatically, the resulting binary images may be available in a sequential manner. Further, modern medical imaging datasets are too large to fit into a computer's memory.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFAm J Speech Lang Pathol
February 2018
Purpose: A single-word identification test was used to study speech production in children and adults with Down syndrome (DS) to determine the developmental pattern of speech intelligibility with an emphasis on vowels.
Method: Speech recordings were collected from 62 participants with DS aged 4-40 years and 25 typically developing participants aged 4-7 years. Panels of 5 adult lay listeners transcribed the speech recordings orthographically, and their responses were scored in comparison with the speakers' target words.
Objective: We present a registration-based semiautomatic mandible segmentation (SAMS) pipeline designed to process a large number of computed tomography studies to segment 3-dimensional mandibles.
Method: The pipeline consists of a manual preprocessing step, an automatic segmentation step, and a final manual postprocessing step. The automatic portion uses a nonlinear diffeomorphic method to register each preprocessed input computed tomography test scan on 54 reference templates, ranging in age from birth to 19 years.
Purpose: This study reports data on vocal fundamental frequency (f) and the first four formant frequencies (F1, F2, F3, F4) for four vowels produced by speakers in three adult age cohorts, in a test of the null hypothesis that there are no age-related changes in these variables. Participants were 43 men and 53 women between the ages of 20 and 92 years.
Results: The most consistent age-related effect was a decrease in f for women.
Objective: To provide quantitative data on the multi-planar growth of the mandible, this study derived accurate linear and angular mandible measurements using landmarks on three dimensional (3D) mandible models. This novel method was used to quantify 3D mandibular growth and characterize the emergence of sexual dimorphism.
Design: Cross-sectional and longitudinal imaging data were obtained from a retrospective computed tomography (CT) database for 51 typically developing individuals between the ages of one and nineteen years.
The hyoid bone supports the important functions of swallowing and speech. At birth, the hyoid bone consists of a central body and pairs of right and left lesser and greater cornua. Fusion of the greater cornua with the body normally occurs in adulthood, but may not occur at all in some individuals.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFPurpose: This study systematically assessed the effects of select linear predictive coding (LPC) analysis parameter manipulations on vowel formant measurements for diverse speaker groups using 4 trademarked Speech Acoustic Analysis Software Packages (SAASPs): CSL, Praat, TF32, and WaveSurfer.
Method: Productions of 4 words containing the corner vowels were recorded from 4 speaker groups with typical development (male and female adults and male and female children) and 4 speaker groups with Down syndrome (male and female adults and male and female children). Formant frequencies were determined from manual measurements using a consensus analysis procedure to establish formant reference values, and from the 4 SAASPs (using both the default analysis parameters and with adjustments or manipulations to select parameters).
The anatomic basis and articulatory features of speech production are often studied with imaging studies that are typically acquired in the supine body position. It is important to determine if changes in body orientation to the gravitational field alter vocal tract dimensions and speech acoustics. The purpose of this study was to assess the effect of body position (upright versus supine) on (1) oral and pharyngeal measurements derived from acoustic pharyngometry and (2) acoustic measurements of fundamental frequency (F0) and the first four formant frequencies (F1-F4) for the quadrilateral point vowels.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe hyoid bone anchors and supports the vocal tract. Its complex shape is best studied in three dimensions, but it is difficult to capture on computed tomography (CT) images and three-dimensional volume renderings. The goal of this study was to determine the optimal CT scanning and rendering parameters to accurately measure the growth and developmental anatomy of the hyoid and to determine whether it is feasible and necessary to use these parameters in the measurement of hyoids from in vivo CT scans.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWe present a novel kernel regression framework for smoothing scalar surface data using the Laplace-Beltrami eigenfunctions. Starting with the heat kernel constructed from the eigenfunctions, we formulate a new bivariate kernel regression framework as a weighted eigenfunction expansion with the heat kernel as the weights. The new kernel method is mathematically equivalent to isotropic heat diffusion, kernel smoothing and recently popular diffusion wavelets.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFMed Image Comput Comput Assist Interv
November 2014
Recently, the HyperSPHARM algorithm was proposed to parameterize multiple disjoint objects in a holistic manner using the 4D hyperspherical harmonics. The HyperSPHARM coefficients are global; they cannot be used to directly infer localized variations in signal. In this paper, we present a unified wavelet framework that links Hyper-SPHARM to the diffusion wavelet transform.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFJ Speech Lang Hear Res
February 2014
Purpose: This study examines accuracy and comparability of 4 trademarked acoustic analysis software packages (AASPs): Praat, WaveSurfer, TF32, and CSL by using synthesized and natural vowels. Features of AASPs are also described.
Method: Synthesized and natural vowels were analyzed using each of the AASP's default settings to secure 9 acoustic measures: fundamental frequency (F0), formant frequencies (F1-F4), and formant bandwidths (B1-B4).
The growth patterns of different anatomic structures in the human body vary in terms of growth amount over time, growth rate and growth periods. The oral and pharyngeal structures, also known as vocal tract structures, are housed in the craniofacial complex where the cranium/brain follows a distinct neural growth pattern, and the face follows a distinct somatic or skeletal growth pattern. Thus, it is reasonable to expect the oral and pharyngeal structures to follow a combined or mixed growth pattern.
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