Background: Although genetic polymorphism of the RH blood group system is well known in sub-Saharan Africa, national/regional specificities still remain to be described precisely. For the first time in Cameroon, Central Africa, and in order to better characterize the molecular basis driving RH phenotype variability, as well as to identify the main antigens that may be potentially responsible for alloimmunization, we sought 1) to study the RH genes in a cohort of 109 patients with sickle cell disease; 2) to study the same genes in the corresponding donors whose red blood cells (RBCs) were transfused to the patients (108 donors in 98 patients); 3) to predict RH phenotype on the basis of the molecular data and compare the results with serologic testing; and 4) to identify retrospectively patients at risk for alloimmunization.
Materials And Methods: In order to generate an exhaustive dataset, the RH genes of all patient and donor samples were systematically investigated 1) by quantitative multiplex PCR of short fluorescent fragments (QMPSF) for characterization of RHD gene zygosity and potential structural variants (SVs), and 2) by Sanger sequencing for identification of single nucleotide variants (SNVs).