J Comput Graph Stat
October 2022
While Bayesian functional mixed models have been shown effective to model functional data with various complex structures, their application to extremely high-dimensional data is limited due to computational challenges involved in posterior sampling. We introduce a new computational framework that enables ultra-fast approximate inference for high-dimensional data in functional form. This framework adopts parsimonious basis to represent functional observations, which facilitates efficient compression and parallel computing in basis space.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFEstimating microbial mutation rates is an essential task in evolutionary biology, with wide range applications in related fields such as virology, epidemiology, clinic and public health, and antibiotic research. Significant progress has been made on this research since 1943 when Luria-Delbrück fluctuation analysis was first introduced. However, existing estimators of mutation rates are heavily reliant on model assumptions in fluctuation analysis, and become less applicable to real microbial experiments which deviate from the model assumptions.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFMany species of bats rely on echoes to forage and navigate in densely vegetated environments. Foliage echoes in some cases can help bats gather information about the environment, whereas in others may generate clutter that can mask prey echoes during foraging. It is therefore important to study foliage echoes and their role in bat's sensory ecology.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWe propose a new approach to test associations between binary trees and covariates. In this approach, binary-tree structured data are treated as sample paths of binary fission Markov branching processes (bMBP). We propose a generalized linear regression model and developed inference procedures for association testing, including variable selection and estimation of covariate effects.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFUnmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) have shown great potential in various applications such as surveillance, search and rescue. To perform safe and efficient navigation, it is vitally important for a UAV to evaluate the environment accurately and promptly. In this work, we present a simulation study for the estimation of foliage distribution as a UAV equipped with biosonar navigates through a forest.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWe introduce a unified simulation framework that generates natural sensing environments and produces biosonar echoes under various sensing scenarios. This framework produces rich sensory data with environmental information completely known, thus can be used for the training of robotic algorithms for biosonar-based Unmanned Aerial Vehicles. The simulated environment consists of random trees with full geometry of the tree foliage.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFTo clarify the pollution characteristics and sources of PM in Weihai during the heating period, PM samples from ambient air were collected at three routine air quality monitoring sites from January to March 2018. The OC, EC, water-soluble ions, and elements in PM were analyzed, and the sources of PM were identified using the PMF model. The results showed that the average daily mass concentration of PM was (33.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFMinimal erythema dose (MED) testing is frequently used in clinical settings for determining the smallest amount of ultraviolet (UV) irradiation necessary to produce erythema (inflammatory reddening) on the surface of the skin. In this context, the MED is regarded as a key factor in determining starting doses for UV phototherapy for common skin conditions such as psoriasis and eczema. In research settings, MED testing also has potential to be a powerful tool for assessing within- and between-persons variation in inflammatory responses.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: Accurate and reliable identification of sequence variants, including single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) and insertion-deletion polymorphisms (INDELs), plays a fundamental role in next-generation sequencing (NGS) applications. Existing methods for calling these variants often make simplified assumptions of positional independence and fail to leverage the dependence between genotypes at nearby loci that is caused by linkage disequilibrium (LD).
Results And Conclusion: We propose vi-HMM, a hidden Markov model (HMM)-based method for calling SNPs and INDELs in mapped short-read data.
Gene expression regulation is a complex process involving the interplay between transcription factors and chromatin states. Significant progress has been made toward understanding the impact of chromatin states on gene expression. Nevertheless, the mechanism of transcription factors binding combinatorially in different chromatin states to enable selective regulation of gene expression remains an interesting research area.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFEvent-related potentials (ERPs) summarize electrophysiological brain response to specific stimuli. They can be considered as correlated functions of time with both spatial correlation across electrodes and nested correlations within subjects. Commonly used analytical methods for ERPs often focus on pre-determined extracted components and/or ignore the correlation among electrodes or subjects, which can miss important insights, and tend to be sensitive to outlying subjects, time points or electrodes.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFSonar emits pulses of sound and uses the reflected echoes to gain information about target objects. It offers a low cost, complementary sensing modality for small robotic platforms. While existing analytical approaches often assume independence across echoes, real sonar data can have more complicated structures due to device setup or experimental design.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFDeoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) methylation is an epigenetic alteration crucial for regulating stress responses. Identifying large-scale DNA methylation at single nucleotide resolution is made possible by whole genome bisulfite sequencing. An essential task following the generation of bisulfite sequencing data is to detect differentially methylated cytosines (DMCs) among treatments.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFFoliage echoes could play an important role in the sensory ecology of echolocating bats, but many aspects of their sensory information content remain to be explored. A realistic numerical model for these echoes could support the development of hypotheses for the relationship between foliage properties and echo parameters. In prior work by the authors, a simple foliage model based on circular disks distributed uniformly in space has been developed.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFSince many bat species thrive in densely vegetated habitats, echoes from foliage are likely to be of prime importance to the animals' sensory ecology, be it as clutter that masks prey echoes or as sources of information about the environment. To better understand the characteristics of foliage echoes, a new model for the process that generates these signals has been developed. This model takes leaf size and orientation into account by representing the leaves as circular disks of varying diameter.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFHorseshoe bats have dynamic biosonar systems with interfaces for ultrasonic emission (reception) that change shape while diffracting the outgoing (incoming) sound waves. An information-theoretic analysis based on numerical and physical prototypes shows that these shape changes add sensory information (mutual information between distant shape conformations <20%), increase the number of resolvable directions of sound incidence, and improve the accuracy of direction finding. These results demonstrate that horseshoe bats have a highly effective substrate for dynamic encoding of sensory information.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThis paper addresses model-based Bayesian inference in the analysis of data arising from bioassay experiments. In such experiments, increasing doses of a chemical substance are given to treatment groups (usually rats or mice) for a fixed period of time (usually 2 years). The goal of such an experiment is to determine whether an increased dosage of the chemical is associated with increased probability of an adverse effect (usually presence of adenoma or carcinoma).
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWe develop a functional conditional autoregressive (CAR) model for spatially correlated data for which functions are collected on areal units of a lattice. Our model performs functional response regression while accounting for spatial correlations with potentially nonseparable and nonstationary covariance structure, in both the space and functional domains. We show theoretically that our construction leads to a CAR model at each functional location, with spatial covariance parameters varying and borrowing strength across the functional domain.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFDNA methylation is an epigenetic mechanism critical for tissue development and cell specification. Mammalian brains consist of many different types of cells with assumedly distinct DNA methylation profiles, and thus some genomic loci may demonstrate bipolar DNA methylation pattern, i.e.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe pluripotent cells of the embryonic ectodermal tissues are known to be a precursor for multiple tumor types. The adaptability of these cells is a trait exploited by cancer. We previously described cancer-associated microsatellite loci (CAML) shared between glioblastoma (GBM) and lower-grade gliomas.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBMC Bioinformatics
January 2015
Background: With recent development in sequencing technology, a large number of genome-wide DNA methylation studies have generated massive amounts of bisulfite sequencing data. The analysis of DNA methylation patterns helps researchers understand epigenetic regulatory mechanisms. Highly variable methylation patterns reflect stochastic fluctuations in DNA methylation, whereas well-structured methylation patterns imply deterministic methylation events.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFJ Theor Biol
February 2015
Since fluctuation analysis was first introduced by Luria and Delbrück in 1943, it has been widely used to make inference about spontaneous mutation rates in cultured cells. Under certain model assumptions, the probability distribution of the number of mutants that appear in a fluctuation experiment can be derived explicitly, which provides the basis of mutation rate estimation. It has been shown that, among various existing estimators, the maximum likelihood estimator usually demonstrates some desirable properties such as consistency and lower mean squared error.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFGenomic studies of glioma sub-types have amassed new disease specific mutations, yet these only partially explain how mutations are linked to predisposition or progression. We hypothesized that microsatellite variation could expand the understanding of glioma etiology. Furthermore, germline markers for gliomas are typically undetectable; therefore we also hypothesize that the predictability of cancer-associated microsatellite loci in germline DNA may support the current hypothesis of a glioma cell of origin.
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