Objective: To investigate the dynamic changes during follow-up computed tomography (CT), histological subtypes, gene mutation status, and surgical prognosis for different morphological presentations of solitary lung adenocarcinomas (SLADC).
Materials And Methods: This retrospective study compared dynamic tumor changes and volume doubling time (VDT) in 228 patients with SLADC (morphological types I-IV) who had intermittent growth during follow-ups. The correlation between the morphological classification and histological subtypes, gene mutation status, and surgical prognosis was evaluated.
Background: To evaluate the diagnostic performance of apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) histogram parameters for differentiating the genetic subtypes in lower-grade diffuse gliomas and explore which segmentation method (ROI-1, the entire tumor ROI; ROI2, the tumor ROI excluding cystic and necrotic portions) performs better.
Materials And Methods: We retrospectively evaluated 56 lower-grade diffuse gliomas and divided them into three categories: IDH-wild group (IDH, 16cases); IDH mutant with the intact 1p or 19q group (IDH/1p19q, 18cases); and IDH mutant with the 1p/19q codeleted group (IDH/1p19q, 22cases). Histogram parameters of ADC maps calculated with the two different ROI methods: ADCmean, min, max, mode, P5, P10, P25, P75, P90, P95, kurtosis, skewness, entropy, StDev, and inhomogenity were compared between these categories using the independent test or Mann-Whitney test.
Zhongguo Yi Xue Ke Xue Yuan Xue Bao
August 2020
To explore the utility of apparent diffusion coefficient(ADC)histogram analysis for differentiating genetic subtypes of diffuse lower-grade gliomas. A total of 55 patients with WHO grade Ⅱ/Ⅲ diffuse lower-grade gliomas who underwent preoperative routine brain magnetic resonance imaging and diffusion weighted imaging in our center were retrospectively evaluated.Among whom there were 14 patients with isocitrate dehydrogenase(IDH)wild-type gliomas(IDH group),19 patients with IDH-mutant 1p19q intact gliomas(IDH 1p19q group),and 22 patients with IDH-mutant 1p19q co-deleted gliomas(IDH 1p19q group).
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