The physiological effect of intravenous application of aminophylline on the mechanics of breathing and the gaseous exchange in persons with bronchial asthma was studied in 7 out-patients before, during and up to 90 minutes after intravenous injection of 0,48 g of Euphillin, and the data were related to the respective serum levels of the drug. The patients suffered from long-standing bronchial asthma, generally associated with moderate airways obstruction. The bronchodilating effect of Euphyllin could be substantiated for the whole time of the trial solely in respect of the changes in oscillatory impedence; the other parameters showed only temporary changes which had disappeard by the end of the trial although the serum levels of aminophylline were in the therapeutic range (mean +/- SD: 12,5 +/- 3,0 microgram/ml).
View Article and Find Full Text PDFReplantation and revascularisation of amputated parts in children is demonstrated in relation to 6 and 8 cases respectively. The indications are discussed. Contra-indications are limited to a poor general condition as a result of multiple trauma or to severe destruction of the amputated part.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFKlin Monbl Augenheilkd
March 1980
A woman patient suffering from long-term pulmonary asthma was treated with steroids and developed a secondary glaucoma. After the first application of one drop of Timololmaleat 0,25% in the lower conjunctival sac of each eye a significant increase in bronchospasm was registered. The cause and consequences of this side-effect are discussed.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFLangenbecks Arch Chir
February 1981
Anal sphincter reconstruction with muscle transplantation according to Thompson and transposition of the denervated gracilis muscle onto the surface of the pelvic floor muscles are described. The transplanted and transposed muscles are reinnervated by a collateral nerve from the adjacent functioning muscles. The follow-up examination of 16 cases of anal incontinence two years after anal sphincter reconstruction demonstrates in all but one case ontinence for firm feces and in most of them, continence for fluid feces.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBesides the special microsurgical operative technique, dynamic splinting is one of the basic fundamentals of KLEINERT's technique for primary repair of flexor tendons. The principle of this splinting is explained. Further applications are reported: 1.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFDiffuse pulmonary fibroleiomyomas were detected by open-lung biopsy in a 33-year-old male patient. Lung function studies revealed severe airflow obstruction, hyperinflation, grossly impaired single-breath-diffusing capacity and a decrease in PaO2 during exercise, i.e.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFZ Plast Chir
December 1979
Successful replantation of total amputated parts of the hand having been performed during a period of five years were investigated as a homogenous group. Long-term function of replanted parts was evaluated by objective criteria, as signs of use, trophique, vascularisation, mobility, sensibility and the integration of replants into general function of the hand, and on the other side by subjective criteria as usefulness in professional and private life, retrospective personal attitude to replantation and subjective complaints.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFMeasurements of total oscillatory impedance (ROS) together with spirometric and body plethysmographic determinations were made in adults and children and the results were compared. In adults (n = 260) correlation was less close (r = 0.53) than it was in 88 children (r = 0.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe therapeutic value of ketotifen (Zaditen), a new anti-allergic drug, was studied in patients with extrinsic bronchial asthma. a) In 8 persons the protective effect on bronchial provocation tests with allergen was examined 3 and 14 days after treatment and compared with cromoglycate (Intal); b) 19 patients were treated for 6 months with 2 x 1 milligram ketotifen (n = 7), 2 x 2 mg ketotifen (n = 7), 2 x 1 mg clemastine (Tavegil) (n = 5). The results were as follows: a) The amount of inhaled allergen causing a fall of 20% in FEV1.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWien Klin Wochenschr
February 1979
The tendency towards less radical, stage-dependent procedures in the surgical management of breast cancer has opened the way to improvement in the reconstructive measures available. Reconstruction of the female breast can be undertaken with greater or lesser success and facility according to whether the initial procedure was subcutaneous mastectomy, modified radical mastectomy or the Rotter--Halstedt radical operation. The different plastic reconstructive methods developed over the past years are discussed and illustrated by cases treated under our care.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIn 78 children (age 4 to 17 years, height 102 to 179 cm) with and without clinical signs of airway obstruction, spirometric and plethysmographic measurements were compared with the forced oscillation method for determination of resistance to breathing (Ros). Ros was measured with a recently developed apparatus (Siregnost FD5. Siemens) and showed a close correlation with resistance (r = 0.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFMeasurement of Dco is known to be dependent upon functional inhomogeneities. Because different types of inhomogeneities are operative in patients with bronchial asthma and patients with emphysema, different changes of Dco with increasing breath-holding time, tA, are to be expected. We studied the change of Dco with increasing breath-holding time in healthy subjects, patients with asthma bronchiale and patients with emphysema.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFPflugers Arch
September 1978
The Bohr factor, phi = delta log Po2/deltapH, was determined at various levels of hemoglobin O2 saturation (SO2) in fresh whole blood of the duck. Plasma pH was varied by either changing PCO2 of the blood at constant base excess (CO2 Bohr factor, phiCO2) or by addition of NaHCO3 and HCl at constant PCO2 (fixed acid BOHR factor, phiAH). No differences were found between phiCO2 and phiAH at SO2 levels between 20 and 85%, and there was no saturation dependence of the Bohr factor, its average value being -0.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIf the distribution of the types of nerve fibers in the various intercostal nerves is taken into consideration, an intercostal nerve segment can be an acceptable donor nerve graft for sensory and/or motor nerve replacements. We describe the distribution of motor and sensory axons in various segments of the upper and lower intercostal nerves.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFAm J Physiol
March 1978
Blood flow to subunits of the lung was studied in the duck by use of radioactive microspheres. In spontaneously breathing, unanesthetized animals (series I) neopulmo was slightly better perfused than the average lung and along the paleopulmonic parabronchi, blood flow was found to decrease in the direction of ventilatory gas flow and thus of decreasing PO2 and increasing PCO2 in lung gas. The effects of respiratory gases on regional lung perfusion were investigated in unidirectionally ventilated animals (series II) in which gas mixtures offered to both lungs could be controlled independently.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWien Klin Wochenschr
July 1977
The binding energy (EB) of oxygen, sulphur and nitrogen was determined in highly concentrated fibrin, collagen, liver parenchyma and muscle tissue using photoelectron spectrometry. Fibrin was mixed with the collagen, liver or muscle homogenisate, with or without substitution of clotting factor XIII or additional inhibiton of fibrinolysis and the EB was determined again. Changes in the binding energy arise from an alteration in chemical binding.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFHalf saturation partial pressure of O2,P50, was determined in domestic Muscovy ducks (Cairina moschata) both by in vivo and in vitro techniques. For in vivo determination, blood samples were drawn from the anesthetized, artificially ventilated animals and analyzed both for O2 content, Co2, and O2 partial pressure, Po2. O2 capacity was detemined in arterial samples during hyperoxic ventilation (arterial Po2 about 180 torr).
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