Publications by authors named "Hofstaedter F"

Bladder tumours in early-onset patients are rare and seem to exhibit unique clinicopathological features. Only few studies have investigated somatic alterations in this specific age of onset group and evidence is accumulating of a distinct molecular behaviour of early-onset bladder tumours. We collected the largest cohort of early-onset tumours of patients 45 years old or younger and aimed to test genomic alterations typically found in bladder cancer.

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In addition to conventional clinicopathological parameters, molecular markers are also required in order to predict the course of disease in patients with urothelial bladder cancer (BC). Little is known about fibroblast growth factor receptor 3 (FGFR3) immunoreactivity and the clinical significance it may possess with regard to BC. The present study aimed to investigate the immunoreactivity of FGFR3 in primary urothelial bladder tumours, with regard to clinicopathological features and mutation status.

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Objectives: Recently, it was shown that patients with Lynch syndrome due to an MSH2 mutation are at increased risk for the development of bladder cancer. To further this discussion, we screened the largest investigated cohort of patients with early-onset bladder cancer for microsatellite instability (MSI) and mismatch repair (MMR) deficiency to determine a possible role of Lynch syndrome in young patients with bladder cancer.

Methods: A total of 109 cases of bladder tumors from young patients (aged <45 years) were examined for MSI (Bethesda consensus panel).

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An HPV infection is involved in the etiology of about 25 % of head and neck squamous cell carcinomas (HNSCC). It has been postulated that a strong antitumoral immune response in HPV-positive tumors represents an important underlying mechanism for their good response to therapy. Recently, the Warburg phenomenon has returned to the center of attention because it affects antitumoral immune response and response to therapy.

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HPV infection is considered as an independent risk factor for head and neck squamous cell carcinomas (HNSCC). Due to highly variable prevalence results in numerous studies, it is, however, difficult to estimate the relevance of HPV infection as risk factor for a specific patient collective. This study aimed to elucidate the disparities of HPV prevalence by analyzing socioeconomically and regionally different patient collectives.

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Infertility is sometimes more a man's problem than a woman's, failure of one or both of the testes to descend (cryptorchidism) being the most frequent genital malformation in boys. Untreated, the undescended testis impairs germ cell development and significantly reduces adult fertility. A-dark spermatogonia are the stem cells for all future spermatozoa, and their depletion can be reliably estimated in resin semithin sections.

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NAD(P)H:quinone oxidoreductase 1 (NQO1) catalyses the reduction of quinoid compounds to hydroquinones, preventing the generation of free radicals and reactive oxygen. A "C" to "T" transversion at position 609 of NQO1, leading to a nonsynonymous amino acid change (Pro187Ser, P187S), results in an altered enzyme activity. No NQO1 protein activity was detected in NQO1(609)TT genotype, and low to intermediate activity was detected in NQO1(609)CT genotype compared with (609)CC genotype.

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Purpose: We investigated bladder biopsies from patients with classic bladder exstrophy for the histological features and discuss the potential clinical significance of the findings.

Materials And Methods: Bladder tissues were collected from patients with bladder exstrophy between 2004 and 2011. These specimens were obtained at primary bladder closure (group 1, 29 patients), during secondary reconstructive procedures (group 2, 27) or during cystectomy for failed reconstruction (group 3, 15).

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Purpose: We characterize the urothelium from patients with classic bladder exstrophy-epispadias complex for the expression of proteins associated with urothelial differentiation, and discuss a potential impact of urothelial phenotype on the structural and functional properties of the bladder template following bladder closure.

Materials And Methods: From 2005 to 2010 bladder biopsies from 32 infants with bladder exstrophy-epispadias complex obtained at primary bladder closure were collected. After histological assessment immunochemistry was used to investigate the expression of uroplakin IIIa, cytokeratin differentiation restricted antigens CK13 and CK20, and tight junction protein claudin 4.

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Objectives: We studied the role of minor mismatch repair proteins (MMR) human MutL homologue 1 (hMLH1) and human MutS homologue 2 (hMSH2) in the main subtypes of renal cell carcinoma (RCC).

Methods: Expression of MMR proteins hMLH1 and hMSH2 were investigated in 166 RCC tumors, containing the main subtypes by immunohistochemistry. Furthermore, each tumor was screened for microsatellite instability (MSI) using the National Cancer Institute consensus panel for hereditary non-polyposis colon carcinoma as well as for elevated microsatellite alterations at selected tetranucleotide repeats (EMAST) by 10 additional markers.

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Background: Somatic point mutations in the fibroblast growth factor receptor 3 (FGFR3) gene have been identified in certain types of urological cancers, especially urothelial carcinoma of the bladder and the renal pelvis, and could be correlated with a favourable outcome. However, comprehensive data on the FGFR3 mutation status in renal cell carcinoma (RCC) are still missing.

Methods: In order to investigate a possible role for FGFR3 mutations in renal cell carcinogenesis, we performed a sequence-based mutational analysis of FGFR3 in 238 primary RCC.

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Aims: The outcome of patients with pT1 bladder cancer cannot yet be reliably estimated. The aim of this study was to evaluate several parameters in one of the largest series of initial pT1 bladder cancers.

Methods And Results: Specimens of 309 patients with pT1 urothelial carcinoma were re-evaluated histologically, including size of infiltrating tumour area estimated as equal to or smaller than one high-power field (HPF) or larger than one HPF, and tumour infiltration in relation to the muscularis mucosae (pT1a/b).

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The tumor suppressor gene p53 plays an important role in the stress response of the cell and is mutated in 50% of all human tumors. The p53 Arg72Pro single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) was found to be associated with an increased risk of various malignancies. Biochemical and biological differences between the 2 polymorphic variants of wild-type P53 might lead to distinct susceptibility to HPV- and non-HPV-induced tumors.

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Background: Little information is available on the long-term outcomes of patients with localised prostate cancer.

Objective: To examine the long-term survival of patients with localised prostate gland carcinoma T1 - T2, N0, M0 (UICC stage I and II) compared to the normal population.

Design: Retrospective cohort.

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The WHO 2004 classification defines new histological and molecular variants of urothelial carcinoma. However, there are limited data available on the clinicopathological characteristics or prognosis of these variants. We present histopathological, molecular and clinical data of 32 plasmacytoid carcinomas of the bladder (PUC) showing that PUC is a high-grade tumor with molecular features of aggressive urothelial carcinoma, usually diagnosed in advanced pathological stage (64% pT3, 23% pT4) showing metastases in 60% of the patients.

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A considerable fraction of tumor-associated macrophages (TAM) is located in the fibroblast-rich stromal compartment of desmoplastic breast carcinoma. We analyzed the migratory activity of blood monocytes (MO), the precursor cells of TAM, into 3-D cultures of carcinoma cells and fibroblasts from breast tumor origin. MO migration into breast tumor spheroids was highly variable: Hs578T spheroids showed high MO infiltration rates, T47D cultures were intermediate, whereas BT549, BT474 and MCF-7 spheroids were poorly infiltrated.

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Using tissue microarrays assembling 465 nevi, primary melanomas and metastases, we investigated whether expression of methylthioadenosine phosphorylase (MTAP), a recently suggested biomarker of malignant melanoma, has prognostic significance and may predict responsiveness to adjuvant interferon therapy in patients with melanoma. Because of its association with MTAP activity and interferon signalling pathways, signal transducer and activator of transcription 1 (STAT1) immunohistochemistry was analysed, too. MTAP expression was significantly reduced in melanomas and metastases compared with nevi (P < 0.

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The prognostic significance of HER2 expression in human breast carcinomas is beyond dispute nowadays. The HER family of receptor tyrosine kinases comprises four members (HER1/ErbB1/EGFR, HER2/ErbB2, HER3/ErbB3, and HER4/ErbB4) that act in concert via transactivation and consequently compose a functional signaling unit. Besides HER2 overexpression, coexpression of other HER receptors has substantial impact on course of disease and potential therapeutic benefit.

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Defects in HLA class I antigen processing machinery (APM) component expression often have a negative impact on the clinical course of tumors and on the response to T cell-based immunotherapy. Since only scant information is available about the frequency and clinical significance of HLA class I APM component abnormalities in prostate cancer, the APM component expression pattern was analyzed in 59 primary prostate carcinoma, adjacent normal tissues, as well as in prostate carcinoma cell lines. The IFN-gamma inducible proteasome subunits LMP2 and LMP7, TAP1, TAP2, calnexin, calreticulin, ERp57, and tapasin are strongly expressed in the cytoplasm of normal prostate cells, whereas HLA class I heavy chain (HC) and beta(2)-microglobulin are expressed on the cell surface.

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Introduction: HER2 overexpression, or rather HER2 gene amplification, is indicative for Herceptin therapy in both metastatic and pre-metastatic breast cancer patients. Patient's individual sensitivity to Herceptin treatment, however, varies enormously and spans from effectual responsiveness over acquired insensitivity to complete resistance from the outset. Thus no predictive information can be deduced from HER2 determination so that molecular biomarkers indicative for Herceptin sensitivity or resistance need to be identified.

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Purpose: To evaluate molecular and immunohistochemical markers to develop a molecular grading of urothelial bladder cancer and to test these markers in voided urine samples.

Experimental Design: 255 consecutive biopsies from primary bladder cancer patients were evaluated on a tissue microarray. The clinical parameters gender, age, adjacent carcinoma in situ, and multifocality were collected.

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Secondary sclerosing cholangitis (SSC) is a chronic cholestatic biliary disease, characterized by inflammation, obliterative fibrosis of the bile ducts, stricture formation and progressive destruction of the biliary tree that leads to biliary cirrhosis. SSC is thought to develop as a consequence of known injuries or secondary to pathological processes of the biliary tree. The most frequently described causes of SSC are longstanding biliary obstruction, surgical trauma to the bile duct and ischemic injury to the biliary tree in liver allografts.

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The prevalence and development of microsatellite instability (MSI) and underlying mismatch repair (MMR) deficiency in the carcinogenesis of adenocarcinomas of the papilla of Vater and their precursor lesions are not well established. We analyzed 120 ampullary adenomas (31 pure adenomas and 89 carcinoma-associated adenomas) and 170 pure adenocarcinomas for MSI, immunohistochemical expression of MMR proteins and specific histopathologic features. The most common histologic subtype was intestinal (46.

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Background: Solar lentigines (SL) are frequent benign skin lesions appearing on sun-exposed areas especially in elderly people and therefore represent a hallmark of (photo)aged skin. It has been proposed that SL may subsequently evolve into adenoid seborrhoeic keratosis (SK). However, little is known about the genetic basis of SL.

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