Publications by authors named "Hofmeyr G"

Leg oedema from venous insufficiency is not dangerous but it can cause women symptoms such as pain, feelings of heaviness, night cramps and paraesthesiae. Leg oedema can be a sign of pre-eclampsia when associated with raised blood pressure or proteinuria. The objective of this review was to assess the effects of treatment to relieve the symptoms associated with varicosity in pregnancy and to reduce leg oedema.

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Background: External cephalic version (ECV) of the breech fetus at term (after 37 weeks) has been shown to be effective in reducing the number of breech presentations and caesarean sections, but the rates of success are relatively low. This review examines studies initiating ECV prior to term (before 37 weeks' gestation).

Objectives: To assess the effectiveness of a policy of beginning ECV before term (before 37 weeks' gestation) for breech presentation on fetal presentation at birth, method of delivery, and the rate of preterm birth, perinatal morbidity, stillbirth or neonatal mortality.

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Objective: To determine the prevalence of uterine rupture worldwide.

Design: Systematic review of all available data since 1990.

Setting: Community-based and facility-based reports from urban and rural studies worldwide.

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Background: Lateral and posterior position of the baby's head (the back of the baby's head facing to the side or the mother's back) may be associated with more painful, prolonged or obstructed labour and difficult delivery. It is possible that certain positions adopted by the mother may influence the baby's position.

Objectives: The objective of this review is to assess the effects of adopting a hands and knees maternal posture in late pregnancy or during labour when the presenting part of the fetus is in a lateral or posterior position, compared with no intervention.

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Background: Caesarean section (CS) is a very common surgical procedure worldwide. Suturing the peritoneal layers at CS may or may not confer benefit, hence the need to evaluate whether this step should be omitted or not.

Objectives: To assess the effects of non-closure as an alternative to closure of the peritoneum at CS on intraoperative, immediate and later postoperative, and long-term outcomes.

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Evidence-based intrapartum care.

Best Pract Res Clin Obstet Gynaecol

February 2005

Routine care in normal labour may range from supportive care at home to intensive monitoring and multiple interventions in hospital. Good evidence of effectiveness is necessary to justify interventions in the normal process of labour. Inadequate evidence is available to support perineal shaving, routine enemas, starvation in labour and excluding the choice for home births.

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Objective: To provide recommendations for the management of breech presentation in areas of high prevalence of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection.

Method: Review of relevant literature.

Results: Studies show that elective cesarean section (CS) is safer than vaginal delivery for breech presentation, external cephalic version (ECV) at term increases the chance of vaginal cephalic delivery.

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Background: This is one of a series of reviews of cervical ripening and labour induction using standardised methodology. Misoprostol administered by the oral and sublingual routes have the advantage of rapid onset of action, while the sublingual and vaginal routes have the advantage of prolonged activity and greatest bioavailability.

Objectives: To determine the effectiveness and safety of misoprostol administered buccally or sublingually for third trimester cervical ripening and induction of labour.

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Background: Reduced uterine blood flow from maternal hypotension may contribute to fetal heart rate changes which are common following regional analgesia (epidural or spinal or combined spinal-epidural (CSE)) during labour. Intravenous fluid preloading may help to reduce maternal hypotension but using lower doses of local anaesthetic, and opioid only blocks, may reduce the need for preloading.

Objectives: To assess the effects of prophylactic intravenous fluid preloading before regional analgesia during labour on maternal and fetal well-being.

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Background: Different techniques have been described to reduce morbidity during caesarean section. After the baby has been born by caesarean section and the placenta has been extracted, temporary removal of the uterus from the abdominal cavity (exteriorisation of the uterus) to facilitate repair of the uterine incision has been postulated as a valuable technique. This is particularly so when exposure of the incision is difficult and when there are problems with haemostasis.

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BACKGROUND: Postpartum haemorrhage remains an important cause of maternal death despite treatment with conventional therapy. Uncontrolled studies and one randomised comparison with conventional oxytocics have reported dramatic effects with high-dose misoprostol, usually given rectally, for treatment of postpartum haemorrhage, but this has not been evaluated in a placebo-controlled trial. METHODS: The study was conducted at East London Hospital Complex, Tembisa and Chris Hani Baragwanath Hospitals, South Africa.

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Objective: To identify, from the best available evidence, underutilized and promising technologies that may reduce maternal mortality from obstructed labor.

Methods: The author sought systematic reviews of randomized trials, individual randomized trials, and, in the absence of randomized data, non-randomized studies and clinical consensus. Data were presented according to the level of the evidence.

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Background: Surgical abortion up to 63 days by vacuum aspiration or dilatation and curettage has been the method of choice since the 1960s. Medical abortion became an alternative method of first trimester pregnancy termination with the availability of prostaglandins in the early 1970s and anti-progesterones in the 1980s. The most widely researched drugs are prostaglandins (PGs) alone, mifepristone alone, methotrexate alone, mifepristone with prostaglandins and methotrexate with prostaglandins.

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Ensuring that health professionals practise according to evidence-based standards is important since it affects the quality and cost of care patients receive. The purpose of this research was to use a focused change programme (the Better Births Initiative) to influence obstetric practice of 10 hospitals in Gauteng, South Africa. The findings show some important improvements in practice following the implementation of the BBI; providers at some sites reduced the use of enemas, shaving and episiotomy, and increased use of oral fluids and companionship during labour.

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Background: Surgical abortion up to 63 days by vacuum aspiration or dilatation and curettage has been the method of choice since the 1960s. Medical abortion became an alternative method of first trimester pregnancy termination with the availability of prostaglandins in the early 1970s and anti-progesterones in the 1980s. The most widely researched drugs are prostaglandins (PGs) alone, mifepristone alone, methotrexate alone, mifepristone with prostaglandins and methotrexate with prostaglandins.

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Background: For centuries, there has been controversy around whether being upright (sitting, birthing stools, chairs, squatting) or lying down have advantages for women delivering their babies.

Objectives: To assess the benefits and risks of the use of different positions during the second stage of labour (i.e.

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Background: Prostaglandins have mainly been used for postpartum haemorrhage when other measures fail. Misoprostol, a new and inexpensive prostaglandin E1 analogue, has been suggested as an alternative for routine management of the third stage of labour.

Objectives: To assess the effects of prophylactic prostaglandin use in the third stage of labour.

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Background: Breech presentation places a fetus at increased risk. The outcome for the baby is improved by planned caesarean section compared with planned vaginal delivery. External cephalic version attempts to reduce the chances of breech presentation at birth, but is not always successful.

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Background: Caesarean section is a very common surgical procedure world wide. Suturing the peritoneal layers at caesarean section may or may not confer benefit, hence the need to evaluate whether this step should be omitted or not.

Objectives: The objective of this review was to assess the effects of non-closure as an alternative to closure of the peritoneum at caesarean section on intra-operative, immediate and long-term postoperative and long-term outcomes.

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Background: Maternal oxygen administration has been used in an attempt to lessen fetal distress by increasing the available oxygen from the mother. This has been used for suspected fetal distress during labour, and prophylactically during the second stage of labour on the assumption that the second stage is a time of high risk for fetal distress.

Objectives: The objective of this review was to assess the effects of maternal oxygenation for fetal distress during labour and to assess the effects of prophylactic oxygen therapy during the second stage of labour on perinatal outcome.

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Background: Historically, women have been attended and supported by other women during labour. However, in recent decades in hospitals worldwide, continuous support during labour has become the exception rather than the routine. Concerns about the consequent dehumanization of women's birth experiences have led to calls for a return to continuous support by women for women during labour.

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Background: Routine use of caesarean section for breech presentation is widespread. However, poor outcomes after breech birth might be the result of underlying conditions causing breech presentation rather than damage during delivery.

Objectives: To assess the effects of planned caesarean section for singleton breech presentation at term on measures of pregnancy outcome.

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This study was performed to interpret visually the effect of maternal betamethasone administration on the fetal heart patterns in women at risk for preterm delivery. These effects had previously only been described using computer analysis. It was a retrospective study of 54 women who had received two doses of betamethasone 12 hours apart and had fetal heart tracings before, and on the first and second days after steroid administration.

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