Publications by authors named "Hoffmann N"

This article comments on: 2025. Aberrant growth and expansion in triggered by disruption of microtubules and the cell wall. , 961–979.

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Red-light-activated photocatalysis has become a powerful approach for achieving sustainable chemical transformations, combining high efficiency with energy-saving, mild conditions. By harnessing the deeper penetration and selectivity of red and near-infrared light, this method minimizes the side reactions typical of higher-energy sources, making it particularly suited for large-scale applications. Recent advances highlight the unique advantages of both metal-based and metal-free catalysts under red-light irradiation, broadening the range of possible reactions, from selective oxidations to complex polymerizations.

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Metabolic variation across pathogenic bacterial strains can impact their susceptibility to antibiotics and promote the evolution of antimicrobial resistance (AMR). However, little is known about how metabolic mutations influence metabolism and which pathways contribute to antibiotic susceptibility. Here, we measured the antibiotic susceptibility of 15,120 Escherichia coli mutants, each with a single amino acid change in one of 346 essential proteins.

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Platform chemicals obtained from biomass will play an important role in chemical industry. Already existing compounds or not yet established chemicals are produced from this renewable feedstock. Using photochemical reactions as sustainable method for the conversion of matter furthermore permits to develop processes that are interesting from the ecological and economical point of view.

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Single molecules bridging two metallic electrodes can emit light through electroluminescence when subjected to a bias voltage. Typically, light emission in such devices results from transitions between molecular states, although in the presence of light-matter coupling, the emission can result from a transition between hybrid light-matter states. Here, we create single metal-molecule-metal junctions and simultaneously collect conductance and electroluminescence data using a scanning tunneling microscope (STM) equipped with a custom spectrometer.

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Background: High levels of the polyunsaturated fatty acid arachidonic acid (AA) within the ovarian carcinoma (OC) microenvironment correlate with reduced relapse-free survival. Furthermore, OC progression is tied to compromised immunosurveillance, partially attributed to the impairment of natural killer (NK) cells. However, potential connections between AA and NK cell dysfunction in OC have not been studied.

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Mass spectral libraries are collections of reference spectra, usually associated with specific analytes from which the spectra were generated, that are used for further downstream analysis of new spectra. There are many different formats used for encoding spectral libraries, but none have undergone a standardization process to ensure broad applicability to many applications. As part of the Human Proteome Organization Proteomics Standards Initiative (PSI), we have developed a standardized format for encoding spectral libraries, called mzSpecLib (https://psidev.

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  • Scientists from 34 labs in 19 countries worked together to measure certain fats (ceramides) in human blood using special techniques.
  • They used both standard methods and their own methods to get very accurate and consistent results.
  • The study helps improve future medical tests and treatments by providing reliable information about these fats in blood samples.
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The rapid increase in lipidomic studies has led to a collaborative effort within the community to establish standards and criteria for producing, documenting, and disseminating data. Creating a dynamic easy-to-use checklist that condenses key information about lipidomic experiments into common terminology will enhance the field's consistency, comparability, and repeatability. Here, we describe the structure and rationale of the established Lipidomics Minimal Reporting Checklist to increase transparency in lipidomics research.

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Intraepithelial mast cells (MCs) are increased in eosinophilic esophagitis (EoE) and reduced with elimination of dietary antigens. Single food reintroduction can identify triggers of eosinophilia; however, the extent to which specific foods trigger intraepithelial mastocytosis remains unknown. We hypothesized that specific foods drive different degrees of MC inflammation.

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  • Itching is common in older adults and may indicate neurodegenerative diseases like frontotemporal lobar degeneration (FTLD-SD) and Alzheimer's disease (AD), as certain brain areas associated with itch sensations could be affected by these conditions.
  • A study compared the incidence of itching in patients with FTLD-SD and AD, using brain MRIs and medical records from a research project at UCSF over a period of nearly 20 years.
  • Results showed that itching was more prevalent in FTLD-SD patients (38%) compared to those with AD (18%), suggesting a possible link between unexplained itching and neurodegenerative processes, particularly in those with behavioral variant frontotemporal dementia.
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Plant cell walls are essential for growth. The cell wall hemicellulose xyloglucan (XyG) is produced in the Golgi apparatus before secretion. Loss of the Arabidopsis galactosyltransferase MURUS3 (MUR3) decreases XyG d-galactose side chains and causes intracellular aggregations and dwarfism.

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  • Low molecular weight heparins (LMWH) are used in pregnancy to prevent or treat thromboembolic events and may have protective effects against preeclampsia, although their use in this context is debated.
  • Recent research shows that LMWH can reduce pregnancy loss and inflammation-related activation of the NLRP3 inflammasome in trophoblasts, which are crucial for a healthy pregnancy.
  • The mechanism involves LMWH activating the heparin-binding epidermal growth factor (HBEGF) pathway, which prevents inflammasome activation and could provide a rationale for using LMWH in managing preeclampsia.
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Mass spectrometry is a powerful technique for analyzing molecules in complex biological samples. However, inter- and intralaboratory variability and bias can affect the data due to various factors, including sample handling and preparation, instrument calibration and performance, and data acquisition and processing. To address this issue, the Quality Control (QC) working group of the Human Proteome Organization's Proteomics Standards Initiative has established the standard mzQC file format for reporting and exchanging information relating to data quality.

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Purpose: Neuroglial tumors are frequently associated with pharmacorefractory epilepsies. However, comprehensive knowledge about long-term outcomes after epilepsy surgery and the main prognostic factors for outcome is still limited. We sought to evaluate long-term outcomes and potential influencing factors in a large cohort of patients who underwent surgery for neuroglial tumors in a single-center setting.

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Introduction: Downhill Mountain Biking is an extreme sport requiring high mental strength to perform on the best level in a competition with only one run to win the race. The substantial challenge here is to control automatic processes like competitive anxiety and stress. Hypnosis can address these automatic processes.

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Spinal Muscular Atrophy is caused by partial loss of survival of motoneuron (SMN) protein expression. The numerous interaction partners and mechanisms influenced by SMN loss result in a complex disease. Current treatments restore SMN protein levels to a certain extent, but do not cure all symptoms.

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The plant cell wall provides a strong yet flexible barrier to protect cells from the external environment. Modifications of the cell wall, either during development or under stress conditions, can induce cell wall integrity responses and ultimately lead to alterations in gene expression, hormone production, and cell wall composition. These changes in cell wall composition presumably require remodelling of the secretory pathway to facilitate synthesis and secretion of cell wall components and cell wall synthesis/remodelling enzymes from the Golgi apparatus.

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Azido sugars hold great promise as substrates in numerous click-chemistry applications. However, the synthesis of activated azido sugars is limited by cost and complexity. Conventional chemical activation methods are intricate and time-consuming.

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Background: The most recent wave of the opioid epidemic has contributed to record number of drug overdoses. Most fatal outcomes are associated with opioids and methamphetamine; two substances that tend to be used at high rates among criminal justice populations. Despite the steady rise in the number of overdoses in local detention centers, many correctional facilities do not conduct routine screens for opioid and methamphetamine use disorders.

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Since the end of the Cold War, millions of migrants from Eastern Europe have sought better opportunities in Western European countries, yet few studies have assessed the impact of such moves on these migrants' children. In the aim of isolating a "treatment effect" of migration on educational outcomes, this study analyzes Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) scores from 2012, 2015, and 2018 for adolescents born in twelve Eastern European countries and living in eight Western European countries. It employs propensity-score matching within a homeland dissimilation framework, comparing immigrants' outcomes on reading, math, and science assessments to similar stay-at-homes in their countries of origin.

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It is important to have reliable information on the presence/absence, population structure, and density of animals across their natural range. Detecting small organisms, however, such as the Nearctic tree trunk sheetweaver spider Drapetisca alteranda Chamberlin 1909 (Araneae: Linyphiidae), presents challenges due to its diminutive size and cryptic nature. We used a capture/recapture study to determine the detection and recapture probabilities of this spider using a standard beat sheet technique adopted for surveying tree trunks.

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Background: Surveillance of healthcare-associated infections (HAIs) is an essential component of hospital infection prevention and control systems. We aimed to assess the quality of the data compiled by the Brazilian HAI Surveillance System from pediatric (PICUs) and neonatal intensive care units (NICUs), between 2012 and 2021.

Methods: Data Quality Review, including adherence, completeness, internal consistency, consistency over time, and consistency of population trend, were computed at both national and state levels based on quality metrics from World Health Organization Toolkit.

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Aim: To evaluate site-related changes in periodontal pocket depth (PPD) after non-surgical periodontal therapy and to identify predictors for PPD changes in a retrospective patient data analysis.

Materials And Methods: PPD, clinical attachment level, bleeding on probing, tooth mobility (TM), furcation involvement (FI), abutment status, adherence to supportive periodontal care (SPC) and SPC follow-ups were obtained from fully documented patient data before periodontal therapy (baseline, T0), after active periodontal therapy (APT, T1) and during SPC (T2). PPD changes were classified into deteriorated or unchanged/improved at the site level.

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