Publications by authors named "Hodge M"

Studies have shown that there is a difference between biological sex at birth in autism spectrum disorder. There remains a lack of understanding about how the symptoms of autism differ between assigned males at birth and assigned females at birth. We looked at the presence of sex differences in a large group of autistic toddlers, children and adolescents, who were seen in a large diagnosis and assessment clinic.

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The Greying with age phenotype in horses involves loss of hair pigmentation whereas skin pigmentation is not reduced, and a predisposition to melanoma. The causal mutation was initially reported as a duplication of a 4.6 kb intronic sequence in Syntaxin 17.

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This article describes primary data and resources available from the Boston Adolescent Neuroimaging of Depression and Anxiety (BANDA) study, a novel arm of the Human Connectome Project (HCP). Data were collected from 215 adolescents (14-17 years old), 152 of whom had current diagnoses of anxiety and/or depressive disorders at study intake. Data include cross-sectional structural (T1- and T2-weighted), functional (resting state and three tasks), and diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance images.

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Human parechovirus (HPeV) is a leading cause of Central Nervous System (CNS) infection in infancy. Despite this, little is known regarding the long-term neuropsychological impacts from HPeV infection. The aim of the present study was to explore the long-term neuropsychological impacts eight-year post-HPeV infection contracted during infancy.

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The authors aimed to assess the impact of a family caregiver support intervention on caregiver burden and hospital readmission before and during the COVID-19 pandemic. By adopting a quasi-experimental design with no randomization, caregivers ( = 65) received a 90-day home visitation caregiver support intervention before the COVID-19 pandemic and caregivers ( = 41) received a 90-day phone-only visitation caregiver support intervention during the COVID-19 pandemic. Caregiver burden was collected in a survey, and hospital readmission of the care recipient was collected by hospital data.

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Ram semen traits play a significant role in conception outcomes, which in turn may influence reproductive efficiency and the overall productivity and profitability of sheep enterprises. Since hundreds of ewes may be inseminated from a single ejaculate, it is important to evaluate semen quality prior to use in sheep breeding programs. Given that semen traits have been found to be heritable, genetic variation likely contributes to the variability observed in these traits.

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Autoimmune (AI) diseases, which present in a multitude of systemic manifestations, have been connected to many underlying factors. These factors include the environment, genetics, individual microbiomes, and diet. An individual's gut microbiota is an integral aspect of human functioning, as it is intimately integrated into the metabolic, mechanical, immunological, and neurologic pathways of the body.

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Children with neurodevelopmental conditions (NDCs), such as autism and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), frequently experience co-occurring mental health concerns. Little research has examined mental health symptoms in children attending developmental assessment services. This study profiled mental health symptoms in children with NDCs attending a hospital-based diagnostic service for their first diagnostic and developmental assessment.

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Osteosarcoma prognosis has remained unchanged for the past three decades. In both humans and canines, treatment is limited to excision, radiation, and chemotherapy. Chemoresistance is the primary cause of treatment failure, and the trajectory of tumor evolution while under selective pressure from treatment is thought to be the major contributing factor in both species.

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Objectives: Early developmental assessment is crucial for effective support and intervention. This study examined factors that contribute to (a) older child age when caregivers first became concerned about their child's development and (b) older child age at the point of entry into developmental and diagnostic assessment. We also quantified how factors contributed to risk of children not receiving an assessment by 5 years and considered the acceptability of electronic data capture for families.

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Damage associated molecular patterns (DAMPs) are molecules released from dead/dying cells following toxicant and/or environmental exposures that activate the immune response through binding of pattern recognition receptors (PRRs). Excessive production of DAMPs or failed clearance leads to chronic inflammation and delayed inflammation resolution. One category of DAMPs are oxidized phospholipids (oxPLs) produced upon exposure to high levels of oxidative stress, such as following ozone (O) induced inflammation.

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Despite long wait times, public paediatric developmental assessment services remain crucial for assessment of children. Assessment is a critical opportunity to guide the placement of supports to improve outcomes. There is little research examining how clinical assessment services conduct their assessments, present results and write reports to families.

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Semen characteristics including volume, gross motility, spermatozoal concentration, and percent post-thaw motility are routinely assessed to determine the quality and quantity of an ejaculate prior to use in artificial breeding programs. Currently, artificial breeding programs in sheep place relatively little emphasis on ram-side factors, such as the fertilising potential of an ejaculate, which may contribute to variability in conception outcomes. Estimating genetic parameters for ejaculate quality and quantity traits could provide insights into whether selective breeding can be used to improve such ram-side traits, improving ovine reproductive performance and farm profitability.

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Article Synopsis
  • - During the pandemic, Western Australia managed to keep COVID-19 cases low, mostly limited to quarantined individuals and small clusters until 2022.
  • - Researchers analyzed wastewater samples from treatment plants and found they could detect SARS-CoV-2 genomes with high accuracy, even from a small number of infected individuals in large populations.
  • - This genomic analysis of wastewater can help monitor outbreaks and understand transmission dynamics, proving to be more useful for disease surveillance than previously thought.
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The Human Connectome Project (HCP) was launched in 2010 as an ambitious effort to accelerate advances in human neuroimaging, particularly for measures of brain connectivity; apply these advances to study a large number of healthy young adults; and freely share the data and tools with the scientific community. NIH awarded grants to two consortia; this retrospective focuses on the "WU-Minn-Ox" HCP consortium centered at Washington University, the University of Minnesota, and University of Oxford. In just over 6 years, the WU-Minn-Ox consortium succeeded in its core objectives by: 1) improving MR scanner hardware, pulse sequence design, and image reconstruction methods, 2) acquiring and analyzing multimodal MRI and MEG data of unprecedented quality together with behavioral measures from more than 1100 HCP participants, and 3) freely sharing the data (via the ConnectomeDB database) and associated analysis and visualization tools.

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Adrenergic receptors (ARs) and glucocorticoid receptors (GRs) are activated by circulating catecholamines and glucocorticoids, respectively. These receptors regulate the homeostasis of physiological processes with specificity via multiple receptor subtypes, wide tissue-specific distribution, and interactions with other receptors and signaling processes. Based on their physiological roles, ARs and GRs are widely manipulated therapeutically for chronic diseases.

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Ozone (O3) is a criteria air pollutant known to increase the morbidity and mortality of cardiopulmonary diseases. This occurs through a pulmonary inflammatory response characterized by increased recruitment of immune cells into the airspace, pro-inflammatory cytokines, and pro-inflammatory lipid mediators. Recent evidence has demonstrated sex-dependent differences in the O3-induced pulmonary inflammatory response.

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Introduction: Increases in ambient levels of ozone (O), a criteria air pollutant, have been associated with increased susceptibility and exacerbations of chronic pulmonary diseases through lung injury and inflammation. O induces pulmonary inflammation, in part by generating damage-associated molecular patterns (DAMPs), which are recognized by pattern recognition receptors (PRRs), such as toll-like receptors (TLRs) and scavenger receptors (SRs). This inflammatory response is mediated in part by alveolar macrophages (AMs), which highly express PRRs, including scavenger receptor BI (SR-BI).

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Difficulties in adaptive functioning are common in autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and contribute to negative outcomes across the lifespan. Research indicates that cognitive ability is related to degree of adaptive functioning impairments, particularly in young children with ASD. However, the extent to which other factors, such as socioeconomic status (SES) and ASD symptom severity, predict impairments in adaptive functioning remains unclear.

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Asthma is a common respiratory disease currently affecting more than 300 million worldwide and is characterized by airway inflammation, hyperreactivity, and remodeling. It is a heterogeneous disease consisting of corticosteroid-sensitive T-helper cell type 2-driven eosinophilic and corticosteroid-resistant, T-helper cell type 17-driven neutrophilic phenotypes. One pathway recently described to regulate asthma pathogenesis is cholesterol trafficking.

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Reduced reproductive efficiency results in economic losses to the Australian sheep industry. Reproductive success, particularly after artificial insemination, is dependent on a number of contributing factors on both ewe and ram sides. Despite considerable emphasis placed on characterising ewe side contributions, little emphasis has been placed on characterising ram side contributions to conception success.

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Introduction: Routine drain placement is still widely used in both sleeve gastrectomy (SG) and Roux en Y gastric bypass (REYGB). There is mounting evidence that drains may increase complication risk without preventing reoperation or other complications.

Methods: Data from 2017 Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery Accreditation and Quality Improvement Program (MBSAQIP) Participant Use File was evaluated for drain use during laparoscopic REYGB and SG.

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Background: The ability to confidently predict health outcomes from gene expression would catalyze a revolution in molecular diagnostics. Yet, the goal of developing actionable, robust, and reproducible predictive signatures of phenotypes such as clinical outcome has not been attained in almost any disease area. Here, we report a comprehensive analysis spanning prediction tasks from ulcerative colitis, atopic dermatitis, diabetes, to many cancer subtypes for a total of 24 binary and multiclass prediction problems and 26 survival analysis tasks.

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