Publications by authors named "Hillary Ross"

Basal cells of benign prostate glands are typically p63 positive, whereas malignant glands are usually p63 negative. A rare subset of prostatic adenocarcinoma (PCa) demonstrates aberrant diffuse p63 expression but is negative for high-molecular-weight cytokeratin. Strong p63 staining of the tumor cells can obscure the loss of high-molecular-weight cytokeratin when using a cocktail of basal cell markers and create a diagnostic pitfall.

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We have described a rare group of prostate adenocarcinomas that show aberrant expression of p63, a protein strongly expressed in prostatic basal cells and absent from usual-type acinar prostate cancers. The partial basal-like immunophenotype of these tumors is intriguing in light of the persistent debate surrounding the cell-of-origin for prostate cancer; however, their molecular phenotype is unknown. We collected 37 of these tumors on radical prostatectomy and biopsy and assessed subsets for a diverse panel of molecular markers.

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The current epidemiology and clinicopathologic features of squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) of the scrotum are largely unknown because of its low incidence. We describe the histopathologic features, immunohistochemistry, and human papillomavirus (HPV) status of 29 patients with scrotal SCC. The mean age at presentation was 55 years (range, 30 to 74 y).

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Prostatic adenocarcinoma with aberrant diffuse expression of p63 (p63-PCa) is a recently described variant of prostatic adenocarcinoma. The aim of this study was to investigate the clinical and pathologic features of p63-PCa at radical prostatectomy (RP). We reviewed 21 cases of p63-PCa diagnosed on needle biopsy at subsequent RP.

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Objective: The objectives of this article are to illustrate the radiologic-pathologic correlation of prostate stromal neoplasms and to review the imaging appearances of cystic and solid prostatic and periprostatic masses that may mimic prostatic stromal neoplasms.

Conclusion: The differential diagnosis for cystic and solid masses in the prostate is broad, and masses arising from periprostatic structures may mimic the appearance of primary prostatic diseases. Attention to clinical and imaging features is helpful in narrowing the differential diagnosis.

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Nephrogenic adenoma of the urinary bladder, where they present most frequently, are typically confined to the lamina propria but can on occasion focally involve the superficial muscularis propria. Less commonly, nephrogenic adenoma involves the renal pelvis and ureter where again they almost always only involve the lamina propria. We identified 3 consult cases in which tubules of nephrogenic adenoma extensively involved the muscularis propria and focally infiltrated the perinephric adipose tissue, for which the contributing pathologists considered the diagnosis of adenocarcinoma.

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Small cell carcinoma of the prostate is associated with poor prognosis and different treatment from conventional acinar adenocarcinoma. Given the important clinicopathologic implications of a diagnosis of small cell carcinoma, we report 7 cases showing unusual, extensive small cell-like change in intraductal carcinoma and invasive carcinoma. Prostatic biopsies from 3 patients and radical prostatectomy specimens from 4 patients showed variably extensive small cell-like high-grade prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia and intraductal carcinoma.

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Massive localized lymphedema is a reactive pseudotumor strongly associated with obesity. The tumor most commonly presents as pendulous masses in the lower limbs with only 3 reported cases involving external male genitalia. In this study, we report an additional 6 cases localized to the external male genitalia.

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Although rare, there are cases within reported series of men with Gleason score (GS) ≤6 on radical prostatectomies that show pelvic lymph node (LN) metastases. However, there are no studies on whether pelvic LN metastases occur in tumors with GS ≤6 using the International Society of Urological Pathology (ISUP) updated GS system. We performed a search of the radical prostatectomy databases at 4 large academic centers for cases of GS ≤6.

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Context: The diagnosis of primary renal cell carcinomas (RCCs) with both papillary architecture and cells with clear cytoplasm can be diagnostically challenging for practicing pathologists. The 4 main neoplasms in the differential diagnosis are clear cell RCC, papillary RCC, clear cell papillary RCC, and Xp11 translocation RCC. Accurate diagnosis has both prognostic and therapeutic implications.

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Fibrolamellar carcinomas are a unique type of liver carcinoma that arise in non-cirrhotic livers of young individuals. Despite their distinctive appearance, recent studies have demonstrated a lack of consistency in how fibrolamellar carcinomas are diagnosed by pathologists. As a potential aide in diagnosis, we investigated the staining properties of CD68.

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Xp11 translocation renal cell carcinoma (RCC) is a group of neoplasms characterised by translocations involving a breakpoint at Xp11.2. The resulting gene fusions involve the TFE3 transcription factor gene and multiple reported genes, including the same one (ASPL) found in the characteristic gene fusion of alveolar soft part sarcoma.

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Intestinal spirochetosis (IS) is an unusual infection in children, one with no standard therapeutic options. This article reports the findings on 5 new cases in conjunction with a 20-year review of the pediatric literature. The diagnosis of IS in children requires a high degree of suspicion by the physician, as many cases present with abdominal pain, chronic diarrhea, and/or hematochezia associated with a normal endoscopic examination.

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Background Context: Restrictive transfusion criteria have led to decreased morbidity and mortality in critically ill patients. Their use has been extended to other patient groups. In adult spine surgery, ongoing postoperative blood losses and soft-tissue trauma may make these patients not appropriate for restrictive transfusion practices.

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