Synopsis of recent research by authors named "Hilde Baeyens"
- Hilde Baeyens' research focuses on improving palliative care approaches for older hospitalized patients, emphasizing the implementation of tools like the Belgian Palliative Care Indicators Tool (Be-PICT) and the Supportive and Palliative Care Indicators Tool (SPICT) for better prognostication and care planning.
- Recent findings indicate that assessing factors such as premorbid frailty and usual gait speed can significantly enhance the identification of older patients who may benefit from early palliative care interventions, addressing the challenge of timely care for this vulnerable population.
- Baeyens’ work also highlights the prevalence of potentially inappropriate prescribing in acutely ill older patients across multiple European hospitals, suggesting that this issue is widespread and not limited to any single country, thus necessitating broader strategies for improving medication safety in older adults.