Purpose: To compare the physical activity of a group of children with mitochondrial myopathy (MM) with children who are healthy and to evaluate the suitability of different measurement tools.
Methods: The physical activity of 6 children with MM and 10 children who are healthy was measured using accelerometry, heart rate monitoring, video observation, rating of their fatigue, and 2 questionnaires about their physical activity and quality of life.
Results: The children with MM spent less time in moderate to vigorous activity, and their activity level measured with the accelerometer was lower than the children who are healthy.
Purpose: To investigate the reliability and validity of video clips in assessing movement disorders in preschool children.
Methods: The study group included 27 children with neuromotor concerns. The explorative validity group included children with motor problems (n = 21) or with typical development (n = 9).
Purpose: To investigate the feasibility and effect of a functional physical training program on aerobic endurance and walking ability of children with cerebral palsy.
Methods: Thirteen children (8-13 years, Gross Motor Function Classification System level I or II, with normal intelligence or mild retardation) participated in this study. A functional physical training program addressing aerobic endurance, walking distance, walking velocity, and ambulation, consisted of a circuit with 4 stations and lasted 30 minutes twice weekly for 9 weeks.