Publications by authors named "Herwig Oberlerchner"

Background: Crimes against humanity took place in many institutions as well as psychiatric departments during the Nazi dictatorship.

Objectives: The aim of this review paper is to present a special kind of dealing with crimes in psychiatric institutions on a local and regional level.

Methods: Analogous to the psychiatric-psychotherapeutic approach with traumatized individuals, the procedure "secure-describe and work through-reconnect" is suggested for the collective within the frame of remembrance work and commemorative culture.

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Unlabelled: Adult ADHD and borderline personality disorder: A pilot study on differences in attachment and early traumatization Objective: Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in adulthood and borderline personality disorder (BPD) share commondiagnostic criteria.The present study examined how ADHD in adulthood can be distinguished from BPDregarding attachment style and traumatic experiences.

Method: The sample consists of N = 30 persons with 50% (n = 15) ADHD patients and 50% (n = 15) BPD patients.

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Background: Based on the data of an analysis of costs of psychopharmacological treatment by the Austrian Rechnungshof in 2011, which also revealed remarkable differences between Salzburg and Carinthia (federal states of Austria), a panel of experts discussed the potential causes. A consequence was the following prospective study, which took place at the department of psychiatry and psychotherapy in Klagenfurt/Carinthia.

Methods: The aim in this mirror design study was to analize the data of psychopharmacologic treatment, epidemiological data of the treated patients (N = 230) and utilization of healthcare ressources such as contacts to psychiatrists or practicioners after discharge.

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This paper sheds some new light on four visits of Freud to Carinthia between 1898 and 1923. New information from contemporary sources is added to already known facts (patient visit in 1898; encounters with Alban Berg in 1900 and 1907).

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In this article the fate of Mr. B. is described as an example for the fate of hundreds of mentally ill patients of the "Landes-Irrenanstalt of Klagenfurt", murdered during the era of National Socialism.

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