Publications by authors named "Hernandez B"

Adrenal leiomyomas are rare, benign tumors originating in the adrenal glands. They have a varied age of presentation, occur with a slight female predominance, and are typically unilateral, although bilateral cases can occur. Symptoms typically include abdominal or flank pain.

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Background: Blood cultures are the gold standard for diagnosing bacterial bloodstream infections, but test results are only available 24-48 h after sampling. We aimed to develop and evaluate models using health-care data to predict bloodstream infections in patients admitted to hospital.

Methods: In this retrospective cohort study, we used routinely collected blood biomarkers and demographic data from patients who underwent blood sample collection for testing via culture between March 3, 2014, and Dec 1, 2021, at Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust (London, UK) as model features.

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Objetivo: Describir la búsqueda de atención e información y la prevalencia de uso de servicios de salud sexual y reproductiva (SSR) en adolescentes de 12-19 años con inicio de vida sexual (IVS). Material y métodos. Se analiza información de adolescentes con IVS utilizando la Encuesta Nacional de Salud y Nutrición 2023 (Ensanut 2023).

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Purpose: The cornea is a transparent avascular tissue that serves as the first line of defense against opportunistic pathogens and provides a smooth refractive surface for vision. Due to its external location, the cornea is vulnerable to stress from the outer environment. This can lead to corneal epithelial breakdown and subsequent corneal disease.

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Adenine base editing can convert sickle hemoglobin (HbS, βΕ6V) to G-Makassar hemoglobin (HbG, βE6A), a naturally occurring variant that is clinically asymptomatic. However, the quality and functionality of purified HbG and of mature HbGG and HbGS red blood cells (RBC) has not been assessed. Here, we develop a mouse model to characterize HbG.

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Background: Worldwide trends support the increasing contribution of hepatic steatosis on the incidence of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). This study investigates if similar changes are seen in Hawaii, where the incidence of HCC is higher than most of the United States. Methods; This is a retrospective study of 1651 patients diagnosed with HCC (1991-2023) that includes 60-70% of Hawaii's HCC cases.

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Introduction: Electrophysiologic (EP) procedures are typically performed via the femoral venous system, but in some patients, the inferior vena cava (IVC) is unavailable. The hepatic vein has emerged as a viable alternative to femoral access, providing an inferior route that accommodates large sheaths required for better catheter manipulation. Although the percutaneous transhepatic approach has been used successfully in the pediatric population, its use in adults is scarce, with a complication rate of approximately 5 %.

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Metabolomics and epigenomics have been used to develop 'ageing clocks' that assess biological age and identify 'accelerated ageing'. While metabolites are subject to short-term variation, DNA methylation (DNAm) may capture longer-term metabolic changes. We aimed to develop a hybrid DNAm-metabolic clock using DNAm as metabolite surrogates ('DNAm-metabolites') for age prediction.

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The most severe form of α-thalassemia results from loss of all four copies of α-globin. Postnatally, patients face challenges similar to β-thalassemia, including severe anemia and erythrotoxicity due to the imbalance of β-globin and α-globin chains. Despite progress in genome editing treatments for β-thalassemia, there is no analogous curative option for α-thalassemia.

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This perspective highlights the transformative potential of Metal-Organic Frameworks (MOFs) in environmental and healthcare sectors. It discusses work that has advanced beyond technology readiness levels of >4 including applications in capture, storage, and conversion of gases to value added products. This work showcases efforts in the most salient applications of MOFs which have been performed at a great cadence, enabled by the federal government, large companies, and startups to commercialize these technologies despite facing significant challenges.

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Implementing culturally appropriate school-based prevention programs with Indigenous students that leverage culture as a protective factor has the potential to revitalize and sustain cultural connections that have historically and systematically been destroyed in the United States. However, there is a dearth of literature synthesizing the effectiveness of school-based prevention programs that have been implemented with Indigenous students across contexts. As such, we conducted a mixed method systematic review to (a) evaluate school-based prevention programs with quantitative and/or qualitative data, (b) assess the use of Indigenous research methods, and (c) examine cultural and community validity.

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Background: Blood-related infections are a significant concern in healthcare. They can lead to serious medical complications and even death if not promptly diagnosed and treated. Throughout time, medical research has sought to identify clinical factors and strategies to improve the management of these conditions.

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Increased antibody affinity over time after vaccination, known as affinity maturation, is a prototypical feature of immune responses. Recent studies have shown that a diverse collection of B cells, producing antibodies with a wide spectrum of different affinities, is selected into the plasma cell (PC) pathway. How affinity-permissive selection enables PC affinity maturation remains unknown.

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Yersiniosis due to can be associated with high morbidity and mortality in various species and has been a cosmopolitan management challenge in zoological institutions. This gram-negative, environmental bacterium thrives in cold, wet conditions and poses a risk to zoo species. Outbreaks can be costly and impact conservation efforts through loss of threatened and endangered species.

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Purpose: To demonstrate the process and results of an equity analysis of a reproductive health association.

Description: A series of quantitative surveys and qualitative interviews were conducted with employees of Planned Parenthood League of Massachusetts (PPLM), assessing different aspects of equity. Amaka Consulting and Evaluation Services, LLC, an external consulting agency, analyzed the results and provided recommendations for improvements.

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Increased antibody affinity over time after vaccination, known as affinity maturation, is a prototypical feature of immune responses. Recent studies have shown that a diverse collection of B cells, producing antibodies with a wide spectrum of different affinities, are selected into the plasma cell (PC) pathway. How affinity-permissive selection enables PC affinity maturation remains unknown.

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Article Synopsis
  • Ductal carcinoma in-situ (DCIS) is a non-invasive breast cancer type that makes up about 25% of breast cancer cases, but it often leads to unnecessary aggressive treatment despite many cases never progressing to invasive cancer.
  • A study analyzed 197 breast tissue samples to explore molecular changes in DCIS, using techniques like mRNA expression and DNA analysis to compare progressing versus non-progressing cases.
  • The research found significant molecular differences among DCIS subtypes and between DCIS and invasive breast cancer, highlighting the complexity of DCIS and the need for more tailored approaches to assess risk and treatment.
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Unlabelled: We analyzed the incidence of fractures and changes in bone mineral density and bone turnover markers in 264 patients who discontinued bisphosphonates. Fractures were recorded in 12.3%.

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Importance: Merkel cell carcinoma (MCC) is a rare but aggressive skin cancer. Quantifying the contribution of major potentially modifiable risk factors to the burden of MCC may inform prevention efforts.

Objective: To estimate the population attributable fraction of MCC cases in the US that were attributable to major immunosuppressing conditions (eg, HIV, solid organ transplant, chronic lymphocytic leukemia [CLL]), ambient UV radiation [UVR] exposure, and Merkel cell polyomavirus [MCPyV]).

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Background: Accurately estimating glomerular filtration rate (GFR) is crucial for dosing medications in hospitalized patients. Due to limitations of serum creatinine for GFR estimation, serum cystatin C (CysC) has been explored as an alternative functional kidney biomarker. This study assessed discordance between eGFR and eGFR in a large sample of hospitalized patients and examined the frequency of renally eliminated medications affected by eGFR discordance.

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Purpose: Oxidative stress in the retinal pigmented epithelium (RPE) has been implicated in age-related macular degeneration by impacting endocytic trafficking, including the formation, content, and secretion of extracellular vesicles (EVs). Using our model of polarized primary porcine RPE (pRPE) cells under chronic subtoxic oxidative stress, we tested the hypothesis that RPE miRNAs packaged into EVs are secreted in a polarized manner and contribute to maintaining RPE homeostasis.

Methods: Small EVs (sEVs) enriched for exosomes were isolated from apical and basal conditioned media from pRPE cells grown for up to four weeks with or without low concentrations of hydrogen peroxide using two sEV isolation methods, leading to eight experimental groups.

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The COVID-19 pandemic has significantly impacted communities worldwide, and effective management strategies are critical to reduce transmission rates and minimize the impact of the disease. In this study, we modeled and analyzed the COVID-19 transmission dynamics and derived relevant epidemiological values for three regions of the Philippines, namely, the National Capital Region (NCR), Davao City, and Baguio City, under different community quarantine implementations. The unique features and differences of these regions-of-interest were accounted for in simulating the disease spread and in estimating key epidemiological parameters fitted to the reported COVID-19 cases.

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Strengthening resilient and sustainable systems for health (RSSH) is central to the Global Fund's strategy, however questions persist about the Global Fund's role in the health systems strengthening space, and the extent to which investments are designed to achieve strengthening objectives, or just fill in gaps in the system. This paper reports on findings from the Prospective Country Evaluations (PCE), a multi-country multi-year evaluation of Global Fund support. We adapted a framework from Chee et al.

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