Purpose: To evaluate the content validity evidence of the nursing outcome "sexual functioning" from the Nursing Outcomes Classification (NOC).
Methods: A multi-method study, including a methodological study analyzing the content validity evidence of the NOC outcome and sexual functioning, and a quantitative, descriptive, cross-sectional study. In the first phase, a literature review was conducted to map and identify clinical indicators associated with sexual functioning to construct the conceptual (CD) and operational definitions (ODs) of each outcome indicator.
Usutu virus (USUV) is an emerging zoonotic arbovirus in Europe, where it primarily impacts Eurasian blackbirds (Turdus merula). For mosquito-borne viruses to persist in temperate areas, transovarial transmission in vectors or overwintering in either hosts or diapausing vectors must occur to facilitate autochthonous transmission. We undertook surveillance of hosts and vectors in 2021 to elucidate whether USUV had overwintered in the United Kingdom (UK) following its initial detection there in 2020.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFInfluenza Other Respir Viruses
July 2022
Introduction: We evaluated uptake and factors associated with COVID-19 vaccination among health workers (HWs) in Azerbaijan.
Results: Among 1575 HWs, 73% had received at least one dose, and 67% received two doses; all received CoronaVac. Factors associated with vaccination uptake included no previous COVID-19 infection, older age, belief in the vaccine's safety, previous vaccination for influenza, having patient-facing roles and good or excellent health by self-assessment.
Objective: To identify and validate nursing diagnoses of elderly residents, and determine their relationship with the level of dependence in activities of daily living.
Methods: One hundred thirty-five older adults were assessed using medical history and physical examination. Twelve validated gerontological instruments were administered to assess delirium, nutritional status, risk for falls, risk for pressure injury, dementia, cognitive losses, depression, and level of dependence in daily living and instrumental activities of daily living.
Aim: The aim of this paper is to propose a label structure for nursing diagnosis syndromes from NANDA-I.
Background: Worldwide changes and human needs seem to get more complex, offering challenging opportunities for nursing care and to nursing knowledge. Nursing classifications represent nursing knowledge and are critical in guiding clinical practice and patient-centred care.
Objectives: To discuss priorities and possibilities for promoting international collaboration and new research evidence on NANDA International, Inc. (NANDA-I).
Methods: Theoretical reflection article based on the literature and the authors' opinions on the subject matter, carried out by six research nurses.
Introduction: Idiopathic facial nerve palsy (FNP) is an uncommon but important presentation in children, with Lyme disease known to be a common cause. The UK county of Hampshire is a high incidence area of Lyme disease. We conducted a retrospective review of the investigation and management of paediatric FNP at a large University hospital, including serologic testing and treatment of Lyme disease.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFPurpose: To clinically validate indicators of the nursing outcomes "Breastfeeding establishment: Infant (1000)" and "Breastfeeding establishment: maternal (1001)", and their conceptual and operational definitions in infants admitted to a neonatal unit and their mothers.
Method: This study utilized several methods in a stepwise approach including an integrative review of the literature, content validation, and clinical validation. The content validity index was performed by eight experts, who evaluated revised content of the studied nursing outcomes.
Purpose: This article explores the current structure of NANDA-I nursing diagnoses (ND) labels.
Methods: Critical analysis of the ND labels, as categorized in the NANDA-I terminology.
Findings: Most of the 244 ND labels are composed of terms from the focus and judgment axes.
Purpose: To identify the frequency of the nursing diagnoses, ineffective breathing pattern, impaired gas exchange and impaired spontaneous ventilation in newborns; and, to analyze the accuracy of diagnostic indicators identified for each of these diagnoses.
Methods: This was a cross-sectional study conducted with a nonprobability sample of 92 infants. Data collected were represented by demographic and clinical variables, clinical indicators of the three respiratory nursing diagnoses from NANDA International, and were analyzed according to frequency and agreement between pairs of expert nurses (Kappa).
Purpose: To critically evaluate 2014 American Academy of Nursing (AAN) call-to-action plan for generating interoperable nursing data.
Data Sources: Healthcare literature.
Data Synthesis: AAN's plan will not generate the nursing data needed to participate in big data science initiatives in the short term because Logical Observation Identifiers Names and Codes and Systematized Nomenclature of Medicine - Clinical Terms are not yet ripe for generating interoperable data.
Purpose: To identify and summarize clinical data supporting selection of nursing diagnoses related to the respiratory system for pediatric and neonatal populations.
Method: A literature review conducted in indexed publications was used.
Findings: The final sample consisted of 13 studies conducted in children with cardiac disease, respiratory infection, and asthma with nursing diagnoses such as ineffective breathing pattern, impaired gas exchange, and ineffective airway clearance.
Unlabelled: The accurate identification of the nursing diagnoses and the corresponding measurement of their indicators will depend on the elements in the standardized language systems.
Objective: To analyze the correspondence between elements of four NANDA-I nursing diagnoses and outcomes suggested by the nursing outcomes classification (NOC) for the resolution of these diagnoses.
Method: A methodological study consisting of cross-mapping was performed in the first stage between definitions, defining characteristics (DCs), and related factors (RFs) of impaired oral mucous membrane, impaired tissue integrity, spiritual distress, and delayed surgical recovery and outcome definitions and indicators to measure results of diagnoses resolution and an analysis of its relevance by experts in the second stage.
The identification of clinical indicators with good predictive ability allows the nurse to minimize the existing variability in clinical situations presented by the patient and to accurately identify the nursing diagnosis, which represents the true clinical condition. The purpose of this study was to analyze the accuracy of NANDA-I clinical indicators of the nursing diagnosis ineffective airway clearance (IAC) in children with acute respiratory infection. This was a prospective cohort study conducted with a group of 136 children and followed for a period of time ranging from 6 to 10 consecutive days.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFPurpose: To describe a predictive middle range theory (MRT) that provides a process for validation and incorporation of nursing diagnoses in clinical practice.
Data Sources: Literature review.
Data Synthesis: The MRT includes definitions, a pictorial scheme, propositions, causal relationships, and translation to nursing practice.
Objective: To describe the nursing clinical judgment as a basis for ND identification and development of a NIC treatment plan for a child after cardiac surgery under intensive care.
Method: A case study with data retrospectively collected from charts.
Results: Three nurses identified NANDA-I diagnoses and NIC interventions.
Aims And Objectives: The purpose of this study was to assess the prevalence of ineffective breathing pattern and the accuracy of its defining characteristics, among children and adolescents with congenital heart disease.
Background: The NANDA International nursing diagnosis, ineffective breathing pattern, has been noted to have high prevalence in different clinical contexts and age groups. Despite that, nurses continue to report difficulties in confirming this diagnosis.
Objective: To report the experience of an outpatient nursing education clinic caring for people with chronic heart failure.
Experience Report: In this service, qualified "listening," recreational educational actions about the disease and its treatment are conducted, based on the interventions from the Nursing Interventions Classification (NIC), as well as the evaluation of self-care behaviors with the outcomes from the Nursing Outcomes Classification (NOC). This article describes the practice of health education activities and the use of NANDA-I-NIC-NOC in a nursing clinic.
Purpose: To develop and test the content validity of a nursing assessment tool for data collection (NATDC) based on NANDA-I for use in outpatients with chronic cardiovascular diseases.
Methods: Construction based on the literature, refinement with a pilot group of hypertensive outpatients and content validation by experts.
Findings: The NATDC questions were divided into demographic information of the patient and family, clinical data, physical examination, and interview according to NANDA-I domains.
Purpose: To construct and validate a data collection instrument (DCI), and a corresponding instructional guide, for assessment of the nursing diagnosis, risk for infection, in patients following cardiac surgery.
Methods: Construction of conceptual and operational definitions for risk factors based on literature, content validation by experts, and clinical validation by clinical nurses.
Findings: There were significant internal consistency and reproducibility in the content validation.
The standardized language systems are important tools for dealing with the increasing complexity of nursing care. In this article the authors present the main benefits that the use of these systems provide for the required clinical reasoning in nursing care, the construction and organization of knowledge of the discipline, and for the clinical practice of nursing. The potential contributions of the standardized language systems in these fields stem from the fact that these systems provide a formal structure for supporting clinical reasoning, organizing knowledge and nursing experience.
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