Recent experiments on kagome metals AV_{3}Sb_{5} (A=Cs,Rb,K) indicated spontaneous time-reversal symmetry breaking in the charge density wave state in the absence of static magnetization. The loop current order (LCO) is proposed as its cause, but a microscopic model explaining the emergence of LCO through electronic correlations has not been firmly established. We show that the coupling between van Hove singularities with distinct mirror symmetries is a key ingredient to generate LCO ground state.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWhile the ground-state phase diagram of the correlated flat-band systems has been intensively investigated, the dynamic and thermodynamic properties of such lattice models are less explored, but it is the latter which is most relevant to the experimental probes (transport, quantum capacitance, and spectroscopy) of the quantum moiré materials such as twisted bilayer graphene. Here we show, by means of momentum-space quantum Monte Carlo and exact diagonalization, in chiral limit there exists a unique thermodynamic characteristic for the correlated flat-band model with interaction-driven quantum anomalous Hall (QAH) ground state, namely, the transition from the QAH insulator to the metallic state takes place at a much lower temperature compared with the zero-temperature single-particle gap generated by the long-range Coulomb interaction. Such low transition temperature comes from the proliferation of excitonic particle-hole excitations, which transfers the electrons across the gap between different topological bands to restore the broken time-reversal symmetry and gives rise to a pronounced enhancement in the charge compressibility.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIn this Letter, an elastic twisted kagome lattice at a critical twist angle, called self-dual kagome lattice, is shown to exhibit peculiar finite-frequency topological modes which emerge when certain conditions are satisfied. These states are topologically reminiscent of the zero energy (floppy) modes of Maxwell lattices, but they occur at a finite frequency in the band gap of the self-dual kagome lattice. Thus, we present a completely new class of topological modes that share similarities with both the zero frequency floppy modes in Maxwell lattices and the finite energy in-gap modes in topological insulators.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFMedicine (Baltimore)
August 2021
Rationale: Bladder paraganglioma is characterized by headache, palpitations, hypertension, blurred vision, or sweating during voiding. Transurethral holmium laser resection is a safe and efficacious alternative method for the resection of bladder neoplasms.
Patient Concerns: A 24-year-old female had a 2-year history of intermittent headaches, palpitation, and sweating during micturition.
We generalize the Pfaffian formalism, which has been playing an important role in the study of time-reversal invariant topological insulators (TIs), to 3D chiral higher-order topological insulators (HOTIs) protected by the product of fourfold rotational symmetry C_{4} and the time-reversal symmetry T. This Pfaffian description reveals a deep and fundamental link between TIs and HOTIs, and allows important conclusions about TIs to be generalized to HOTIs. As examples, we demonstrate in the Letter how to generalize Fu-Kane's parity criterion for TIs to HOTIs, and also present a general method to efficiently compute the Z_{2} index of 3D chiral HOTIs without a global gauge.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFLung adenocarcinoma is a common respiratory malignancy, however urethral metastasis of lung adenocarcinoma has not yet been reported. This study aims to present a rare case of isolated urethral metastasis in a male patient with a history of primary lung adenocarcinoma. A 69 year-old male patient was admitted complaining of dysuria and nocturia for 3 months, with a history of lung adenocarcinoma after surgery.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe combination of Rashba spin-orbit coupling and potential disorder induces a random current operator for the edge states of a 2D topological insulator. We prove that charge transport through such an edge is ballistic at any temperature, with or without Luttinger liquid interactions. The solution exploits a mapping to a spin 1/2 in a time-dependent field that preserves the projection along one randomly undulating component (integrable dynamics).
View Article and Find Full Text PDFPhys Rev E Stat Nonlin Soft Matter Phys
December 2015
Bose-Einstein condensation (BEC) of a noninteracting Bose gas of N particles in a two-dimensional box with Dirichlet boundary conditions is studied. Confirming previous work, we find that BEC occurs at finite N at low temperatures T without the occurrence of a phase transition. The conventionally-defined transition temperature T(E) for an infinite three-dimensional (3D) system is shown to correspond in a 2D system with finite N to a crossover temperature between a slow and rapid increase in the fractional boson occupation N(0)/N of the ground state with decreasing T.
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