Z Evid Fortbild Qual Gesundhwes
December 2011
Background: While methods for the production of guidelines (evidence analysis, assessment, adaptation) have been continually refined throughout the past years, there is a lack of instruments for the production of easily understandable synopses.
Methods: Definition of a methodological approach to encompass synopses by Spidernet diagrams.
Results: Tables of synopses can be generated with distinct information to bring down the main results in one Spidernet diagram.
The Programme for National Disease Management Guidelines (German DM-CPG Programme) was established in 2002 by the German Medical Association (umbrella organisation of the German Chambers of Physicians) and joined by the Association of the Scientific Medical Societies (AWMF)--umbrella organisation of more than 150 professional societies--and by the National Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians (NASHIP) in 2003. The programme provides a conceptual basis for disease management, focussing on high priority healthcare topics and aiming at the implementation of best practice recommendations for prevention, acute care, rehabilitation and chronic care. It is organised by the German Agency for Quality in Medicine, a founding member of the Guidelines International Network G-I-N.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFZ Arztl Fortbild Qualitatssich
August 2007
Guidelines are not only sources of condensed evidence. They also contain graded recommendations that have been agreed upon in consensus procedures. Frequently there are discrepancies between the results of the critical appraisal of the evidence expressed in levels of evidence and the strength of the resulting recommendations.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIn Germany, the first national consensus between 14 medical scientific associations on evidence-based recommendations for prevention and therapy of foot problems in type 2 diabetes was reached in fall 2006. The recommendations' main sources are the NICE Guideline 2003 on foot problems in type 2 diabetes, as well as existing German guidelines and reviews of recent scientific evidence. The article gives an overview on authors, sources, and key recommendations of the German National Disease Management Guideline Type 2 Diabetes - Diabetic Foot 2006 (www.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIn Germany, the first national consensus between six medical scientific associations on evidence-based recommendations for prevention and therapy of retinopathy/maculopathy in type 2 diabetes was reached in fall 2006. The recommendations' main sources are the NICE Retinopathy Guideline 2002, and existing German guidelines and reviews of recent scientific evidence. The article gives an overview on authors, sources, and key recommendations of the German National Disease Management Guideline Type 2 Diabetes-Retinopathy/Maculopathy 2006 (www.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe Program for National Disease Management Guidelines (German DM-CPG Program) was established in 2002 by the German Medical Association (umbrella organization of the German Chambers of Physicians) and joined by the Association of the Scientific Medical Societies (AWMF; umbrella organization of more than 150 professional societies) and by the National Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians (NASHIP) in 2003. The program provides a conceptual basis for disease management, focusing on high-priority health-care topics and aiming at the implementation of best practice recommendations for prevention, acute care, rehabilitation and chronic care. It is organized by the German Agency for Quality in Medicine, a founding member of the Guidelines International Network (G-I-N).
View Article and Find Full Text PDFZ Arztl Fortbild Qualitatssich
February 2005
The role of clinical practice guidelines (CPG) as a tool for continuous medical education (CME), and quality management in health care is now widely accepted in Germany. Since the 90ies, the physicians' professional associations as well as health care authorities and parliament have been introducing several incentives and regulations in order to promote the use of evidence based CPG. In the past German CPG agencies have been focussing their work on developing and optimising methodological CPG standards.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFZ Arztl Fortbild Qualitatssich
August 2004
In order to promote the quality of health care and guidelines in Germany the German Guideline Clearinghouse (Sponsors: German Medical Association, National Association of the Statutory Health Insurance Physicians, German Hospital Federation, Associations of the Sickness Funds and the Statutory Pension Insurance) was established at the Agency for Quality in Medicine (AQuMed) in 1999. The results of the 10th Guideline Clearing Project, the Guideline Clearing Report "Breast Cancer", were published in December 2003. In a systematic search using English/German language guideline databases and literature databases (Medline, Healthstar, Embase), 16 national guidelines were identified which were in accordance to the inclusion criteria (breast cancer treatment; German or English language; published after 1992; new guideline or genuine update (no adaptation); recommended for country-wide implementation).
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