Case Description: A 6-month-old female domestic shorthair cat was admitted for evaluation of intermittent clinical signs of hematuria and inappropriate urination for the past 2 months.
Clinical Findings: Transabdominal ultrasonography revealed a multilayered mass in the urinary bladder apex consistent with full-thickness invagination of the bladder wall.
Treatment And Outcome: Exploratory surgery was performed, and partial inversion of the urinary bladder was confirmed.
Chromosome fragmentation (C-Frag) is a newly identified MCD (mitotic cell death), distinct from apoptosis and MC (mitotic catastrophe). As different molecular mechanisms can induce C-Frag, we hypothesize that the general mechanism of its induction is a system response to cellular stress. A clear link between C-Frag and diverse system stresses generated from an array of molecular mechanisms is shown.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWhile our understanding of gene-based biology has greatly improved, it is clear that the function of the genome and most diseases cannot be fully explained by genes and other regulatory elements. Genes and the genome represent distinct levels of genetic organization with their own coding systems; Genes code parts like protein and RNA, but the genome codes the structure of genetic networks, which are defined by the whole set of genes, chromosomes and their topological interactions within a cell. Accordingly, the genetic code of DNA offers limited understanding of genome functions.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFSecondary malignancies (SMs) in Hodgkin lymphoma (HL) are thought to be related to exposure to alkalating agents, topoisomerase II inhibitors and ionizing radiation, and tend to occur a decade after initial therapy. We report a 14 year old autistic male, who developed malignant fibrous histiocytoma (MFH) two years after autologous stem cell transplantation for advanced stage HL. The MFH and post-surgical reactive tissues exhibited multiple clonal abnormalities.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWe describe histopathologically confirmed intracranial metastasis of cutaneous lymphoma. In magnetic resonance (MR) images there was a heterogeneous, contrast-enhancing, extraaxial mass in the right parietal and piriform lobes at the level of the optic chiasm. Our MR imaging findings are consistent with reports in humans in that lymphoma masses have indistinct borders that are iso- to hyperintense relative to adjacent gray matter on T2-weighted images.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFA single expressing copy of the human protamine domain was randomly inserted into an intron of Cyp2c38. The transgenic locus was shown to recapitulate the level of expression observed in normal human testis while not perturbing endogenous protamine expression. The development of an interspecies tiling array was pursued to enable direct comparison of the orthologous protamine domains in a single experiment.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFVet Radiol Ultrasound
February 2011
Abdominal sonographic artifacts produced by conventional and spatial compound sonographic imaging using linear and curved array transducers were compared. Spatial compound imaging produced multiple diverging ring-down artifacts from a single source with increasing width and decreasing intensity. Overlap of the diverging artifacts was conspicuous when the focal point was in the far field.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFFor over a century, the paradigm has been that sex invariably increases genetic variation, despite many renowned biologists asserting that sex decreases most genetic variation. Sex is usually perceived as the source of additive genetic variance that drives eukaryotic evolution vis-à-vis adaptation and Fisher's fundamental theorem. However, evidence for sex decreasing genetic variation appears in ecology, paleontology, population genetics, and cancer biology.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFMitotic cell death is an important form of cell death, particularly in cancer. Chromosome fragmentation is a major form of mitotic cell death which is identifiable during common cytogenetic analysis by its unique phenotype of progressively degraded chromosomes. This morphology however, can appear similar to the morphology of premature chromosome condensation (PCC) and thus, PCC has been at times confused with chromosome fragmentation.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFA miniature pinscher-cross was evaluated for chronic coughing. Computed tomography and bronchoscopy revealed severe, diffuse, cylindrical bronchiectasis secondary to eosinophilic bronchopneumopathy. Computed tomography is the gold standard for diagnosis of bronchiectasis in humans, and should be further investigated in dogs as a means of characterizing severity and pattern of disease.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFCurr Drug Targets
October 2010
Based on the gene and pathway centric concept of cancer, current approaches to cancer drug treatment have been focused on key molecular targets specific and essential for cancer progression and drug resistance. This approach appears promising in many experimental models but unfortunately has not worked well in the vast majority of cancers in clinical settings. Many new proposals, based on the same rationale of identifying a "magic bullet" are emerging now that target the epigenetic level as well as some other new targets including metabolic regulation, genetic instability and tumor environments.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFA 9-year-old neutered female Pug with a 2-week history of pancreatitis was presented for dyspnea, icterus, and intractable vomiting. Sonographically, the gallbladder, intrahepatic bile ducts, and common bile duct were distended. The pancreas was hypoechoic with hyperechoic peripancreatic fat.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFAbnormal trophoblast invasion is associated with the most common and most severe complications of human pregnancy. The biology of invasion, as well as the etiology of abnormal invasion remains poorly understood. The aim of this study was to characterize the transcriptome of the HTR-8/SVneo human cytotrophoblast cell line which displays well characterized invasive and non-invasive behavior, and to correlate the activity of the transcriptome with nuclear matrix attachment and cell phenotype.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIdentification of the general molecular mechanism of cancer is the Holy Grail of cancer research. Since cancer is believed to be caused by a sequential accumulation of cancer gene mutations, the identification, characterization, and targeting of common genetic alterations and their defined pathways have dominated the field for decades. Despite the impressive data accumulated from studies of gene mutations, epigenetic dysregulation, and pathway alterations, an overwhelming amount of diverse molecular information has offered limited understanding of the general mechanisms of cancer.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFPostmortem radiographic examinations of animals are often performed in judicial investigation to rule out gunshot and fractures due to cruelty or illegal hunting or poaching activities. Literature describing postmortem changes seen on radiographs of animals is rarely available. Serial abdominal radiography of 6 recently euthanized dogs were performed in an interval of 8h at a tropical ambient temperature of 22-33 degrees C.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFGenetic and epigenetic heterogeneity (the main form of non-genetic heterogeneity) are key elements in cancer progression and drug resistance, as they provide needed population diversity, complexity, and robustness. Despite drastically increased evidence of multiple levels of heterogeneity in cancer, the general approach has been to eliminate the "noise" of heterogeneity to establish genetic and epigenetic patterns. In particular, the appreciation of new types of epigenetic regulation like non-coding RNA, have led to the hope of solving the mystery of cancer that the current genetic theories seem to be unable to achieve.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFPostmortem radiographic examinations of animals are often performed in judicial investigation to rule out gunshot and fractures due to cruelty. Literature describing postmortem changes seen on radiographs of animals is rarely available. Serial thoracic radiography of six recently euthanized dogs was performed in an interval of 8 h at a tropical ambient temperature of 22-33 degrees C.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFAn adult male Aldabra tortoise (Geochelone gigantea) presented with a deep flaking area of the carapace, and histologic examination of biopsies from this area revealed phaeohyphomycosis of the superficial keratinized layers. The disease progressed rapidly and spread to numerous sites on the carapace. After several weeks of regular debridement, deep bone involvement was evident and was confirmed through histologic examination.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFModern biology has been heavily influenced by the gene-centric concept. Paradoxically, this very concept--on which bioresearch is based--is challenged by the success of gene-based research in terms of explaining evolutionary theory. To overcome this major roadblock, it is essential to establish new theories, to not only solve the key puzzles presented by the gene-centric concept, but also to provide a conceptual framework that allows the field to grow.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFCancer progression represents an evolutionary process where overall genome level changes reflect system instability and serve as a driving force for evolving new systems. To illustrate this principle it must be demonstrated that karyotypic heterogeneity (population diversity) directly contributes to tumorigenicity. Five well characterized in vitro tumor progression models representing various types of cancers were selected for such an analysis.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFObjective: To investigate the molecular defects of CYP17A1 gene in a pedigree with two 46,XY patients suffering from 17alpha-hydroxylase deficiency (17-OHD) and explore the steroid biosynthetic difference in carriers of 17-OHD before and after adrenocorticotrophic hormone (ACTH) test.
Methods: Clinical data and hormone profiles were collected from the members of the pedigree. CYP17A1 genotyping was performed in the patients and family members with PCR-direct sequencing.
Activating mutations in K-Ras occur in most pancreatic cancers. We investigated whether genetic changes (K-Ras mutations) in human pancreatic cancer cell lines altered genomic instability and epigenetic events responding to Ras-mitogen activated protein kinase (MAPK) signaling by characterizing 3 human pancreatic cancer cells lines with and without activating mutations in K-Ras. Activation of the Ras-MAPK pathway results in the stimulation of the histone H3 kinase, mitogen and stress activated kinase (MSK) 1, and increased phosphorylation of histone H3 at serine 10 (H3 S10ph).
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