Objective: To assess the frequency and risk factors for intestinal parasitic infection in children under five years age at a tertiary care hospital, Karachi.
Methods: A cross sectional survey of 269 children under five years was conducted at a tertiary care hospital on a pretested self-administered questionnaire. Stool smears were examined under light microscope with direct saline smear and lugol's iodine solution.
Objective: To assess knowledge among medical students of Ziauddin University regarding Diabetes Mellitus.
Methods: A cross sectional survey of medical students from first year to final year at the medical college was conducted on a pretested self-administered questionnaire. Students were divided into preclinical and clinical years for analysis.
Objective: To assess knowledge among medical students of a private medical college regarding breast-feeding practices.
Methods: A cross sectional survey of medical students from first year to final year at a private medical college was conducted on a pretested self-administered questionnaire. Students were divided into preclinical and clinical years for analysis.
Objective: To compare awareness of hypertension among patients attending Primary Health Care Centre (PHC) and outpatient department (OPD) of a tertiary care hospital of Karachi.
Methods: Cross sectional survey of patients more than 18 years of age without any complication of hypertension in a squatter settlement of Karachi through non-probability convenient sampling.
Results: A total 202 patients were approached, 49 (24%) were males and 153 (76%) were females.
J Pak Med Assoc
September 2005
Objective: To assess the risk factors for hypertension in adults (age more than 15 years) in a squatter settlement of Karachi.
Methods: Cross-sectional survey of adults more than 15 years old in a squatter settlement of Karachi through random sampling method.
Results: A total of 327 adults were approached, 165 (50.
Objective: To determine and assess the level of awareness among students of a private medical college regarding HIV/AIDS, Hepatitis B and C.
Methods: A survey was conducted to assess the awareness of medical students on HIV/AIDS, hepatitis B and C. They were asked to fulfill a pre-tested structured questionnaire.