Background: The percentage of Portuguese psoriasis patients with psoriatic arthritis is unknown but musculoskeletal complaints related to PsA affect up to a third of patients. Dermatologists can identify early PsA as skin symptoms often precede joint symptoms in 80% of patients. Efficient and easy to perform screening tools are needed to help dermatologists effectively discriminate between Pso and PsA patients.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFFish by-products can be converted into high-value-added products like fish protein hydrolysates (FPHs), which have high nutritional value and are rich in bioactive peptides with health benefits. This study aims to characterise FPHs derived from salmon heads (HPSs) and Cape hake trimmings (HPHs) using Alcalase for enzymatic hydrolysis and Subcritical Water Hydrolysis (SWH) as an alternative method. All hydrolysates demonstrated high protein content (70.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFFresh sea urchin (Paracentrotus lividus) gonads are a delicacy with short seasonal availability, very often heterogeneous in size and intrinsic characteristics. This study aimed to valorise this resource through the preparation of canned products (with/without Porphyra spp.) and evaluate their physicochemical and sensory quality (3-12 months).
View Article and Find Full Text PDFis a brown seaweed farmed in many European countries for its biomass rich in useful bio compounds. This study aimed to identify the optimal growing season to maximise biomass production and quality. The seeded longlines of the brown seaweed were deployed in the southwest of Ireland in October and November 2019 and samples of the biomass were harvested in different dates, between March and June 2020.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBivalves are a high-value product whose production has markedly increased, reaching 9863 tonnes in Portugal in 2021. Bivalves' habitats-lagoons, estuaries and coastal waters-are exposed to biological and anthropogenic contaminants, which can bioaccumulate in these organisms and pose a significant public health risk. The need to obtain a safe product for human consumption led to the implementation of standardised hygiene regulations for harvesting and marketing bivalve molluscs, resulting in routine monitoring of bivalve production areas for microbial quality, metal contaminants, and marine biotoxins.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBone metabolic disorders such as osteoporosis are characterized by the loss of mineral from the bone tissue leading to its structural weakening and increased susceptibility to fractures. A growing body of evidence suggests that inflammation and oxidative stress play an important role in the pathophysiological processes involved in the rise of these conditions. As the currently available therapeutic strategies are often characterized by toxic effects associated with their long-term use, natural antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds such as polyphenols promise to be a valuable alternative for the prevention and treatment of these disorders.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe demand of optimal protein for human consumption is growing. The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) has highlighted aquaculture as one of the most promising alternatives for this protein supply gap due to the high efficiency of fish growth. However, aquaculture has been facing its own sustainability problem, because its high demand for protein has been traditionally satisfied with the use of fishmeal (FM) as the main source.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFPortugal has high fish/seafood consumption, which may have both risks and benefits. This study aims to quantify the net health impact of hypothetical scenarios of fish/seafood consumption in the Portuguese population using a risk-benefit assessment methodology. Consumption data from the National Food, Nutrition and Physical Activity Survey 2015-2016 ( 5811) were used to estimate the mean exposure to methylmercury and EPA + DHA in the current and the alternative scenarios considered.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFConsidering the increasing demand towards "ready-to-cook" processed seafood products, recognised as being potential contributors to high sodium (Na) intake by consumers, this study aimed to assess the effect of sodium chloride (NaCl) reduction on physicochemical, microbiological and sensory properties of European seabass (Dicentrarchus labrax) sausages stored in chilling conditions during 5 weeks. Three formulations were tested in comparison with a control (100% NaCl, CTR): (i) 50% NaCl+50% ME (oleoresins microcapsules) (F1); (ii) 50% NaCl+50% KCl (F2); and (iii) only 50% NaCl (F3). The NaCl reduction mainly affected the texture and the salty taste, resulting in softer and perceived as less salty sausages after processing.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe seasonal variation in chemical and lipid composition of chub mackerel (Scomber colias) was evaluated monthly over one year (proximate chemical composition and lipid profile: fatty acid (FA) and lipid classes distribution). Significant seasonal changes regarding fat content were noticed (1.3-10.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIndustrial cooking of common octopus () under well-established procedures is advantageous for current consumers, which demand healthy and convenient food. This work aimed to evaluate the effect of industrial water boiling, without the addition of salt, on the nutritional profile of common octopus. True retentions (TRs) were calculated for essential nutrients and toxic elements.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFDespite being highly appreciated and consumed, the nutritional value of from Namibe (Angola) had never been studied. In the present work, edible tissues (muscle, ovaries, and hepatopancreas) of boiled female caught off Namibe coast in two distinct seasons were analyzed in terms of proximate chemical composition (fat, ash, protein, and moisture), fatty acid and amino acid profiles, cholesterol, essential minerals (macro and trace) and toxic elements. Results showed that, in both seasons, muscle was a valuable source of protein, essential amino acids, polyunsaturated fatty acids, and essential elements, especially zinc, selenium, iodine, and copper.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFSynchrotron radiation X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy, in conjunction with atomic absorption and Raman spectroscopy, was used to analyze a set of top brand tattoo inks to investigate the presence of toxic elements and hazardous substances. The Cr, Cu, and Pb contents were found to be above the maximum allowed levels established by the Council of Europe through the resolution ResAP(2008)1 on requirements and criteria for the safety of tattoos and permanent makeup. Raman analysis has revealed the presence of a set of prohibited substances mentioned in ResAP(2008)1, among which are the pigments Blue 15, Green 7, and Violet 23.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFMarine pollution gives rise to concern not only about the environment itself but also about the impact on food safety and consequently on public health. European authorities and consumers have therefore become increasingly worried about the transfer of contaminants from the marine environment to seafood. So-called "contaminants of emerging concern" are chemical substances for which no maximum levels have been laid down in EU legislation, or substances for which maximum levels have been provided but which require revision.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWith the purpose of achieving a deeper knowledge of one of the most important seafood markets in Europe, a survey into the seafood consumption preferences and patterns in the Portuguese population was carried out. A thorough, comprehensive, and simple questionnaire was developed. Consumers were asked to state their preferences towards fish products, their consumption frequencies, the average meal portion, and the usual culinary treatments.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFProximate composition, fatty acid profile, cholesterol, α-tocoferol content and essential (K, Na, Cl, S, Mg, Ca, Zn, Cu, Fe, Mn, and Se) and contaminant element (Hg/MeHg, Cd, Pb, and As) levels in silver scabbardfish (Lepidopus caudatus), hake (Merluccius merluccius), and ray (Raja spp.) were investigated. Results showed that these species contain high protein, low cholesterol and energy levels, being its consumption recommended.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFEdible crab (Cancer pagurus) is one of the most important crustaceans consumed in Southern European countries, either as boiled or steamed cooked product. So far, the majority of studies assessing health benefits and risks associated to seafood consumption have been carried out in raw products, despite being generally cooked before consumption, and mostly in muscle tissue. Therefore, the aim of this study was to assess the effect of steaming and boiling on the chemical safety and nutritional value of C.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: Black scabbard fish (Aphanopus carbo Lowe, 1839) is a deep-water fish resource that is highly appreciated in southern European countries and can accumulate high levels of mercury in the muscle. Currently, European legislation establishes limits for the presence of toxic contaminants in raw seafood, despite these products are generally cooked before consumption. In addition, there is still a lack of information concerning the nutritional quality and contaminants available in cooked products.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFFarmed gilthead sea bream (Sparus aurata), European sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax), rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) and turbot (Psetta maxima) produced in Portugal were analysed in order to characterize their elemental composition. Atomic absorption (flame and cold vapour) and molecular absorption spectrometry techniques were used to determine all the studied elements. Similar patterns of macro, trace and ultra trace elements were observed for all fish species.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFRegular consumption of seafood has been widely recommended by authorities. Yet, some species accumulate high levels of contaminants like Hg, Cd and As. In addition, the risks associated to the consumption of such seafood may increase if consumers use cooking practices that enhance the concentration of contaminants and their bioaccessibility.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe intake of methyl-Hg and EPA + DHA through consumption of seafood in Europe as well as the associated probability of exceeding the provisional tolerable weekly intake (PTWI) and the recommended daily intake (RDI), respectively, were estimated by combining methyl-Hg and EPA + DHA contents in the five most consumed seafood species with hypothesized consumption distributions for eight European countries, chosen on the basis of size and representative significance. Two estimators were used: plug-in (PI) and tail estimation (TE). The latter was based on the application of the extreme value theory to the intakes distribution curves.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe viral load assays AMPLICOR HIV-1 Monitor Test 1.5, Nuclisens HIV-1 QT, and Quantiplex HIV RNA 3.0 (bDNA) were evaluated for their abilities to quantify human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) RNA in 64 plasma samples from 21 children infected in Portugal.
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