Publications by authors named "Heitkamp A"

Article Synopsis
  • Endovascular thrombectomy is a safe and effective treatment for acute ischemic stroke, but older patients (80+) with large infarcts are underrepresented in clinical trials.
  • This study analyzed data from the German Stroke Registry, focusing on patients who underwent this procedure between 2015 and 2021, categorizing them by age to assess functional outcomes.
  • Results showed that older patients had significantly lower rates of independent ambulation and higher mortality rates compared to younger patients, highlighting the increased risks associated with age in stroke treatments.
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Background: There is yet no randomized controlled evidence that mechanical thrombectomy (MT) is superior to best medical treatment in patients with large vessel occlusion but minor stroke symptoms (National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale (NIHSS) <6). Prior studies of patients with admission NIHSS scores 6 observed unfavorable functional outcomes despite successful recanalization, commonly termed as futile recanalization (FR), in up to 50% of cases.

Aim: The aim of this study is to determine the prevalence of FR in patients with minor stroke and identify associated patient-specific risk factors.

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Objectives: To describe the incidence and outcomes of pulmonary oedema in women with severe maternal outcome during childbirth and identify possible modifiable factors through audit.

Methods: All women with severe maternal outcome (maternal deaths or near misses) who were referred to Tygerberg referral hospital from health facilities in Metro East district, South Africa, during 2014-2015 were included. Women with severe maternal outcome and pulmonary oedema during pregnancy or childbirth were evaluated using three types of critical incident audit: criterion-based case review by one consultant gynaecologist, monodisciplinary critical incident audit by a team of gynaecologists, multidisciplinary audit with expert review from anaesthesiologists and cardiologists.

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  • Discordance between receptor expressions in metastatic brain lesions and primary tumors in breast cancer patients shows the need for personalized therapy through constant monitoring of these expressions.
  • This study investigates using machine learning on MR imaging features to predict receptor status in brain metastases, analyzing 412 samples from 106 patients over a 14-year period.
  • Results reveal that MR image features can accurately predict the receptor status (ER+, PR+, HER2+) with high discriminatory accuracy, suggesting a valuable tool for individualized treatment planning.
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Background: To improve maternal health, studies of maternal morbidity are increasingly being used to evaluate the quality of maternity care, in addition to studies of mortality. While South Africa (SA) has a well-established confidential enquiry into maternal deaths, there is currently no structure in place to systematically collect and analyse maternal near-misses (MNMs) at national level.

Objectives: To synthesise MNM indicators and causes in SA by performing a systematic literature search, and to investigate perceived needs for data collection related to MNMs and determine whether the MNM tool from the World Health Organization (WHO-MNM) would require adaptations in order to be implemented.

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Objective: To describe the incidence and main causes of maternal near-miss events in middle-income countries using the World Health Organization's (WHO) maternal near-miss tool and to evaluate its applicability in these settings.

Methods: We did a systematic review of studies on maternal near misses in middle-income countries published over 2009-2020. We extracted data on number of live births, number of maternal near misses, major causes of maternal near miss and most frequent organ dysfunction.

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Objective: To assess the incidence of severe maternal outcome (SMO), comprising maternal mortality (MM) and maternal near miss (MNM), in Metro East health district, Western Cape Province, South Africa between November 2014 and November 2015 and to identify associated determinants leading to SMO with the aim to improve maternity care.

Methods: Region-wide population-based case-control study. Women were included in the study, if they were maternal deaths or met MNM criteria, both as defined by WHO.

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Background: Major obstetric haemorrhage is a leading cause of maternal mortality and accounts for one-third of maternal deaths in of Africa. This study aimed to assess the population-based incidence, causes, management and outcomes of major obstetric haemorrhage and risk factors associated with poor maternal outcome.

Methods: Women with major obstetric haemorrhage who met the WHO maternal near-miss criteria or died in the Metro East region, Cape Town, South Africa, were evaluated from November 2014-November 2015.

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Objective: To determine incidence, risk indicators, and outcomes of emergency peripartum hysterectomy (EPH) in Metro East, Cape Town, South Africa.

Methods: A population-based district-wide prospective descriptive study of EPH in public hospitals from November 2014 to November 2015. Women were enrolled by using the WHO maternal near miss tool and followed until discharge.

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bacteriophage Utah is a member of the chi-like tailed phage cluster in the family. We report here the complete 59,024-bp sequence of the genome of phage Utah.

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Introduction: The reported prevalence of a SAA varies between 0.01 and 10.4% [1], and since SAAs often remain asymptomatic, the true prevalence is uncertain.

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