Publications by authors named "Heinz F"

Mucus is a complex biological hydrogel that acts as a barrier for almost everything entering or exiting the body. It is therefore of emerging interest for biomedical and pharmaceutical applications. Besides water, the most abundant components are the large and densely glycosylated mucins, glycoproteins of up to 20 MDa and carbohydrate content of up to 80 wt%.

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Biocompatible and functionalizable hydrogels have a wide range of (potential) medicinal applications. The hydrogelation process, particularly for systems with very low polymer weight percentages (<1 wt %), remains poorly understood, making it challenging to predict the self-assembly of a given molecular building block into a hydrogel. This severely hinders the rational design of self-assembled hydrogels.

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Arthropod-borne flaviviruses include a number of medically relevant human pathogens such as the mosquito-borne dengue (DEN), Zika, and yellow fever (YF) viruses as well as tick-borne encephalitis virus (TBEV). All flaviviruses are antigenically related and anamnestic responses due to prior immunity can modulate antibody specificities in subsequent infections or vaccinations. In our study, we analyzed the induction of broadly flavivirus cross-reactive antibodies in tick-borne encephalitis (TBE) and DEN patients without or with prior flavivirus exposure through TBE and/or YF vaccination, and determined the contribution of these antibodies to TBE and dengue virus (DENV) neutralization.

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Enzyme-catalyzed late-stage functionalization (LSF), such as methylation of drug molecules and lead structures, enables direct access to more potent active pharmaceutical ingredients (API). S-adenosyl-l-methionine-dependent methyltransferases (MTs) can play a key role in the development of new APIs, as they catalyze the chemo- and regioselective methylation of O-, N-, S- and C-atoms, being superior to traditional chemical routes. To identify suitable MTs, we developed a continuous fluorescence-based, high-throughput assay for SAM-dependent methyltransferases, which facilitates screening using E.

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Before the advent of a vaccine, infections with tick-borne encephalitis (TBE) virus in Austria led to the hospitalization of several hundred and, due to underreporting, possibly more than thousand patients with severe neurological disease every year. In the late 1960s and early 1970s, this country had the highest recorded morbidity of TBE in Europe, but similar endemic risk areas exist in many other European countries as well as Central and Eastern Asia. In this article, I describe my personal recollections of the development of a highly purified TBE vaccine in the late 1970s, to which I contributed as a young post-doctoral scientist mentored by Christian Kunz (then director of the Institute of Virology at the Medical Faculty, University of Vienna) in a collaboration with the Austrian biopharmaceutical company Immuno.

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The flavivirus envelope glycoproteins prM and E drive the assembly of icosahedral, spiky immature particles that bud across the membrane of the endoplasmic reticulum. Maturation into infectious virions in the trans-Golgi network involves an acid-pH-driven rearrangement into smooth particles made of (prM/E) dimers exposing a furin site for prM cleavage into "pr" and "M". Here we show that the prM "pr" moiety derives from an HSP40 cellular chaperonin.

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Flaviviruses comprise a number of mosquito- or tick-transmitted human pathogens of global public health importance. Advances in structural biology techniques have contributed substantially to our current understanding of the life cycle of these small enveloped RNA viruses and led to deep insights into details of virus assembly, maturation and cell entry. In addition to large-scale conformational changes and oligomeric rearrangements of envelope proteins during these processes, there is increasing evidence that smaller-scale protein dynamics (referred to as virus "breathing") can confer extra flexibility to these viruses for the fine-tuning of their interactions with the immune system and possibly with cellular factors they encounter in their complex ecological cycles in arthropod and vertebrate hosts.

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Background: There are discrepant observations on the severity of tick-borne encephalitis (TBE) in vaccinated persons. We, therefore, analyzed the occurrence of severe and mild disease in hospitalized vaccinated and nonvaccinated patients with TBE and determined the field effectiveness (FE) of vaccination against these forms of disease.

Methods: The study covered all patients hospitalized with TBE in Austria from 2000 to 2018.

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Background: Advanced age is accompanied by a decline of immune functions, which may play a role in increased vulnerability to emerging pathogens and low efficacy of primary vaccinations in elderly people. The capacity to mount immune responses against new antigens is particularly affected in this population. However, its precise determinants are not fully understood.

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The major envelope protein E of flaviviruses contains an ectodomain that is connected to the transmembrane domain by the so-called "stem" region. In mature flavivirus particles, the stem is composed of two or three mostly amphipathic α-helices and a conserved sequence element (CS) with an undefined role in the viral life cycle. A tryptophan is the only residue within this region which is not only conserved in all vector-borne flaviviruses, but also in the group with no known vector.

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BackgroundTick-borne encephalitis (TBE) virus is a human pathogen that is expanding its endemic zones in Europe, emerging in previously unaffected regions. In Austria, increasing incidence in alpine regions in the west has been countered by a decline in traditional endemic areas to the east of the country.AimTo shed light on the cause of this disparity, we compared the temporal changes of human TBE incidences in all federal provinces of Austria with those of Lyme borreliosis (LB), which has the same tick vector and rodent reservoir.

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COVID-19 vaccines were developed with an unprecedented pace since the beginning of the pandemic. Several of them have reached market authorization and mass production, leading to their global application on a large scale. This enormous progress was achieved with fundamentally different vaccine technologies used in parallel.

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Tick-borne encephalitis (TBE) has a substantial impact on human public health in many parts of Europe and Asia. Effective inactivated purified whole-virus vaccines are in widespread use in TBE-endemic countries. Nevertheless, vaccination breakthroughs (VBTs) with manifest clinical disease do occur, and their specific serodiagnosis was shown to be facilitated by the detection of antibodies to a non-structural protein (NS1) that is produced during virus replication.

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Flaviviruses circulate worldwide and cause a number of medically relevant human diseases, such as dengue, Zika, yellow fever, and tick-borne encephalitis (TBE). Serology plays an important role in the diagnosis of flavivirus infections, but can be impeded by antigenic cross-reactivities among flaviviruses. Therefore, serological diagnosis of a recent infection can be insufficiently specific, especially in areas where flaviviruses co-circulate and/or vaccination coverage against certain flaviviruses is high.

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Disease caused by the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) ranges from mild illness to severe respiratory disease and death. In this study, we determined the kinetics of viral loads, antibody responses (IgM, IgG, neutralization) and SARS-CoV-2-specific CD4 T cells by quantifying these parameters in 435 serial respiratory and blood samples collected from a cohort of 29 COVID-19 patients with either moderate or severe disease during the whole period of hospitalization or until death. Remarkably, there was no significant difference in the kinetics and plateau levels of neutralizing antibodies among the groups with different disease severity.

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Profile of SARS-CoV-2.

Wien Klin Wochenschr

November 2020

The recent emergence of a new coronavirus (severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus‑2, SARS-CoV-2) that is transmitted efficiently among humans and can result in serious disease and/or death has become a global threat to public health and economy. In this article, we describe some of the most important characteristics of this new virus (including gaps in our understanding) and provide a perspective of ongoing activities for developing virus-specific countermeasures, such as vaccines and antiviral drugs.

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Flaviviruses enter cells by fusion with endosomal membranes through a rearrangement of the envelope protein E, a class II membrane fusion protein, into fusogenic trimers. The rod-like E subunits bend into "hairpins" to bring the fusion loops next to the C-terminal transmembrane (TM) anchors, with the TM-proximal "stem" element zippering the E trimer to force apposition of the membranes. The structure of the complete class II trimeric hairpin is known for phleboviruses but not for flaviviruses, for which the stem is only partially resolved.

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The silicon surface texture significantly affects the current density and efficiency of perovskite/silicon tandem solar cells. However, only a few studies have explored fabricating perovskite on textured silicon and the effect of texture on perovskite films because of the limitations of solution processes. Here we produce conformal perovskite on textured silicon with a dry two-step conversion process that incorporates lead oxide sputtering and direct contact with methyl ammonium iodide.

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West Nile (WN) virus infection of humans is frequently asymptomatic, but can also lead to WN fever or neuroinvasive disease. CD4 T cells and B cells are critical in the defense against WN virus, and neutralizing antibodies, which are directed against the viral glycoprotein E, are an accepted correlate of protection. For the efficient production of these antibodies, B cells interact directly with CD4 helper T cells that recognize peptides from E or the two other structural proteins (capsid-C and membrane-prM/M) of the virus.

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Background: Zika virus has recently spread to South- and Central America, causing congenital birth defects and neurological complications. Many people at risk are flavivirus pre-immune due to prior infections with other flaviviruses (e.g.

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In this paper we present a contactless transient carrier spectroscopy and imaging technique for traps in silicon. At each pixel, we fit the transient decay of the trap emission which allows us to obtain both the trap time constant and trap concentration. Here we show that this technique allows for high-resolution images.

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Flaviviruses have an increasing global impact as arthropod-transmitted human pathogens, exemplified by Zika, dengue, yellow fever (YF), West Nile, Japanese encephalitis, and tick-borne encephalitis (TBE) viruses. Since all flaviviruses are antigenically related, they are prone to phenomena of immunological memory ('original antigenic sin'), which can modulate immune responses in the course of sequential infections and/or vaccinations. In our study, we analyzed the influence of pre-existing YF vaccine-derived immunity on the antibody response to TBE vaccination.

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