The Manila clam Ruditapes philippinarum on the west coast of Korea harbors several digenetic trematodes. However, most studies in this region have been restricted to a few sampling sites and the current species designation of some trematodes is largely based on morphology, leaving the molecular phylogenetic position among the Digenea unsolved. Thus, we first provide both morphology and molecular phylogeny of some components in the trematodes community in the Manila clam based on a large-scale survey of 26 sites on the west coast, where well-developed tidal flats serve as large commercial clam culture beds.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFGlobal deoxygenation in aquatic systems is an increasing environmental problem, and substantial oxygen loss has been reported. Aquatic animals have been continuously exposed to hypoxic environments, so-called "dead zones," in which severe die-offs among organisms are driven by low-oxygen events. Multiple studies of hypoxia exposure have focused on in vivo endpoints, metabolism, oxidative stress, and immune responses in aquatic invertebrates such as molluscs, crustaceans, echinoderms, and cnidarians.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: Over the past few decades, mass mortality events of Manila clams have been reported from several tidal flats on the west coast of Korea during hot summers. During such mortality events, once clams simultaneously surface, they fail to re-burrow, perishing within a week. The present study aimed to identify the possible causes of the mass mortality of this clam species by investigating the Perkinsus olseni parasite burden and immune parameters of surfaced clams (SC) and normal buried clams (NBCs) when sea water or sediment temperature in the study area varied from 25 °C to 34 °C from late July through mid-August 2015.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFA polyclonal antibody specific to an egg protein of Suminoe oyster Crassostrea ariakensis was previously developed in our laboratory to assess the reproductive life cycle of the oyster. The present study was undertaken to investigate vitellin of C. ariakensis (CAVt).
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe popular edible seaweed, Gelidium amansii is broadly used as food worldwide. To determine whether G. amansii extract (GAE) has protective effects on obesity, mice fed a high-fat diet (HFD) treated with GAE (1 and 3 %) were studied.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe oyster ovarian parasite Marteilioides chungmuensis has been reported from Korea and Japan, damaging the oyster industries. Recently, Marteilioides-like organisms have been identified in other commercially important marine bivalves. In this study, we surveyed Marteilioides infection in the Manila clam Ruditapes philippinarum, Suminoe oyster Crassostrea ariakensis, and Pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas, using histology and Marteilioides-specific small subunit (SSU) rDNA PCR.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFComp Biochem Physiol B Biochem Mol Biol
January 2012
A defensin-like peptide was previously detected in hemocytes of Manila clams (Ruditapes philippinarum). In the current study, we cloned and characterized this defensin, designated MCdef. Cloning produced a full-length gene sequence of 201 bp predicted to encode a 66-amino-acid precursor protein maturing to a 44-amino-acid residue.
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