Nan Fang Yi Ke Da Xue Xue Bao
August 2010
Objective: To investigate the effect of intravenous lornoxicam (LOR) at different doses given preoperatively on the immune function of patients undergoing total abdominal hysterectomy (TAH).
Methods: Forty-five patients undergoing TAH were randomly divided into 3 groups, namely NS group, L8 group and L16 group with intravenous injection of 4 ml saline, 8 mg LOR, and 16 mg LOR before the induction of anesthesia respectively. Venous blood samples were taken before anesthesia (T0), at 30 min during the operation (T1), at the end of the operation (T2), and at 24 h and 48 h after the operation (T3 and T4, respectively) to determine the serum levels of regulated upon activation normal T cell expressed and secreted (RANTES), monocyte chemotactic protein-1 (MCP-1), and stromal cell-derived factor 1 alpha (SDF-1alpha) by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA).
Nan Fang Yi Ke Da Xue Xue Bao
May 2010
Objective: To evaluate the effect of etodimate infusion on serum cortisol in patients undergoing radical resection of lung cancer operations during the perioperative period.
Methods: Forty ASA I-II patients undergoing radical resection of lung cancer were randomly divided into etomidate group (Group E) and propofol group (Group P) (n=20). The serum cortisol was measured at 8:00 am (T(0)) before anesthesia, 4:00 pm (T(1)) on the day of operation and 24 h after the operation (T(2)) by radioimmunoassay.
Objective: To investigate the effect of controlled hypotension using different drugs on gastrointestinal perfusion and bleeding volume in nasal endoscopic surgery.
Methods: Thirty ASA class I or II patients scheduled for nasal endoscopic surgery were randomized into three groups, including a routine general anesthesia group (group A) and two controlled hypotension groups (groups B and C). After anesthesia induction, anesthesia was maintained with 1%-2% isoflurane and vecuronium.
Zhong Nan Da Xue Xue Bao Yi Xue Ban
August 2007
Objective: To determine the effect of mechanical ventilation with different tidal volumes on the respiratory function during general anesthesia and to seek optimum way and parameters of mechanical ventilation during general anesthesia.
Methods: Forty ASA I-II patients scheduled for elective craniotomies in the supine position were included in this study. According to latin square design, the patients were randomly divided into 4 groups.
Zhong Nan Da Xue Xue Bao Yi Xue Ban
October 2004
Objective: To determine the effects of different mechanical ventilation on oxygenation and shunt fraction in patient undergoing valve replacement.
Methods: Thirty ASA II-III patients (12 males, 18 females), aged 25-56 years, undergoing valve replacement were randomly divided into 3 groups according to the mechanical ventilation method. Anesthesia was induced with midazolam 0.