Publications by authors named "Hatfield A"

SF3B1 is a core component of the spliceosome involved in branch point recognition and 3' splice site selection. SF3B1 mutation is common in myelodysplastic syndrome and other blood disorders. The most common mutation in SF3B1 is K700E, a lysine to glutamic acid change within the pre-mRNA interacting heat repeat domain.

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We present a 25-year-old, gravida 2, para 1 woman who developed apparent local anesthetic systemic toxicity (LAST) following activation of an epidural catheter for an urgent cesarean delivery. The patient had a height of 150 cm, weight of 92 kg, body mass index of 41 kg/m, and calculated ideal body weight of 40 kg. A combined spinal epidural anesthetic was placed and the spinal component did not provide anesthesia to clamping of the abdomen.

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Background: Co-occurring parental substance use and child maltreatment is a serious concern in the U.S child welfare system.

Objective: The aim of the study was to examine parenting attitudes and practices among parents who participated in Ohio START (Sobriety, Treatment, And Reducing Trauma), a statewide initiative that provides support to families affected by co-occurring parental substance use and child maltreatment.

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Background: Spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) is a genetic neurodegenerative disorder with onset predominantly in infants and children. In recent years, newborn screening and three treatments, including gene replacement therapy (Onasemnogene abeparvovec-xioi), have become available in the United States, aiding in the diagnosis and treatment of children with SMA.

Objective: To evaluate parents' experiences with newborn screening and gene replacement therapy and to explore best practices for positive newborn screen disclosure and counseling of families.

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We present a multiparous woman who received labor epidural analgesia and later developed signs and symptoms of a subdural block. Spontaneous resolution occurred after supportive care and monitoring. After we replaced the epidural catheter, successful labor analgesia was subsequently achieved and the patient had an uncomplicated vaginal delivery.

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Over the last couple of decades, numerous piezoelectric footwear energy harvesters (PFEHs) have been reported in the literature. This paper reviews the principles, methods, and applications of PFEH technologies. First, the popular piezoelectric materials used and their properties for PEEHs are summarized.

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RNA is a fundamental biomolecule that has many purposes within cells. Due to its single-stranded and flexible nature, RNA naturally folds into complex and dynamic structures. Recent technological and computational advances have produced an explosion of RNA structural data.

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The onset of the COVID-19 pandemic presented novel challenges for service providers addressing mental health issues with a large shift to the utilization of telehealth. While previous research has examined the benefits and challenges of providing mental health and crisis services remotely through telehealth, little research exists examining the use of telehealth in children's advocacy centers (CACs) and sexual violence resource centers (SVRCs). CACs and SVRCs are multi-disciplinary agencies taking a holistic approach to addressing interpersonal violence, making them unique in that they provide a range of direct services beyond mental health counseling (e.

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Introduction: In United States, health care workers have been immersed in the COVID-19 pandemic since February 2020. Since availability of COVID-19 vaccines, there is limited literature investigating the incidence of unknown COVID-19 infections in physicians and Advanced Practitioner Providers (APPs) working in emergency departments (EDs). The primary objective is to determine the incidence unknown COVID-19 infection within a cohort of emergency physicians (EPs) and APPs.

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α1-anti-trypsin (A1AT), encoded by SERPINA1, is a neutrophil elastase inhibitor that controls the inflammatory response in the lung. Severe A1AT deficiency increases risk for Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD), however, the role of A1AT in COPD in non-deficient individuals is not well known. We identify a 2.

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Recognition of unfamiliar faces is difficult in part due to variations in expressions, angles, and image quality. Studies suggest shape and surface properties play varied roles in face learning, and identification of unfamiliar faces uses diagnostic pigmentation/surface reflectance relative to shape information. Here, participants sorted photo-cards of unfamiliar faces by identity, which were shown in their , , and forms, to examine the utility of diagnostic shape and surface properties in sorting unfamiliar faces by identity.

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Norethisterone enanthate (NET-EN) and depot-medroxyprogesterone acetate (DMPA) are two forms of injectable progestin used for contraception. Whereas clinical research indicates that women using DMPA are more susceptible to HIV and other genital pathogens, causal relationships have not been determined. Providing an underlying mechanism for this connection, however, is recent work that showed DMPA weakens genital mucosal barrier function in mice and humans and respectively promotes susceptibility of wild-type and humanized mice to genital infection with HSV type 2 and HIV type 1.

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Attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is associated with significant challenges in child functioning. Although behavioral parent training (BPT) can reduce ADHD symptoms, factors associated with traditional face-to-face (F2F) delivery results in only about half of families receiving BPT. The purpose of this pilot randomized controlled trial was to examine parent engagement and program acceptability of F2F and online BPT, as well as the efficacy of both formats relative to a waitlist control (WLC) group.

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Existing research on workplace incivility has demonstrated an association with a host of negative outcomes, including increased burnout, turnover intentions, and physical symptoms. With the rise in Internet communication over the last decade, interpersonal mistreatment has spilled over to the Internet, but little is known about the impact of incivility communicated via e-mail on employee psychological and performance outcomes. The current study presents a within-subjects experiment wherein incivility and support were manipulated in a laboratory-based simulated workplace setting.

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Monitoring and evaluation (M&E) systems are an essential element of functioning and accountable global health programmes. In post-conflict settings, the role of M&E systems is also critical to ensure that health services are being delivered to those populations and regions most in need. Given the inherent challenges of health service delivery in such environments, a range of both diplomatic and operational adaptations to M&E procedures are necessary.

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Background And Aim: We aimed to evaluate the diagnostic utility of single-operator peroral cholangioscopy (SOC) for indeterminate biliary lesions and its usefulness in electrohydraulic lithotripsy (EHL) of biliary stones not amenable to conventional endoscopic therapy.

Patients And Methods: All patients undergoing SpyGlass SOC in four UK tertiary centres between 2008 and 2010 were retrospectively enrolled. Patients were followed up until death or the last clinic visit until May 2011.

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The current study was designed to extend the interpersonal deviance literature into the online domain by examining the incidence and impact of supervisor cyber incivility and neuroticism on employee outcomes at work. Conservation of Resources (COR) theory was used as the guiding framework because cyber incivility is thought to deplete energetic resources in much the same way that other stressors do, ultimately leading to negative outcomes like burnout. Results indicate that supervisor cyber incivility is positively related to burnout, absenteeism, and turnover intentions.

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Background: Brunner's gland adenoma (BGA) is an unusual benign neoplasm arising from Brunner's glands in the duodenum. When symptomatic it presents either with duodenal obstruction or bleeding. However, pancreatitis secondary to ampullary obstruction from a BGA is very rare.

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