Publications by authors named "Harsimran Gill"

Transient global amnesia (TGA) is described as a sudden onset of anterograde and retrograde amnesia. In this case report, we present a case of a 52-year-old man who came to our hospital experiencing sudden-onset confusion and memory loss an hour after engaging in sexual activity with his wife. Before this, the patient had no previous medical history.

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Microplastic (MP; < 5 mm) is ubiquitous in marine environments and is likely transported by biotic benthic-pelagic coupling. Mussels are key benthic-pelagic couplers, concentrating particles from the water column into dense and nutrient rich biodeposits. This study examined how MP affects benthic-pelagic coupling processes of mussels exposed to feeding regimes with and without MP by measuring four attributes of biodeposits: 1) morphology, 2) quantity of algal and MP particles, 3) sinking rate, and 4) resuspension velocity.

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Animals, including herbivores and predators, use diet-mixing to balance their macro- and micronutrient intake. Recent work demonstrated that lady beetles fed only pea aphids from fava beans had reduced fitness caused by a deficiency of dietary sterols. However, beetles redressed this deficit by eating fava bean leaves.

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Grapevine is largely cultivated in several parts of the world, and a spurt in its cultivation has occurred in the last two decades in grapevine cultivated areas of South and East Asia, mainly in China, India, Japan, Korea, Thailand, and Indonesia. Grapevine yellows (GY) represent one of the most important diseases in viticultural areas of the world, and they have been assigned to five different groups: aster yellows [AY (16SrI)], peanut witches' broom [PnWB (16SrII)], X-disease (16SrIII), elm yellows [EY (16SrV)], and Stolbur (16SrXII). This study provides a comprehensive overview of the presence of phytoplasma strains and their vectors associated with GY complex, and their potential impact on viticulture of the South and East Asia.

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Plant protection represents one of the strategies to fill the yield gap and to achieve food security, a key topic for India development. Analysis of climate risks for crops indicates that South Asia is one of the regions most exposed to the adverse impact on many plants that are relevant to inhabitants exposed to food safety risks. Furthermore, accumulation of pesticide residues in the aquatic and other ecosystems is becoming a significant threat in India.

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