Objectives: The family compositions of patients with anorexia nervosa may inform consideration of the etiology of the disorder, and previous studies in this area have had methodologic weaknesses which we sought to address in a case-control design.
Methods: The family composition of 259 females with anorexia nervosa was compared with that of 200 control subjects. Birth order and numbers of brothers and sisters were compared in unmatched and matched analyses using both univariate and multivariate statistical techniques.
Objective: Most previous studies of mortality in anorexia nervosa patients have shown an increased risk of premature death but have been limited by methodological constraints. This study aimed to overcome some of these constraints by having a large original sample size, diagnosis confirmed by case note review, a long duration of follow-up, and a clear base population.
Method: The authors identified 524 anorexia nervosa cases seen in specialist services in Northeast Scotland; anorexia nervosa diagnosis was confirmed by scrutinizing case notes.