Publications by authors named "Hannelore Goddyn"

The growing world population and increased meat consumption pose a challenge for current food production systems. While pulses present a promising position in terms of low impacts in primary production and high nutritional quality, it is unclear whether consumers are willing to consume pulses instead of meat. Based on an online survey answered by 4,322 respondents across five European countries, this study examined consumers' willingness to utilize pulses as a plant-based alternative to animal-based products.

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Obesity has become a severe worldwide problem. Compared to healthy-weight individuals, obese individuals seem to show an increased sensitivity to tempting food. In the present study, we test the pre-exposure effect, which implies that consumption of tempting food is decreased after exposure to tempting food cues in a context of a task that discourages food consumption.

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Background: Group III metabotropic glutamate receptors (mGlu4, mGlu7, mGlu8) display differential brain distribution, which suggests different behavioral functions. However, comparison across the available animal studies remains methodologically hazardous and controversial. The present report directly compares knockouts for each group III receptor subtype using a single behavioral test battery and multivariate analysis.

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The hippocampus (HC) has been suggested to play a role in transitive inference (TI) on an ordered sequence of stimuli. However, it has remained unclear whether HC is involved in the expression of TI, or rather contributes to TI through its role in the acquisition of the sequence of elements (Frank, Rudy, & O'Reilly, 2003). Presently, the authors compared the effects of excitotoxic dorsal HC lesions in C57BL mice that received surgery before or after they were trained to discriminate between pairs of visual stimuli.

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Metabotropic glutamate receptor 7 (mGluR7) is expressed in brain regions implicated in emotional learning and working memory, and previous behavioral experiments indicated contributions of mGluR7 to various complex behaviors. In the present study, we investigated the specific effects of mGluR7 deletion on a variety of conditioning paradigms that model crucial neurocognitive and psychopathological behavioral phenomena. Null-mutant mGluR7(-/-) mice displayed defects during scheduled appetitive conditioning, acquisition and extinction of appetitive odor conditioning, extinction of response suppression-based conditioned emotional responding (CER), acquisition of discriminative CER, and contextual fear conditioning.

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Effects of hippocampal or cerebellar lesions have been described extensively, but the ability of behavioural tests for laboratory mice to distinguish between such lesions has not been studied in detail. We compared the behavioural consequences of large bilateral hippocampal and hemispheric cerebellar lesions with eight commonly used tests that included elements of neuromotor performance, exploratory behaviour, and learning and memory ability. Dissociation between the effects of the different lesions was most obviously demonstrated by neuromotor impairment in cerebellum-lesioned mice (typically in the rotarod task) and hyperactivity in hippocampus-lesioned mice (typically in cage activity recordings).

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