Publications by authors named "Hands C"

This qualitative research examines the question: In what ways does a developmental evaluation of a STEM program co-developed through a design thinking process illuminate program goal attainment? Students, parents, teachers, high school staff, school district administrators, advisory committee members, community, and college and university partners in a southern Ontario region participated in a collective effort to develop an innovative approach to STEM education in the context of the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals, collaboratively prototyping the concept in a design workshop, and further refining it with diverse stakeholders. Collaborators co-constructed a developmental evaluation framework to continuously learn from experimentation toward program goals. Data sources include participant observation, field notes, interviews, and document analysis.

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Although the Motivated Strategies for Learning Questionnaire (MSLQ) has been widely used to measure student motivation, researchers have raised questions regarding its length and several problematic statements. This study introduces a new questionnaire, adapting items from the MSLQ and including three new key themes of course utility, procrastination and use of diverse sources. A total of 1246 students from a university in the northwest of England, studying a range of subjects and from across all grade boundaries, fully completed the questionnaire.

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Background: The Touch Hand 4.5 is a highly customisable prosthetic hand, which features an optimised modular design of the Touch Hand 4. The Touch Hand team has developed a low-cost prosthetic hand, which has been built using an additive manufacturing process.

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Background: Over the past 25 years Sierra Leone has made progress in reducing maternal and child mortality, but the burden of preventable paediatric deaths remains high. Further progress towards achieving the Sustainable Development Goals will require greater strengthening of the health care system, including hospital care for perinatal and paediatric conditions. Emergency Triage Assessment and Treatment Plus (ETAT+) may offer a useful tool.

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Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) in adults has been associated with thrombosis. Multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children (MIS-C) with COVID-19 case series have reported high fibrinogen levels, but it is not known whether this causes thrombophilia. We report two patients needing extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) who both suffered thrombotic complications.

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Peanut is a major cause of severe IgE-mediated food allergic reactions, which can be exacerbated by factors, such as exercise, that may increase allergen uptake into the circulation. Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (ELISAs) have been used to determine allergen uptake into serum, but there are concerns over their specificity and a confirmatory method is required. Mass spectrometry (MS) methods have the potential to provide rigorous alternatives for allergen determination.

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Background: In the wake of the Ebola virus disease (EVD) epidemic in Sierra Leone, secondary care facilities faced an increase in admissions with few members of medical staff available to assess and treat patients. This led to long waiting times in hospital outpatient departments. The study was undertaken in the outpatient department of Ola During Children's Hospital (the tertiary paediatric hospital for Sierra Leone) in the period immediately following the EVD epidemic of 2014-2015.

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Absolute bacterial quantification receives little serious attention in the literature compared to sequencing, conceivably because it is considered unimportant and facile, or because existing methods are tedious, laborious and/or biased in nature. This is particularly true in engineered systems, including activated sludge, where such information underpins their design and operation. To overcome these limitations we built upon existing work and optimised and comprehensively validated, through comparison with epifluorescence microscopy (EFM), a rapid and precise flow cytometric protocol to enumerate total bacterial numbers in activated sludge.

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Antibiotic resistance (AR) is often rooted in inappropriate antibiotic use, but poor water quality and inadequate sanitation exacerbate the problem, especially in emerging countries. An example is increasing multi-AR due to mobile carbapenemases, such as NDM-1 protein (coded by blaNDM-1 genes), which can produce extreme drug-resistant phenotypes. In 2010, NDM-1 positive isolates and blaNDM-1 genes were detected in surface waters across Delhi and have since been detected across the urban world.

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Unlabelled: The UK Lung Cancer Screening trial (UKLS) aims to evaluate low-dose computed tomography (LDCT) lung cancer population screening in the United Kingdom. In UKLS, a large population sample ages 50 to 75 years is approached with a questionnaire to determine lung cancer risk. Those with an estimated risk of at least 5% of developing lung cancer in the next 5 years (using the Liverpool Lung project risk model) are invited to participate in the trial.

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Background: The recognition of patient deterioration depends largely on identifying abnormal vital signs, yet little is known about the daily pattern of vital signs measurement and charting.

Methods: We compared the pattern of vital signs and VitalPAC Early Warning Score (ViEWS) data collected from admissions to all adult inpatient areas (except high care areas, such as critical care units) of a NHS district general hospital from 1 May 2010 to 30 April 2011, to the hospital's clinical escalation protocol. Main outcome measures were hourly and daily patterns of vital signs and ViEWS value documentation; numbers of vital signs in the periods 08:00-11:59 and 20:00-23:59 with subsequent vital signs recorded in the following 6 h; and time to next observation (TTNO) for vital signs recorded in the periods 08:00-11:59 and 20:00-23:59.

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Aim: To assess the training for, practice of, and effects of venepuncture in children on a general children's ward. To identify approaches that might reduce the adverse physical and psychological effects related to venepuncture.

Methods: Questionnaire survey of 51 parents, 39 children and 72 junior doctors following venepuncture in the children.

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The present study investigated male murine accessory sex glands as potential sources of a urinary aggression-promoting chemosignal. Experiments 1-4 were designed to determine whether the removal of the following glands would eliminate voided urine chemosignal activity: vesicular and coagulating glands, Cowper's gland, prostate gland, or preputial gland. The findings indicate that only preputialectomy eliminated the aggression-promoting properties of voided urine, which provides evidence that this gland is a necessary condition for chemo-activity.

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