J Egypt Soc Parasitol
August 2009
A total of 390 stool samples from children less than 8 years old attending the MOHP central hospital in Ismailia District were examined for cryptosporidiosis. Stools were subjected to direct wet smear method and Sheather's sugar flotation and stained with Modified Z.N.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFA total of 410 Tilapia zillii, 70 Clarias gariepinus, 30 Bagrus bajad and 15 Chlrysichthys auratus fishes were collected from different water bodies in Qualyobia Governorate. Microscopic examination of samples showed infection in muscles and head region (gills & branchial cavity) with encysted metacercariae in 91.7% of T.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe magnitude of Cyclospora oocysts excretion in relation to infection intensity among cyclosporiasis patients was assessed using flow cytometry and quantitative real-time PCR (RT-PCR). Oocysts from stool samples of 25 (14.8%) gastro-intestinal symptomatic pediatrics patients (169) and of 10 (2.
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December 2004
Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) had been used to amplify the mini-exon gene repeat from 30 clinically and parasitologically positively cases of zoonotic cutaneous leishmaniasis. It revealed that they possess 440-460 bp mini-exon gene that belongs to Old world Leishmania. Hybridization of the PCR-amplified mini-exon repeats was performed.
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December 2004
The ability of immune rats to resist challenge with Babesia divergens depends upon mechanisms which are largely spleen independent. The possible removal of B. divergens PREC's by the livers of immune splenectomised rats was investigated.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe efficacy of Commiphora molmol or Myrrh (Mirazid) was evaluated in treating sheep naturally infected with Moniezia expansa. Total doses of one, two or three capsules (300 mg each) were given for one, two, three, four, five, six, seven and eight successive days on an empty stomach an hour before offering their breakfast. Every day the stools of the three groups were examined microscopically and macroscopically for eggs and/or gravid segments.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThis paper reports the first Egyptian zoonotic infection with the common tapeworm of sheep, Moniezia expansa. Perhaps this is the first human monieziasis expansa in the sheep raising countries worldwide. Diagnosis was based on recovery of the characteristic eggs from the stool of a fifteen-years-old shepherd.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFJ Egypt Soc Parasitol
August 2004
The rat adapted strain of bovine Babesia, B. divergens was used as a model to investigate the mechanisms of immunity to this parasite. The participation of humoral factors in acquired immunity to B.
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August 2003
Ingestion of Bacillus sphaericus (strain faiyoum) spore/crystal complex by larvae of Anopheles pharoensis, Culex pipiens and Aedes caspius was rapidly followed by a dissolution of the protein crystalline inclusions inside the anterior stomach of the three species. During the first day of the, B. sphaericus spores germinated within the mid-gut lumen, and were in a vegetative stage between 36-48 hours after ingestion when larvae began to die.
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August 2002
The effect of water extracts of areca nut and pumpkin seeds in the treatment of puppies experimental infected with heterophyiasis gave promising results. Puppies were infected through feeding on the muscles of Mugil sp. fish containing the encysted metacercariae of H.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe cellular infiltration in the 1st week was marked in group III & II compared to group I. Parts of larvae were encountered more in the group III than in group I & II. Eosinophilic alveolar exudate was detected more in group III in subgroups a, b and c, in group II only in subgroup (a) and not in group I.
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