Publications by authors named "Haith-Cooper M"

Background: Evidence suggests that people who are asylum seekers and refugees experience poorer physical and mental health compared to the general UK population and poor outcomes from COVID-19 if unvaccinated. However, this population can experience vaccine hesitancy and other barriers inhibiting their up-take of the COVID-19 vaccine.

Objectives: This study explored the influence of HARP (Health Access for Refugees' Project) workshops on the intention to have the vaccine in people who are asylum-seekers and refugees.

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Aims: Evidence demonstrates that people who are seeking asylum and refugees face individual, institutional and system-level barriers when accessing health services. Health Access for Refugees' Project (HARP) is a UK initiative increasing access to health care within this community through a series of interventions. This study explored the impact of HARP on health service access, experiences and outcomes for clients, and how volunteers and staff addressed institutional and system-level barriers.

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Objectives: Meeting the needs of people accessing healthcare from ethnic minority (EM) groups is of great importance. An insight into their experience is needed to improve healthcare providers' ability to align their support with the perspectives and needs of families. This review provides insight into how families from EM backgrounds experience children's palliative care (CPC) by answering the question, "What are the experiences of EM families of children's palliative care across developed countries?"

Methods: A systematic search of articles from 6 databases (Scopus, Medline, Web of Science, APA PsycINFO, CINAHL, and Global Health) with no limit to the date of publication.

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Introduction: Pregnant British Pakistani women have disproportionately poorer health than the wider population. Bradford has a strong Pakistani presence and a wide range of public health problems including high levels of gestational diabetes, high obesity rates and a high infant mortality rate, which is highest for babies of Pakistani origin. For women to be healthy, we need to know what concerns they have about their health so they can be addressed appropriately.

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Introduction: Despite the interconnectedness of the European Union, there are significant variations in pregnant women's legal status as migrants and therefore their ability to access maternity care. Limited access to maternity care can lead to higher morbidity and mortality rates in migrant women and their babies. This study aimed to investigate and compare maternal health access policies and the context in which they operate across European countries for women who have migrated and are not considered citizens of the host country.

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Community-based peer volunteer interventions are increasingly used with people who are asylum seekers and refugees accessing health services. There is a dearth of evidence evaluating the benefits of volunteering for asylum seeking or refugee volunteers. Volunteers may have poor mental health and feel socially isolated due to their experiences as refugees and asylum seekers and may struggle or be unable to obtain paid employment.

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Objective: The purpose of this review was to consider factors that influence the experiences of pregnancy and childbirth by fathers including migrant fathers.

Method: A systematic review and narrative synthesis were conducted as per the PRISMA guidelines. The spider tool was used to build a search strategy which was used to conduct literature search in eight identified electronic databases: ASSIA, CINAHL, EMBASE, MEDLINE, PsycINFO, PUBMED, Sage and Scopus.

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Rationale And Objective: Perceptions of frailty can influence how families cope, quality of life and access to support services. Yet little is known of how lay members of the UK general public perceive frailty. This scoping review aimed to explore how frailty is perceived among the lay public in the United Kingdom.

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Purpose: Perinatal depression is one of the most commonly diagnosed mental health conditions in the general maternity population but whilst the prevalence is thought to be much higher in asylum seeking and refugee (AS&R) women, it is less frequently identified and diagnosed by health care professionals.

Method: A systematic review was undertaken to address 'what factors influence help-seeking behaviours in asylum seeking and refugee women with symptoms of perinatal depression'. The review focussed on women accessing care in high income countries.

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Introduction: British South Asians have a higher prevalence of overweight and obesity than the wider population. Bradford (UK), with its high Pakistani presence and levels of economic deprivation, has exceptionally high instances, especially in deprived areas where many Pakistanis reside. British Pakistani women in Bradford are more likely to be overweight and obese.

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Introduction: British Pakistani women have exceptionally high rates of obesity and yet are seldom heard in a research priority setting concerning weight management. The objectives of this study were (i) to ascertain what multisectoral professionals perceive to be the most pressing unmet obesity needs or topic areas that need more research in relation to Pakistani women living in deprived areas of Bradford and (ii) to determine the top 10 obesity health priorities for this group to develop an obesity research agenda.

Methods: A two-step process was adopted using the following: (i) a survey of a wide range of multisectoral professional stakeholders (n = 159) and (ii) a ranking exercise involving Pakistani women living in deprived areas of Bradford (n = 32) to select and prioritize their top 10 obesity health concerns and unmet needs from a list of 31 statements identified in the survey and previous research.

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Aim: Obesity research priority setting, if conducted to a high standard, can help promote policy-relevant and efficient research. Therefore, there is a need to identify existing research priority setting studies conducted in the topic area of obesity and to determine the extent to which they followed good practice principles for research priority setting.

Method: Studies examining research priority setting in obesity were identified through searching the MEDLINE, PBSC, CINAHL, PsycINFO databases and the grey literature.

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UK South Asian women are less likely to engage with cancer screening than the general population and present later with more advanced disease. Tailored interventions are needed to address barriers to these women accessing screening services. 'Wise up to cancer' is a community-based health intervention designed to increase cancer screening uptake.

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The mental health benefits of physical activity and exercise are well-documented and asylum seekers who may have poor mental health could benefit from undertaking recommended levels of physical activity or exercise. Digital mobile applications are increasingly seen as feasible to precipitate behaviour change and could be a means to encourage asylum seekers to increase their levels of physical activity and exercise. This paper reports on a study that aimed to assess the feasibility of asylum seekers using the digital animation as a tool to change behaviour and increase their physical activity and exercise levels.

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Asylum-seeking and refugee women currently residing in Europe face unique challenges in the perinatal period. A range of social support interventions have been developed to address these challenges. However, little is known about which women value and why.

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Background: To contain the spread of COVID-19 within the UK over the past year, there have been a series of local and national lockdowns. These restrictions are likely to have impacted upon the health and well-being of marginalised groups who rely on now closed social and community support services to stay healthy. An understanding of the experiences of marginalised people is important; therefore, this study aimed to explore the impact of the COVID-19 restrictions on the health and well-being of marginalised groups in the UK.

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Background: Black, Asian and minority ethnic communities suffer from disproportionately poorer health than the general population. This issue has been recently exemplified by the large numbers of infection rates and deaths caused by covid-19 in BAME populations. Future research has the potential to improve health outcomes for these groups.

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Background: Stillbirth is a global public health priority. Within the United Kingdom, perinatal mortality disproportionately impacts Black, Asian and minority ethnic women, and in particular migrant women. Although the explanation for this remains unclear, it is thought to be multidimensional.

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Introduction: Sepsis is one of the most common causes of mortality in postnatal women globally and many other women who develop sepsis are left with severe morbidity. Women's knowledge of postnatal sepsis and how it can be prevented by simple changes to behaviour is lacking.

Methods: This paper describes the co-development and feasibility testing of a digital animation intervention called DAISI (digital animation in service improvement).

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The aim of this study was to evaluate the efficacy and the safety of membrane sweeping in promoting spontaneous labour and reducing a formal induction of labour for postmaturity. Based on articles published between 2005 and 2016, 12 electronic databases were searched. Relative risk (RR) and its 95% confidence interval (CI) were used as pooled statistics.

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Background: Many asylum seekers have complex mental health needs which can be exacerbated by the challenging circumstances in which they live and difficulties accessing health services. Regular moderate physical activity can improve mental health and would be a useful strategy to achieve this. Evidence suggests there are barriers to engaging black and minority ethnic groups in physical activity, but there is little research around asylum seekers to address the key barriers and facilitators in this group.

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Aim: This paper explores the concept of migrant women as used in European healthcare literature in context of pregnancy to provide a clearer understanding of the concept for use in research and service delivery.

Methods: Walker and Avant's method of concept analysis.

Results: The literature demonstrates ambiguity around the concept; most papers do not provide an explicit or detailed definition of the concept.

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Objectives Preterm birth (PTB) and small for gestational age (SGA) are major causes of perinatal mortality and morbidity. Previous studies indicated a range of risk factors associated with these poor outcomes, including maternal psychosocial and economic wellbeing. This paper will explore a range of psycho-social and economic factors in an ethnically diverse population.

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Pregnant women seeking asylum in the United Kingdom appear particularly vulnerable, having complex health and social care needs and could benefit from a woman centred approach to midwifery care. This article is the second of three parts and reports on the findings from one objective of a wider doctorate study. It focuses on exploring midwifery students' perceptions of how to approach the care of pregnant women seeking asylum.

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Current literature has indicated a concern about standards of maternity care experienced by pregnant women who are seeking asylum. As the next generation of midwives, it is important that students are educated in a way that prepares them to effectively care for these women. To understand how this can be achieved, it is important to explore what asylum seeking means to midwifery students.

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