Publications by authors named "HOYER L"

Due to visiting restrictions at intensive care units during the COVID-19 pandemic, a digital video technology was developed and implemented. This study evaluated the use of digital visits at four intensive care units after COVID-19. Nurses' use of the technology and managerial perspectives on implementation were examined in an explanatory sequential mixed-methods study.

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Aims: Patients with heart failure (HF) often experience delayed identification of palliative care needs. While communication with HF patients and their caregivers is increasingly stressed, systematic conversations about end-of-life care wishes remain a gap. This study explores a dyad experience of Advance Care Planning (ACP) conversations in an HF outpatient clinic.

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In 1994, the DSM-IV added the specifier "with poor insight" to the diagnostic criteria of obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). The DSM-5 went one step further and now allows clinicians to diagnose OCD "with absent insight/delusional beliefs," thereby blurring the long-standing distinction between OCD and psychosis. The present study surveyed OCD experts as to their opinions on the insight specifier and the future classification of OCD.

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Body-focused repetitive behaviors (BFRBs) such as trichotillomania and skin picking are disorders at the interface of psychiatry/psychology, dermatology and dentistry. The disorders can be both either a consequence or a cause of severe somatic disorders. If BFRBs remain undetected and untreated, they tend to become chronic with at times serious somatic complications.

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  • Fear triggers the body's adrenergic system, initiating a fight-or-flight response that may impact inflammation and the immune system, especially after acute stressors like terrifying experiences.
  • This study aims to evaluate changes in low-grade inflammation and immune markers before, during, and after participants visit a haunted house attraction in Denmark that is designed to induce fear.
  • The research involved 113 adult participants, measuring heart rates, self-reported fear levels, and blood markers (hs-CRP and leukocytes), with findings indicating that some participants experienced normalization of inflammation levels three days after the frightening event.
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Background: Many conditions we now call body-focused repetitive behaviors (BFRBs) have been subject to research for several decades, most notably trichotillomania and skin picking. However, the American Psychiatric Association did not combine these conditions into a single category, body-focused repetitive behavior disorders (BFRBDs), until the fifth edition of the DSM (2013). Several aspects of the disorder remain uncertain and controversial.

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Context: Heart failure (HF) is considered a multifaceted and life-threatening syndrome characterized by high symptom-burden and significant mortality.

Objectives: To describe the symptom-burden in patients with HF and identify their palliative care needs. In this respect, symptom burden related to sex, age and classification of HF using New York Heart Association Functional Classification (NYHA) were analyzed.

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SC5314 is the most-often used strain for molecular manipulation of the species. The SC5314 reference genome sequence is the result of considerable effort from many scientists and has advanced research into fungal biology and pathogenesis. Although the resource is highly developed and presented in a phased diploid format, the sequence includes gaps and does not extend to the telomeres on its eight chromosome pairs.

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Background: Prevalence estimates for body-focused repetitive behaviors (BFRBs) such as trichotillomania differ greatly across studies owing to several confounding factors (e.g. different criteria).

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  • Emotional availability (EA) refers to the emotional connection between parents and their unborn babies, assessed during pregnancy through caregiver sensitivity and nonhostility.
  • A new intervention called the "EA-Based Dance Intervention" was developed to help pregnant individuals engage emotionally with their babies through dance and movement.
  • In a pilot study, participants in the dance intervention reported lower anxiety and depressive symptoms, and higher prenatal EA compared to a control group that received no intervention.
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Pacific Biosciences long-read sequencing was used to improve the genome assembly for strain NRRL YB-4239 (ATCC 11503). The new assembly included eight chromosomes that were substantiated by the electrophoretic karyotype. The nuclear genome was 16.

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Unsupervised domain adaptation (UDA) and domain generalization (DG) enable machine learning models trained on a source domain to perform well on unlabeled or even unseen target domains. As previous UDA&DG semantic segmentation methods are mostly based on outdated networks, we benchmark more recent architectures, reveal the potential of Transformers, and design the DAFormer network tailored for UDA&DG. It is enabled by three training strategies to avoid overfitting to the source domain: While (1) Rare Class Sampling mitigates the bias toward common source domain classes, (2) a Thing-Class ImageNet Feature Distance and (3) a learning rate warmup promote feature transfer from ImageNet pretraining.

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is an onygenalean keratinophilic fungus associated with shell and skin lesions in freshwater aquatic turtles. The genome sequence presented here includes five contigs (ranging in size from 2.8 to 9.

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  • - This study investigates parent-child interactions during the COVID-19 pandemic, highlighting the need for observational data rather than solely relying on self-reports.
  • - Utilizing questionnaires and filmed interactions, researchers assessed emotional availability (EA) in parents, focusing on differences between mothers and fathers in relation to pandemic stress and flourishing.
  • - Findings indicate that high stress from COVID-19 negatively impacted mothers' EA, while fathers' flourishing positively contributed to their EA, suggesting different dynamics in parental responses during the pandemic.
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  • PacBio long-read sequencing created a detailed chromosome-level genome assembly for the yeast strain Yamadazyma tenuis ATCC 10573.
  • The assembly included 7 chromosomes consistent with the species' electrophoretic karyotype and a 26.5-kb circular mitochondrial genome.
  • The total nuclear genome size was 10.8 Mb, had a GC content of 43%, and contained 5,340 predicted genes.
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Background: Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) shares common risk factors with digestive tract malignancies such as esophageal cancer. However, the prevalence and geographic distribution of COPD in patients with gastrointestinal (GI) cancer is only poorly understood.

Methods: We used the IQVIA's Oncology Dynamics (OD) database to identify a total of 48,061 patients with GI cancer (4,229 esophagus, 7,568 stomach, 27,300 colon, and 8,964 rectum cancer) from Germany, France, Italy, Spain and the UK.

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Although it is widely recognized that disruption of reduces the invasion of germ tubes into mammalian oral epithelial cells, the mechanism of this interaction was unexplored. strains with structurally informed mutations to remove adhesive activity of the peptide-binding cavity (PBC) or aggregative activity mediated by the amyloid-forming region (AFR) were assessed for their ability to invade cultured human oropharyngeal epithelial cells. Initial assays utilized untreated fungal and epithelial cells.

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The cell-surface protein Hwp1 functions in adhesion to the host and in biofilm formation. A peptide from the Gln-Pro-rich adhesive domain of Hwp1 was used to raise monoclonal antibody (MAb) 2-E8. MAb 2-E8 specificity for Hwp1 was demonstrated using a isolate and strains that expressed at least one allele.

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Fungal agglutinin-like sequence (Als) cell-surface glycoproteins, best characterized in Candida albicans, mediate adhesive and aggregative interactions with host cells, other microbes, and abiotic surfaces. Monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) specific for each C. albicans Als protein are valuable reagents for gaining insight into Als protein localization and function.

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Als1 is a large cell-surface glycoprotein most often discussed for its role in mediating ligand-binding and aggregative interactions. Relative to a wild-type control, deletion of produced a strain that showed delayed germ-tube formation and delayed disease progression in a murine model of disseminated candidiasis. Populations of cultured cells had a higher proportion of smaller cells compared to wild-type or reintegrant control cultures.

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Candida albicans is the most common fungal pathogen and a prevalent cause of deadly bloodstream infections. Better understanding of the immune response against it, and the ways by which it evades immunity, are crucial for developing new therapeutics against it. Natural Killer (NK) cells are innate lymphocytes best known for their role against viruses and tumors.

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The fungal cell wall, comprised primarily of protein and polymeric carbohydrate, maintains cell structure, provides protection from the environment, and is an important antifungal drug target. Pir proteins (proteins with internal repeats) are linked to cell wall β-1,3-glucan and are best studied in . Sequential deletion of genes produces strains with increasingly notable cell wall damage.

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The agglutinin-like sequence () family is studied because of its contribution to cell adhesion, fungal colonization, and polymicrobial biofilm formation. The goal of this work was to derive an accurate census and sequence for genes in pathogenic yeasts and other closely related species, while probing the boundaries of the family within the Order Saccharomycetales. Bioinformatic methods were combined with laboratory experimentation to characterize 47 novel loci from 8 fungal species.

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Background: Colorectal cancer is one of the most common malignancies in the Western world, and is responsible for about 10% of annual cancer-related deaths. Especially for UICC stage IV, the probability of survival is significantly reduced. Little is known about risk factors for specific metastatic patterns of colorectal cancer that may also influence patients' overall survival.

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