Publications by authors named "H Svaeinova"

Circadian changes in mood have been described earlier. A positive affect (PA) has been separated from a negative affect (NA), as independent components in opposite admittedly subjective directions, a circadian rhythm characterizing both aspects. Herein, the time structure (chronome) of human mood is re-examined and extended from the circadian to the circaseptan domain by a meta-analysis of data on 196 clinically healthy students who filled out the positive (PA) and negative (NA) affective scale (PANAS), consisting each of 10-item mood scales.

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In order to investigate infradian aspects of sudden death, the daily incidence of 70,531 cases recorded in response to a call for an ambulance during 3 years (1979-1981) in Moscow, Russia, were re-analysed, focusing on multiseptans (components with periods of 7 days and/or multiples thereof). Apart from a prominent yearly and half-yearly variation in the daily incidence of sudden death, least squares spectra revealed the presence of about-weekly and two-weekly components. The about 15.

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