Publications by authors named "H Petek"

Scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) vibronic spectroscopy, which has provided submolecular insights into electron-vibration (vibronic) coupling, faces challenges when probing the pivotal low-frequency vibronic excitations. Because of eigenstate broadening on solid substrates, resolving low-frequency vibronic states demands strong decoupling. This work designs a type II band alignment in STM junction to achieve effective charge-transfer state decoupling.

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Temperature and humidity are studied in the context of seasonal infections in temperate and tropical zones, but the relationship between viral trends and climate variables in temperate subtropical zones remains underexplored. Our retrospective study analyzes respiratory pathogen incidence and its correlation with climate data in a subtropical zone. Retrospective observational study at Moinhos de Vento Hospital, South Brazil, aiming to assess seasonal trends in respiratory pathogens, correlating them with climate data.

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Article Synopsis
  • HPV is a common sexually transmitted infection caused by a DNA virus, which can lead to serious health issues, including various cancers associated with high-risk types like HPV-16 and HPV-18.
  • Low-risk HPV types, such as HPV-6 and HPV-11, can cause benign conditions like genital warts, which, while not dangerous, can cause discomfort and distress.
  • Prevention strategies include vaccination with effective HPV vaccines (such as Gardasil and Cervarix) and safe sexual practices, as HPV tests can be complicated due to the often asymptomatic nature of the infection.
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The momentum-forbidden dark excitons can have a pivotal role in quantum information processing, Bose-Einstein condensation, and light-energy harvesting. Anatase TiO with an indirect band gap is a prototypical platform to study bright to momentum-forbidden dark exciton transition. Here, we examine, by GW plus the real-time Bethe-Salpeter equation combined with the nonadiabatic molecular dynamics (GW + rtBSE-NAMD), the many-body transition that occurs within 100 fs from the optically excited bright to the strongly bound momentum-forbidden dark excitons in anatase TiO.

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After the preparation of 2D electronic flat band (EFB) in van der Waals (vdW) superlattices, recent measurements suggest the existence of 1D electronic flat bands (1D-EFBs) in twisted vdW bilayers. However, the realization of 1D-EFBs is experimentally elusive in untwisted 2D layers, which is desired considering their fabrication and scalability. Herein, the discovery of 1D-EFBs is reported in an untwisted in situ-grown two atomic-layer Bi(110) superlattice self-aligned on an SnSe(001) substrate using scanning probe microscopy measurements and density functional theory calculations.

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