Publications by authors named "H BERNHARDT"

Introduction: Biomarkers for Alzheimer's disease neuropathologic change (ADNC) have been instrumental in developing effective disease-modifying therapeutics. However, to prevent/treat dementia effectively, we require biomarkers for non-AD neuropathologies; for this, neuropathologic examinations and annotated tissue samples are essential.

Methods: We conducted clinicopathologic correlation for the first 100 Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative (ADNI) Neuropathology Core (NPC) cases.

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The Maillard reaction, a spontaneous 'one pot' reaction between amino acids and reducing sugars that occurs at low reactant concentrations and low temperatures, is a good candidate for having played a role in the origin of life on the Earth. In view of the probability that RNA and DNA were preceded by an evolutionary forerunner with a more straightforward prebiotic synthesis, it is a testament to the prescience of Oró and colleagues that, in 1975, they drew attention to the Maillard reaction, in particular evidence that melanoidin polymers (the end-product of the reaction) contain '…heterocyclic nitrogen compounds similar to the nitrogenous bases' (Nissenbaum in J Mol Evol 6:253-270, 1975). Indeed, reports of the Maillard reaction product, 2-Acetyl-6-(Hydroxymethyl)-5,6-Dihydro-4H-Pyridinone (AHDP), with a structure reminiscent of the pyrimidine nucleobase uracil, suggest the Maillard reaction might have played a key role in the synthesis of components of a proto-RNA polymer, with AHDP and two structurally related products predicted to be similar to uracil in the latter's ability to form non-standard base pair interactions.

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A mixture of sugar diphosphates is produced in reactions between small aldehyde phosphates catalysed by layered double hydroxide (LDH) clays under plausibly prebiotic conditions. A subset of these, pentose diphosphates, constitute the backbone subunits of nucleic acids capable of base pairing, which is not the case for the other products of these LDH-catalysed reactions. Not only that, but to date no other polymer found capable of base pairing-and therefore information transfer-has a backbone for which its monomer subunits have a plausible prebiotic synthesis, including the ribose-5-phosphate backbone subunit of RNA.

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Autonomous mobile robot scrapers are increasingly used in order to clean the floors on dairy farms. Given the complexity of robot scraper operation, stress may occur in cows due to unpredictability of the situation. Experiencing stress can impair animal welfare and, in the long term, the health and milk production of the cows.

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We have previously proposed that tRNA(Gly) was the first tRNA and glycine was the first amino acid incorporated into the genetic code. The next two amino acids incorporated would have been the other two small hydrophilic amino acids serine and aspartic acid, which occurred through the duplication of the tRNA(Gly) sequence, followed by mutation of its anticodon by single C to U transition mutations, possibly through spontaneous deamination. Interestingly, however, tRNA(Ser) has a different structure than most other tRNAs, possessing a long variable arm; because of this tRNA(Ser) is classified as a class II tRNA.

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