Publications by authors named "Gustafson P"

Introduction: Due to inferior safety profile and higher risk of diversion than buprenorphine/naloxone, guidelines typically recommend stringent eligibility criteria such as daily witnessed ingestion of methadone for at least 12 weeks before considering take-home doses. Recent research has focused on whether or not to initiate take-home methadone doses, often using pandemic-era data when temporary prescribing changes provided a natural experiment on the impact of access to take-home doses. However, none of these studies adequately examined the optimal timing and criteria for safely starting take-home doses to enhance treatment outcomes.

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Background: The purpose of external validation of a risk prediction model is to evaluate its performance before recommending it for use in a new population. Sample size calculations for such validation studies are currently based on classical inferential statistics around metrics of discrimination, calibration, and net benefit (NB). For NB as a measure of clinical utility, the relevance of inferential statistics is doubtful.

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 Misdiagnosed and maltreated wrist ligament injuries (scapholunate [SL], lunotriquetral, and triangular fibrocartilage complex [TFCC]) filed to the Swedish National Patient Insurance Company (LÖF ["regionernas ömsesidiga försäkringsbolag"]) 2011 to 2018 were analyzed in terms of complications and costs for society.  All filed claims are database registered. The database was assessed in June 2019 through injury International Classification of Diseases 10th Revision-SWE diagnoses.

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Background: Studies suggest that depression/anxiety form part of the multiple sclerosis (MS) prodrome. However, several biases have not been addressed. We re-examined this association after correcting for: (i) misclassification of individuals not seeking healthcare, (ii) differential surveillance of depression/anxiety in the health system, and (iii) misclassified person-time from using the date of the first MS-related diagnostic claim (i.

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Swedish surgical care shows high quality and patient safety. The reasons for this are several; among the most important are a generally well-educated staff and nation-wide quality registers. Areas in need of development are improved risk assessment and risk management, both for individual patients and for specific types of operations.

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Purpose: To analyse clinical characteristics and risk factors for post-operative endophthalmitis (POE) in a Swedish patient insurance database and compare prevalence of POE with two national quality registers.

Methods: We analysed 218 medical records of patients who claimed compensation for POE following ocular surgery from 2010 to 2020. The data were cross-referenced with national quality registers.

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Article Synopsis
  • Previous studies showed limited evidence on how buprenorphine versus methadone affects different groups of people using opioids, particularly with the rise of fentanyl use.
  • The study aimed to compare the risks of treatment discontinuation and mortality between individuals using buprenorphine/naloxone versus those using methadone for opioid use disorder in British Columbia from 2010 to 2020.
  • Findings revealed that users of buprenorphine/naloxone had a significantly higher likelihood of discontinuing treatment after 24 months compared to those on methadone, with 88.8% versus 81.5% discontinuing, indicating that methadone may be more effective in retaining users.
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We commend Alt et al.'s innovative approach for analysis with a hybrid control arm while offering insights into two key considerations: the necessity for extrapolation and the potential benefits of curating historical control data before analysis.

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To understand the transmissibility and spread of infectious diseases, epidemiologists turn to estimates of the instantaneous reproduction number. While many estimation approaches exist, their utility may be limited. Challenges of surveillance data collection, model assumptions that are unverifiable with data alone, and computationally inefficient frameworks are critical limitations for many existing approaches.

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Background: Prostate cancer ranks as the most frequently diagnosed cancer in men in the USA, with significant mortality rates. Early detection is pivotal for optimal patient outcomes, providing increased treatment options and potentially less invasive interventions. There remain significant challenges in prostate cancer histopathology, including the potential for missed diagnoses due to pathologist variability and subjective interpretations.

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Hip and knee arthroplasties are mostly successful procedures; however, patient injuries may occur and should be reported to Löf, the Swedish patient insurance. This study investigated the incidence of patient injuries after primary total hip and knee arthroplasty in the Swedish regions, differences in incidence depending on annual surgical volume, and types of approved injuries. Approved patient injuries were related to the total number of hip and knee arthroplasties registered in the Swedish Arthroplasty Register 2012-2021.

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Introduction: Opioid agonist treatment (OAT) tapering involves a gradual reduction in daily medication dose to ultimately reach a state of opioid abstinence. Due to the high risk of relapse and overdose after tapering, this practice is not recommended by clinical guidelines, however, clients may still request to taper off medication. The ideal time to initiate an OAT taper is not known.

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Observational data provide invaluable real-world information in medicine, but certain methodological considerations are required to derive causal estimates. In this systematic review, we evaluated the methodology and reporting quality of individual-level patient data meta-analyses (IPD-MAs) conducted with non-randomized exposures, published in 2009, 2014, and 2019 that sought to estimate a causal relationship in medicine. We screened over 16,000 titles and abstracts, reviewed 45 full-text articles out of the 167 deemed potentially eligible, and included 29 into the analysis.

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Following an extensive simulation study comparing the operating characteristics of three different procedures used for establishing equivalence (the frequentist "TOST," the Bayesian "HDI-ROPE," and the Bayes factor interval null procedure), Linde et al. (2021) conclude with the recommendation that "researchers rely more on the Bayes factor interval null approach for quantifying evidence for equivalence" (p. 1).

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Background: Instrumental variable (IV) analysis provides an alternative set of identification assumptions in the presence of uncontrolled confounding when attempting to estimate causal effects. Our objective was to evaluate the suitability of measures of prescriber preference and calendar time as potential IVs to evaluate the comparative effectiveness of buprenorphine/naloxone versus methadone for treatment of opioid use disorder (OUD).

Methods: Using linked population-level health administrative data, we constructed five IVs: prescribing preference at the individual, facility, and region levels (continuous and categorical variables), calendar time, and a binary prescriber's preference IV in analyzing the treatment assignment-treatment discontinuation association using both incident-user and prevalent-new-user designs.

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Background: Health intervention implementation in Aotearoa New Zealand (NZ), as in many countries globally, usually varies by ethnicity. Māori (the Indigenous peoples of Aotearoa) and Pacific peoples are less likely to receive interventions than other ethnic groups, despite experiencing persistent health inequities. This study aimed to develop an equity-focused implementation framework, appropriate for the Aotearoa NZ context, to support the planning and delivery of equitable implementation pathways for health interventions, with the intention of achieving equitable outcomes for Māori, as well as people originating from the Pacific Islands.

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To describe trends and identify maternal and pregnancy predictive risk factors for having a compensated claim for a maternal injury during delivery, as a proxy for having received suboptimal care. This nationwide retrospective cohort study included 1 754 869 births in Sweden between 2000 and 2016, including 4488 maternal injury claims filed with The National Swedish Patient Insurance Company (Löf), of which 1637 were compensated. Descriptive statistics on maternal and pregnancy characteristics, trends in filed/compensated claims over time, and distribution of compensated claims by clinical classification are presented.

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Background: Inequities in implementation contribute to the unequal benefit of health interventions between groups of people with differing levels of advantage in society. Implementation science theories, models and frameworks (TMFs) provide a theoretical basis for understanding the multi-level factors that influence implementation outcomes and are used to guide implementation processes. This study aimed to identify and analyse TMFs that have an equity focus or have been used to implement interventions in populations who experience ethnicity or 'race'-related health inequities.

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Observational data provide invaluable real-world information in medicine, but certain methodological considerations are required to derive causal estimates. In this systematic review, we evaluated the methodology and reporting quality of individual-level patient data meta-analyses (IPD-MAs) published in 2009, 2014, and 2019 that sought to estimate a causal relationship in medicine. We screened over 16,000 titles and abstracts, reviewed 45 full-text articles out of the 167 deemed potentially eligible, and included 29 into the analysis.

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Introduction: Overdose events related to illicit opioids and other substances are a public health crisis in Canada. The BC Provincial Overdose Cohort is a collection of linked datasets identifying drug-related toxicity events, including death, ambulance, emergency room, hospital, and physician records. The datasets were brought together to understand factors associated with drug-related overdose and can also provide information on pathways of care among people who experience an overdose.

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Suppression of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis is a well-characterised maternal adaptation that limits the exposure of the offspring to maternally-derived stress hormones. This current study has investigated the possible involvement of the lactogenic hormone, prolactin, in this physiologically important adaptation. As expected, circulating prolactin levels were higher in unstressed lactating mice compared to their virgin counterparts.

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