Early diagnosis and disease phenotyping in COPD are currently limited by the use of spirometry, which may remain normal despite significant small-airways disease and which may not fully capture a patient's underlying pathophysiology. In this study we explored the use of a new non-invasive technique that assesses gas-exchange inhomogeneity in patients with COPD of varying disease severity (according to GOLD Stage), compared with age-matched healthy controls. The technique, which combines highly accurate measurement of respiratory gas exchange using a bespoke molecular flow sensor and a mechanistic mathematical model of the lung, provides new indices of lung function: the parameters σCL, σCd, and σVD represent the standard deviations of distributions for alveolar compliance, anatomical deadspace and vascular conductance relative to lung volume, respectively.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFTime-resolved observations have been made of the formation of vibrationally excited NO X Π (') following collisional quenching of NO A Σ ( = 0) by NO X Π ( = 0). Two time scales are observed, namely a fast production rate consistent with direct formation from the quenching of the electronically excited NO A state, together with a slow component, the magnitude and rate of formation of which depend upon NO pressure. A reservoir state formed by quenching of NO A Σ ( = 0) is invoked to explain the observations, and the available evidence points to this state being the first electronically excited state of NO, a Π.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFRespiratory approaches to determining cardiac output in humans are securely rooted in mass balance and therefore potentially highly accurate. To address existing limitations in the gas analysis, we developed an in-airway analyser based on laser absorption spectroscopy to provide analyses every 10 ms. The technique for estimating cardiac output requires both a relatively soluble and insoluble tracer gas, and we employed acetylene and methane for these, respectively.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFKetone testing is an important element of the self-management of illness in type 1 diabetes. The aim of the present study was to see if a breath test for acetone could be used to predict quantitatively the levels of the ketone betahydroxybutyrate in the blood of those with type 1 diabetes, and thus be used as an alternative to capillary testing for ketones. Simultaneous capillary ketones and breath acetone were measured in 72 individuals with type 1 diabetes attending a diabetes clinic and on 9 individuals admitted to hospital with diabetic ketoacidosis.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe fraction of exhaled nitric oxide (FNO) is an important biomarker for the diagnosis and management of asthma and other pulmonary diseases associated with airway inflammation. In this study we report on a novel method for accurate, highly time-resolved, real time detection of FNO at the mouth. The experimental arrangement is based on a combination of optical sensors for the determination of the temporal profile of exhaled NO and CO concentrations.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIntroduction: In asthma, lung function measures are often discordant with clinical features such as disease activity or control.
Methods: We investigated a novel technique that provides a measure (σCL) of unevenness (inhomogeneity) in lung inflation/deflation. In particular, we compared σCL with FEV% predicted (FEV%pred) as measures of disease activity in the asthmatic lung.
Inhomogeneity in the lung impairs gas exchange and can be an early marker of lung disease. We hypothesized that highly precise measurements of gas exchange contain sufficient information to quantify many aspects of the inhomogeneity noninvasively. Our aim was to explore whether one parameterization of lung inhomogeneity could both fit such data and provide reliable parameter estimates.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFCollisional quenching of NO AΣ (v = 0, 1) by O has been studied through the detection of vibrationally excited products by time-resolved Fourier transform infrared emission spectroscopy. Non-reactive quenching of NO AΣ (v = 0) produces a vibrational distribution in NO XΠ which has been quantified for v = 2-22, and is found to be bimodal. The results are consistent with two quenching channels.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFA portable and compact device is demonstrated for measuring acetone in breath samples. The device features a 7 cm long high finesse optical cavity as an optical sensor that is coupled to a miniature adsorption preconcentrator containing 0.5 g of polymer material.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThere are no satisfactory methods for monitoring oxygen consumption in critical care. To address this, we adapted laser absorption spectroscopy to provide measurements of O2, CO2, and water vapor within the airway every 10 ms. The analyzer is integrated within a novel respiratory flow meter that is an order of magnitude more precise than other flow meters.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFRespiratory physicians use bronchoscopy for visual assessment of the lungs' topography and collecting tissue samples for external analysis. We propose a novel bronchoscope tool that would enable spatially dependent measurements of the functioning of the lungs by determining local concentrations of carbon dioxide, which will be produced by healthy parts of the lung at rates that are higher than from portions where gas exchange is impaired. The gas analyzer is based on a compact laser absorption spectrometer making use of fiber optics for delivery and return of low intensity diode laser radiation to and from the measurement chamber at the distal end of a flexible conduit.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFPrevious studies have suggested that breath gases may be related to simultaneous blood glucose and blood ketone levels in adults with type 2 and type 1 diabetes. The aims of this study were to investigate these relationships in children and young people with type 1 diabetes in order to assess the efficacy of a simple breath test as a non-invasive means of diabetes management. Gases were collected in breath bags and measurements were compared with capillary blood glucose and ketone levels taken at the same time on a single visit to a routine hospital clinic in 113 subjects (59 male, age 7 years 11 months-18 years 3 months) with type 1 diabetes.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWe present a novel strategy for suppressing mode structure which often degrades off-axis cavity enhanced absorption spectra. This strategy relies on promoting small, random fluctuations in the optical frequency by perturbing the injection current of the diode laser source with radio frequency (RF) bandwidth-limited white noise. A fast and compact oxygen sensor, constructed from a 764 nm vertical-cavity surface-emitting laser (VCSEL) and an optical cavity with re-entrant configuration, is employed to demonstrate the potential of this scheme for improving the sensitivity and robustness of a field-deployable cavity spectrometer.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFA robust method is demonstrated to measure acetone in human breath at sub parts-per-million by volume (ppmv) concentrations using diode laser cavity enhanced absorption spectroscopy. The laser operates in the near-infrared at about 1690 nm probing overtone transitions in acetone in a spectral region relatively free from interference from common breath species such as CO2, water, and methane. Using an optical cavity with a length of 45 cm, bound by mirrors of 99.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe quenching rates of NO (A(2)Σ(+), v = 0) with He, Ne, Ar, Kr and Xe have been studied at room temperature by measurements of the time dependence of the fluorescence decay following laser excitation. The rates are slow, with upper limits of rate constants determined as between 1.2 and 2.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFCombining broadband light sources with optical cavities is a well established approach to sensitive monitoring of trace species in both gas and liquid phases. Here we investigate for the first time the potential of a novel source based on laser-driven xenon plasma technology for spectroscopic studies of gaseous species over the 170-2100 nm spectral range.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFCollisional quenching of NO A (2)Σ(+) (v = 0) by N(2)O and CO(2) has been studied through measurements of vibrationally excited products by time resolved Fourier transform infrared emission. In both cases vibrationally excited NO X (2)Π (v) is seen and quantified in levels v≥ 2 with distributions which are close to statistical. However the quantum yields to produce these levels are markedly different for the two quenchers.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFA high-resolution absorption spectrum of gaseous acetone near 8.2 μm has been taken using both Fourier transform and quantum cascade laser (QCL)-based infrared spectrometers. Absolute absorption cross sections within the 1215-1222 cm(-1) range have been determined, and the spectral window around 1216.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFAccurate measurements of the absolute concentrations of radical species present in the atmosphere are invaluable for better understanding atmospheric processes and their impact on Earth systems. One of the most interesting species is HO(2), the hydroperoxyl radical, whose atmospheric daytime levels are on the order of 10 ppt and whose observation therefore requires very sensitive detection techniques. In this work, we demonstrate the first steps toward the application of external-cavity diode-laser-based noise-immune cavity-enhanced optical heterodyne molecular spectroscopy (NICE-OHMS) to the detection of the HO(2) radical in the near-infrared range.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe use of sidestream analyzers for respired gas analysis is almost universal. However, they are not ideal for measurements of respiratory gas exchange because the analyses are both temporally dissociated from measurements of respiratory flow and also not generally conducted under the same physical conditions. This study explores the possibility of constructing an all optical, fast response, in-line breath analyzer for oxygen and carbon dioxide.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFA white light-emitting diode (LED) with emission between 420 and 700 nm and a supercontinuum (SC) source with emission between 450 and 2500 nm have been compared for use in evanescent wave broadband cavity-enhanced absorption spectroscopy (EW-BB-CEAS). The method is calibrated using a dye with known absorbance. While the LED is more economic as an excitation source, the SC source is superior both in terms of baseline noise (noise equivalent absorbances lower than 10(-5) compared to 10(-4) absorbance units (a.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFA periodically poled LiNbO3 (PPLN) crystal waveguide has been used to produce up to 200 microW of mid-infrared light around 3081 cm(-1) with a wide tunability range of approximately 35 cm(-1). Two commercial near-infrared diode lasers at 1.064 microm (pump) and 1.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFRates of vibrational quenching of NO (v = 1-16) in collisions with a series of quenching species NO, NO2, N2O, He and Ar have been measured at 295 K. NO (v) was formed both by the O(1D) + N2O reaction and the 193 nm photolysis of NO(2), and time-resolved FTIR emission was used to follow the behaviour of the vibrationally excited species. The trends in quenching rate constants can be explained in terms of V-T transfer, V-V transfer and by the effects of competing processes.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFAbsolute peak absorption cross sections and pressure broadening coefficients have been recorded with sub-Doppler limited instrumental resolution for selected rotational lines in the 2(0)(2)4(0)(1) vibronic band of the formaldehyde A(1)A2-X(1)A1 electronic transition. The measured absorption cross sections range between (0.18 +/- 0.
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