Publications by authors named "Gus'kova A"

It was determined the ratio of viral DNA and DNA from Vero cells using the polymerase chain reaction in real time in Vero cell lysate, infected with L2 strain of the herpes simplex virus type 1. Copy number of the virus reached a maximum after 24 hours of incubation of infection. Total DNA was isolated and sequenced using NGS technology by Ion Torrent device.

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Data of researches of consequences for health after the Chernobyl accident in 1986 are generalized. Consequences for health of these groups and principles of the further supervision over them are estimated. The increasing of leukemia among the reasons attracts attention.

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The paper sums up the information on radiation incidents at the former USSR territory, which incidents are related to the human exposure of clinically significant effects. Within more than 60 years (since 1949), at least 356 radiation incidents accompanied by the clinically significant human exposure have happened at the former USSR territory, which has resulted to clinically significant health effects in 765 victims. This exposed cohort includes 348 acute radiation sickness (ARS) patients including cases aggravated by local radiation injuries (LRI).

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Cloned laboratory mutants of herpes simplex virus type I resistant to acycloguanosine H-phosphonate have been investigated. For all clones were shown that mutations resulted to increasing of sensitivity to acting of sidofovir. Thymidine kinase of mutant viruses partially preserves the ability to phosphorilate thymidine, but loses the ability to phosphorilate BVDU.

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The primary structures of DNA-polymerase (ul30) and thymidine kinase (ul23) genes from several herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) clinical isolates which differed in sensitivity for a number of antiherpetic drugs were determined and compared with those for two laboratory HSV-1 strains one of which was ACV-sensitive (L2), while the another was resistant (L2) to ACV. The phylogenetic analysis of the sequences showed that conserved regions of ul30 gene of HSV-1 clinical isolates and L2 strain were homologous with the exception of point mutations and degenerated substitutions. Several new mutations in the HSV-1 DNA-polymerase and thymidine kinase functional domains were established and identified as the substitutions associated with the strain-resistance to ACV and other drugs.

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In this study, we continued to study antiherpetic properties of acyclovir 5'-hydrogenphosphonate (Hp-ACV) in cell cultures and animal models. Hp-ACV was shown to inhibit the development of herpetic infection in mice induced by the HSV-1/L(2) strain. The compound suppressed replication of both ACV-sensitive HSV-1/L(2) and ACV-resistant HSV-1/L(2)/R strains in Vero cell culture.

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The Chernobyl accident resulted in almost one-third of the reported cases of acute radiation sickness (ARS) reported worldwide. Cases occurred among the plant employees and first responders but not among the evacuated populations or general population. The diagnosis of ARS was initially considered for 237 persons based on symptoms of nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea.

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The author of the article analyzes the significance of radiation medicine in the system of medical sciences, and stresses that radiation medicine and other fields of medicine have a lot of common points in their interests and the ways of development. All these points concern patients and problems of the evaluation of their health status in connection with diverse forms of radiation contacts. The author discusses the reliability of the sources of information and the forms of data presentation in the main publications addressed to certain groups of medical practitioners, researchers, and healthcare managers.

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The article deals with consequences seen in track driver after prolonged exposure to radiation caused by "lost" gamma-source (cesium-137) that long remained in receptacle of the vehicle's left door. Radiation dose averaged 8 Gy. The authors presented clinical manifestations, changes in peripheral blood and bone marrow, cytogenetic data by progression of radiation hemopoiesis hypoplasy to myelodysplastic syndrome and to acute leukaemia.

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The author analysed results of medical service in atomic industry and power engineering over 50 years. Those results are beneficial for management in occupational medicine for any new complicated and potentially dangerous technology and activity.

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Health effects as a result of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant occurred in 1986 are considered in the paper. Wrong prognosis of the health effects with respect to mortality and morbidity among the population exposed to low radiation doses is shown. Proven increase in thyroid cancer cases among people who were children aged from 0 to 18 at the time of the accident is shown.

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The analysis was performed on 514 blood lymphocytes from a person accidentally exposed to 137Cs. Blood samples were collected 1 year after exposure three times at intervals of one month. Terminal deletions and simple translocations were found to predominate in all cases.

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Information being collected for some tens year in frame of clinical study of radiation effects in man in broad range of dose and exposure variants has been summarised and systematized. It has been formulated the questions which could be answered under only clinical observation with many difficulties: diagnostical and prognostical criteria for evaluation of therapy efficiency in non-bone marrow syndrome of acute radiation disease choice and conformity of methods of bone marrow syndrome therapy in overlethal range of dose; improving of preclinical examination of means and methods of acute radiation syndrome prophylaxis and treatment; comparative analysis of the role of various radiation factors in development of oncological and severe somatic diseases and possibility of these effects modification. Some limitations in extrapolation of experimental data onto clinical practice has been discussed and optimal forms of cooperation are shown.

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Causes of death were analysed for two groups of subjects exposed to radiation in 1986 because of the Chernobyl accident. 27 victims were exposed to external gamma-radiation (4.3-13.

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Results, prospects of studying the effects of ionizing radiation on human beings are considered with regard to the outcomes of the Chernobyl catastrophe and the results of a 5-year implementation of the All-Union Programme C-27. Present-day problems and approaches to investigation for the nearest 5-year period are formulated.

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There have been studied 1037 cases of hand and finger punch injuries, observed in 786 victims. An analysis of the trauma causes allowed to carry out the complex of preventive measures. The efficiency of these measures is testified by 3-fold decrease of occupational traumatism at Lysvensk metal works during 5 recent years.

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