Importance: Acute back pain is a common reason for primary care visits and often results in low-value spinal imaging.
Objective: To evaluate the effect of a standardized patient-delivered intervention on rates of low-value spinal imaging among primary care patients with acute low back pain.
Design, Setting, And Participants: In this randomized clinical trial, physicians or advanced practice clinicians were recruited from March 22 to August 5, 2021, from 10 adult primary care or urgent care clinics in Sacramento, California.
Background: A concern before 2020, physician burnout worsened during the COVID-19 pandemic. Little empirical data are available on pandemic workplace support interventions or their influence on burnout. We surveyed a national sample of frontline physicians on burnout and workplace support during the pandemic.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: Telemedicine expanded rapidly during the COVID-19 pandemic, as key policy changes, financial support, and pandemic fears tipped the balance toward internet-based care. Despite this increased support and benefits to patients and clinicians, telemedicine uptake was variable across clinicians and practices. Little is known regarding physician and institutional characteristics underlying this variability.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFImportance: Opioid tapering has been associated with negative consequences, such as increased overdoses and mental health needs. Tapering could also alter use of health care services and worsen care of comorbid conditions through disruption in primary care.
Objective: To evaluate tapering of stable long-term opioid therapy (LTOT) and subsequent health care service use and chronic condition care.
Objective: Vasomotor symptoms (VMS), the most frequently reported symptoms during the menopausal transition, have been associated with inflammation. Whether inflammation is a risk factor for or a consequence of VMS remains unclear. The objectives of these analyses were to determine if elevated proinflammatory marker levels were associated with increased incident VMS in women without VMS at baseline and whether these associations varied by menopause transition stage or race/ethnicity.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFImportance: Patients prescribed long-term opioid therapy are increasingly undergoing dose tapering. Recent studies suggest that tapering is associated with short-term risks of substance misuse, overdose, and mental health crisis, although lower opioid dose could reduce risks of adverse events over the longer term.
Objective: To assess the longer-term risks of overdose or mental health crisis associated with opioid dose tapering.
Objective: To examine whether patterns of sexual intercourse frequency and demographic, menopausal status, genitourinary, health, and psychosocial factors are associated with developing sexual pain across the menopausal transition.
Methods: These were longitudinal analyses of questionnaire data from the multicenter, multiracial and ethnic prospective cohort SWAN (Study of Women's Health Across the Nation) (1995-2008). We used multivariable discrete-time proportional hazards models to examine whether incident sexual pain was associated with preceding long-term (up to 10 visits) or short-term (two and three visits) sexual intercourse frequency patterns or other factors (eg, menopause status, genitourinary symptoms, lifestyle factors, and mental health).
Importance: Opioid-related mortality and national prescribing guidelines have led to tapering of doses among patients prescribed long-term opioid therapy for chronic pain. There is limited information about risks related to tapering, including overdose and mental health crisis.
Objective: To assess whether there are associations between opioid dose tapering and rates of overdose and mental health crisis among patients prescribed stable, long-term, higher-dose opioids.
Background: Obesity is associated with a higher incidence of atrial fibrillation (AF). Weight reduction improves outcomes in patients known to have AF.
Objective: The purpose of this study was to compare the incidence of heart failure (HF) or first-time AF hospitalization in obese patients undergoing bariatric surgery (BAS) vs other abdominal surgeries.
Objective: To evaluate the dose trajectory of new opioid tapers and estimate the percentage of patients with sustained tapers at long-term follow-up.
Design: Retrospective cohort study.
Setting: Data from the OptumLabs Data Warehouse® which includes de-identified medical and pharmacy claims and enrollment records for commercial and Medicare Advantage enrollees, representing a diverse mixture of ages, ethnicities, and geographical regions across the United States.
Purpose: We undertook a study to evaluate variation in the availability of primary care new patient appointments for Medi-Cal (California Medicaid) enrollees in Northern California, and its relationship to emergency department (ED) use after Medicaid expansion.
Methods: We placed simulated calls by purported Medi-Cal enrollees to 581 primary care clinicians (PCCs) listed as accepting new patients in online directories of Medi-Cal managed care plans. Data from the California Health Interview Survey, Medi-Cal enrollment reports, and California hospital discharge records were used in analyses.
Pediatr Diabetes
June 2020
Background: Modern therapy for type 1 diabetes (T1D) increasingly utilizes technology such as insulin pumps and continuous glucose monitors (CGMs). Prior analyses suggest that T1D costs are driven by preventable hospitalizations, but recent escalations in insulin prices and use of technology may have changed the cost landscape.
Methods: We conducted a retrospective analysis of T1D medical costs from 2012 to 2016 using the OptumLabs Data Warehouse, a comprehensive database of deidentified administrative claims for commercial insurance enrollees.
Importance: A 2016 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention prescribing guideline cautioned against higher-dose long-term opioid therapy and recommended tapering daily opioid doses by approximately 10% per week if the risks outweigh the benefits. Warnings have since appeared regarding potential hazards of rapid opioid tapering.
Objectives: To characterize US trends in opioid dose tapering among patients prescribed long-term opioids from 2008 to 2017 and identify patient-level variables associated with tapering and a more rapid rate of tapering.
Care teams are increasingly expected to attend to the needs of patient's personal caregivers (e.g., family members).
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: Patients with advanced, incurable cancer who understand their illness is incurable are more likely to prefer hospice care at the end of life compared with patients who believe their illness is curable. To the authors' knowledge, it is unclear whether patient-caregiver agreement regarding perceived prognosis is associated with hospice enrollment.
Methods: The current study examined the prospective relationship between patient-caregiver agreement concerning perceived prognosis and hospice enrollment in the last 30 days of life.
Background: In caring for patients with advanced cancer, accurate estimation of survival is important for clinical decision making. The purpose of this study was to assess the accuracy of 2-year survival probabilities estimated by oncologists, patients, and caregivers and to identify demographic and clinical factors associated with prognostic accuracy.
Methods: This was a secondary observational analysis of data obtained from a cluster randomized controlled trial.
Context: Although patient and physician characteristics are thought to be predictive of discretionary interventions at the end of life (EoL), few studies have data on both parties.
Objective: To test the hypothesis that patient preferences and physician attitudes are both independently associated with discretionary interventions at the EoL.
Methods: We report secondary analyses of data collected prospectively from physicians (n = 38) and patients with advanced cancer (n = 265) in the Values and Options in Cancer Care study.
Objective: California's Mental Health Services Act Prevention and Early Intervention funds provide a unique opportunity for counties to initiate programs focused on early intervention in mental health, including early psychosis. To explain the configuration of early psychosis programs and plan for a statewide evaluation, this report provides an overview of California's early psychosis programming, including service composition, funding sources, inclusion criteria, and data collection practices.
Methods: Following a comprehensive identification process, early psychosis program representatives were contacted to complete the California Early Psychosis Assessment Survey (CEPAS).
Context:: Completion of advance directives (ADs) enhances the likelihood of receiving goal-concordant treatments near the end of life. Previous research on community samples have shown that completion of ADs is less common in lower socioeconomic status demographic group; there is a paucity of such research in patients with cancer.
Objectives:: To study the effect of income and education on the completion of ADs.
Background: Catheter ablation (ABL) for non-valvular (NV) atrial fibrillation (AF) improves rhythm control. Our aim was to compare re-hospitalization for heart failure (HF), acute coronary syndrome (ACS), or recurrent AF among patients with NVAF who underwent ABL versus controls.
Methods: From the Office of Statewide Planning and Development (OSHPD) database, we identified all patients who had at least one hospitalization for AF between 2005-2013.
Introduction: Frequent users of emergency departments (ED) account for 21-28% of all ED visits nationwide. The objective of our study was to identify characteristics unique to patients with psychiatric illness who are frequent ED users for mental health care. Understanding unique features of this population could lead to better care and lower healthcare costs.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFContext: Little is known about the hopes patients with advanced (incurable) cancer have for their treatment.
Objectives: The objective of this study was to describe the treatment hopes of advanced cancer patients, factors associated with expressing specific hopes, and the persons with whom hopes are discussed.
Methods: We surveyed 265 advanced cancer patients in the U.
Objective: To identify predictors of participation of patients with advanced cancer in clinical encounters with oncologists and to assess the impact of patient and caregiver participation on perceptions of physician support.
Methods: This is a secondary data analysis from the Values and Options in Cancer Care study, a cluster randomized clinical trial of a patient-centered communication intervention. Patients and caregivers completed pre-visit and post-visit health and communication measures.
The purpose of this pilot randomized controlled trial was to investigate the acceptability and efficacy of the Acquiring Career, Coping, Executive control, Social Skills (ACCESS) Program, a group intervention tailored for young adults with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) to enhance critical skills and beliefs that promote adult functioning, including social and adaptive skills, self-determination skills, and coping self-efficacy. Forty-four adults with ASD (ages 18-38; 13 females) and their caregivers were randomly assigned to treatment or waitlist control. Compared to controls, adults in treatment significantly improved in adaptive and self-determination skills, per caregiver report, and self-reported greater belief in their ability to access social support to cope with stressors.
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