Publications by authors named "Guglielmo Venturi"

Combination antiretroviral therapy (ART) suppresses detectible HIV-1 replication, but latent reservoirs and persistent immune activation contribute to residual viral-associated morbidities and potential viral reactivation. youth with HIV (YWH) virally suppressed on ART early in infection before CD4 T cell decline with fewer comorbidities compared to adults represent a critical population for identifying markers associated with viral control and predictors of viral breakthrough. This study employed a multi-omics approach to evaluate plasma biomarkers and cellular gene expression profiles in 52 participants, including 27 YWH on ART for 144 weeks and 25 youth with no infection (NI) (ages 18-24).

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Article Synopsis
  • HIV-exposed uninfected (HEU) infants show higher levels of pro-inflammatory biomarkers that continue after birth, potentially influenced by maternal immunity in pregnant women with HIV (PWH).
  • The study analyzed plasma samples from 46 HEU infants and their mothers, comparing results with pregnant women without HIV (PWOH) and their HIV unexposed uninfected (HUU) newborns.
  • Results indicated that both PWH and HEU infants have elevated immune biomarkers, but many of these levels normalized in HEU infants by 6 months, suggesting the short-term effects of maternal inflammation on their immune development.
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Introduction: Factors influencing vaccine immune priming in the first year of life involve both innate and adaptive immunity but there are gaps in understanding how these factors sustain vaccine antibody levels in healthy infants. The hypothesis was that bioprofiles associated with B cell survival best predict sustained vaccine IgG levels at one year.

Methods: Longitudinal study of plasma bioprofiles in 82 term, healthy infants, who received standard recommended immunizations in the United States, with changes in 15 plasma biomarker concentrations and B cell subsets associated with germinal center development monitored at birth, soon after completion of the initial vaccine series at 6 months, and prior to the 12-month vaccinations.

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Objective: HIV-associated neurocognitive disorders persist despite early antiretroviral therapy (ART) and optimal viral suppression. We examined the relationship between immunopathogenesis driven by various pathways of immune activation and discrete neurocognitive performance domains in youth with HIV (YWH).

Design: Observational cross-sectional study.

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Both HIV infection and tenofovir disoproxil fumarate (TDF) treatment adversely impact bone metabolism and may lead to osteopenia, which has critical implications for youth with HIV (YWH). This study evaluates changes in the biomarkers of bone metabolism and inflammation among YWH receiving initial treatment with TDF- and non-TDF-containing antiretroviral therapies (ARTs). YWH [ = 23, median age 21 years (range 18-24), 87% male, 61% African American] were assessed for inflammatory and bone metabolism biomarkers at enrollment, after 48 weeks of TDF-containing ART, and 96 weeks of ART without TDF with continued viral suppression.

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Objective: Regulatory B cells that inhibit immune responses through interleukin-10 (IL-10) secretion (B10 cells) have been characterized in adult subjects with autoimmune disease. The aim of this study was to characterize B10 cells in individuals across the entire age range of normal human development and changes in their frequency and numbers in children with autoimmunity.

Methods: The phenotype and numbers of B10 cells in blood were examined in healthy individuals and children with autoimmunity, using flow cytometry.

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CD22 is a transmembrane glycoprotein expressed by mature B cells. It inhibits signal transduction by the B-cell receptor and its coreceptor CD19. Recent reports indicate that most human lung cancer cells and cell lines express CD22, making it an important new therapeutic target for lung cancer.

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Pathogens use numerous methods to subvert host immune responses, including the modulation of host IL-10 production by diverse cell types. However, the B cell sources of IL-10 and their overall influence on innate and cellular immune responses have not been well characterized during infections. Using Listeria as a model pathogen, infection drove the acute expansion of a small subset of regulatory B cells (B10 cells) that potently suppress inflammation and autoimmunity through the production of IL-10.

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Regulatory B cells control inflammation and autoimmunity in mice, including the recently identified IL-10-competent B10 cell subset that represents 1% to 3% of spleen B cells. In this study, a comparable IL-10-competent B10 cell subset was characterized in human blood. B10 cells were functionally identified by their ability to express cytoplasmic IL-10 after 5 hours of ex vivo stimulation, whereas progenitor B10 (B10pro) cells required 48 hours of in vitro stimulation before they acquired the ability to express IL-10.

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CD20 antibody depletion of B lymphocytes effectively ameliorates multiple T cell-mediated autoimmune diseases through mechanisms that remain unclear. To address this, a mouse CD20 antibody that depletes >95% of mature B cells in mice with otherwise intact immune systems was used to assess the role of B cells in CD4(+) and CD8(+) T cell activation and expansion in vivo. B cell depletion had no direct effect on T cell subsets or the activation status of CD4(+) and CD8(+) T cells in naive mice.

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Rheumatoid arthritis is a systemic autoimmune disease. B cells are likely to play a critical role in arthritis pathogenesis, although it is unclear whether they are necessary for disease induction, autoantibody production, or disease progression. To assess the role of B cells in inflammatory arthritis, B cells were depleted using mouse anti-mouse CD20 mAbs in a mouse model of collagen-induced arthritis.

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The molecular mechanisms controlling regulatory CD25(+)Foxp3(+)CD4(+) T cell (T(reg)) migration are central to in vivo immune responses. T(reg) cell subsets differentially express L-selectin, an adhesion molecule mediating lymphocyte migration to peripheral LNs (PLNs) and leukocyte rolling during inflammation. In this study, L-selectin was essential for T(reg) cell migration and normal tissue distribution.

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Although anti-CD20 immunotherapy effectively treats human lymphoma and autoimmune disease, the in vivo effect of immunotherapy on tissue B cells and their subsets is generally unknown. To address this, anti-mouse CD20 mAbs were used in a mouse model in which the extent and kinetics of tissue B cell depletion could be assessed in vivo. CD20 mAb treatment depleted most mature B cells within 2 days, with 95-98% of B cells in the bone marrow, blood, spleen, lymph nodes, and gut-associated lymphoid tissues depleted by day 7, including marginal zone and follicular B cells.

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Leukocyte migration from blood into lymphoid and non-lymphoid tissues requires a highly orchestrated series of adhesive and signaling events. A network of adhesion molecules with overlapping functions mediate the capture, rolling and firm adhesion of leukocytes to the vascular endothelium. A new study adds a novel twist to this paradigm by demonstrating that two adhesion molecules, CD44 and VLA-4, must be physically associated with each other on activated T cells to mediate efficient rolling and firm adhesion.

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L-selectin mediates lymphocyte migration to peripheral lymph nodes and leukocyte rolling on vascular endothelium during inflammation. One unique feature that distinguishes L-selectin from other adhesion molecules is that it is rapidly cleaved from the cell surface after cellular activation. The biological significance of L-selectin endoproteolytic release was determined by generating gene-targeted mice expressing a modified receptor that was not cleaved from the cell surface.

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Selectin family members largely mediate initial tethering and rolling of leukocytes on vascular endothelium, whereas integrin and Ig family members are essential for leukocyte firm adhesion. To quantify functional synergy between L-selectin and Ig family members during leukocyte rolling, the EA.hy926 human vascular endothelial line was transfected with either fucosyltransferase VII (926-FtVII) cDNA to generate L-selectin ligands alone or together with ICAM-1 cDNA (926-FtVII/ICAM-1).

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L-selectin mediates the initial capture and subsequent rolling of leukocytes along inflamed vascular endothelium and mediates lymphocyte migration to peripheral lymphoid tissues. Leukocyte activation induces rapid endoproteolytic cleavage of L-selectin from the cell surface, generating soluble L-selectin (sL-selectin). Because human sL-selectin retains ligand-binding activity in vitro, mouse sL-selectin and its in vivo relevance were characterized.

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